“You are only making him famous, a Rock star!”

I have said it before: Nature abhors vacuum and people need to find somebody to blame. We keep playing the “Don’t mention the Killer” game and Gun Control wastes no time in blaming the NRA and Gun Owners.

If you dig a hole and leave it empty, somebody will come and fill it with something you may not like.

Stop playing this dumb game.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

16 thoughts on ““Oh, you cannot mention the name of the shooter!””
  1. Sorry but I think do that there’s a copycat element to these shootings. Within hours the big media is showing where the killer’s body count fits historically and then spend weeks talking about his “motive” (which is usually that they are crazy, on psych meds, and doesn’t have a father figure). I think we should all endeavor to voluntarily never use their name. Publish everything else, family statements, life details, etc, but just call him the the “Santa Fe coward” or whatever. Don’t provide the notoriety that some surely crave. Of course his name will be available on the internet, in blogs, official police reports, etc. but you don’t have to contribute to it.

    1. Yes, because kids these days get their information fromwatching the Evening News with Pretty Boy and Cool Girl

      You are trying to stop the leak in the colander with one finger.
      Use the name, Insult the fucker, make up shit about his sexuality, defame his ass.

      But nooooo! We can’t do that, we must not mention him and we are the ones that get called names and blamed for the shit he did.

      You want to eliminate copycats? We need to get rid of Gun Free schools and hope every asshole that goes in to kill gets perforated by an armed teacher or officer. Me getting reamed up my ass for shit I did not do because we need to be somewhat polite is not my idea of doing things right.

      1. I believe that the copycat element is real, albeit not necessarily dominant in every event. I encouraged you to mock him, but to also not use his name. Voluntarily, of course. That’s all.

      2. Frankly, I think an under-armed society (you know what I mean!) is what causes these shootings. They know they’ll get away with it. They know they’ll either die fast or get lots of special treatment and attention in prison for the rest of their lives.

    2. *sigh*

      Psych meds are not the cause, unless the doctors, nurses, pharmacist, and parents all missed the great big, bold-lettered warnings they put on the drugs that have histories of causing suicidal/homicidal thoughts in adolescents and young adults.

      Yes, there’s a correlation — because we try to treat crazy people with the same medications that have helped millions of people. If a school shooter WASN’T on some sort of medication, I’d wonder how they were allowed to stay untreated.

    1. A mentally ill kid on medication to treat mental illness is as surprising as a cancer patient on cancer medications.

      1. Today most kids on meds are just hyper young boys, not mentally ill. I know that correlation is not causation, but the rise in mass school shootings has coincided with the massive increase in young kids taking psych meds, mostly for convenience of the adults, not true illness.

        Many people with genuine mental likeness don’t take their meds, like the Newtown shooter, who refused medication.

  2. Sorry Miguel. On this, you are wrong. The media and it’s ilk will blame the NRA regardless. The point behind not mentioning the killer’s name is so as not to encourage other would-be killers.

    Fuck those killers. But you go right ahead and put them on a pedestal.

    1. “Sorry Miguel. On this, you are wrong. “
      Can I get a source, a study that shows where talking about a shooter encourages others? The only number I had from several years ago was that 30 something percent of mass shooters are inspired by previous shooting…which means 60+ % don’t give a shit.

      “But you go right ahead and put them on a pedestal.”
      Unless you don’t read the blog, I usually add the term ASSHOLE to the shooter’s name. Maybe in your neck of the woods, being called an asshole and other derogatory names is some sort of pedestal… I don’t know.

  3. I don’t think naming the killer here is the problem. As Miguel inferred, it’s important to put the blame where it belongs. However the abhorrent sensationalism of the news media is what is partly contributing to this. I’d argue a major part. Regular violent crime gets almost no mention, but a mass shooting at a school and, to a lesser degree, a church gets all the wrong kinds of attention. Every outlet is guilty of it, too. We see screaming victims and parasitic journalists basically glorifying the carnage. Once in a while one will put forth some faux outrage for effect, but it’s all nonsense, they love it when this stuff happens. In a rush to be the first to report the story, fake news starts happening. Really without getting too far off topic, I think that journalists and news networks operating as they do are probably the greatest threat to what’s left of America’s fragile societal stability. And they are only sinking lower and lower.

    1. If I could give a thousand likes to HP’s comment, I would.

      The issue isn’t whether or not naming him gives him notoriety. He gets the notoriety from the media glorification for the next 24-72 hours after the event because that is what the media does.

      It also isn’t whether or not the NRA gets the blame. The media and leftists (but I repeat myself) are going to blame the NRA because that is the long game they are playing— EVERYTHING is your enemy’s fault, especially when it isn’t.

      The issue is how to fight or prevent the media’s glorification in the first place. We know they are going to blame us (everyday American gun owners, NRA members, law-abiding folks) every time, for everything.

      We know that they are going to glorify and promote his actions, because it makes them money. And it fits their anti-gun agenda.

      And we know that at least some (the amount is debatable) of the “next” shooters do it because of the “last” shooters (the copycat syndrome). Which means the media glorification of the shooters does indeed play a part in it.

      All that said, I don’t think that naming the person is necessarily a bad thing. I think the media glorification of it is a bad thing. But we can’t control that any more than we can control any other thing the media does.

  4. The NRA so not cares about this. They are a gun lobby for gun manufacturers, not gun users, or victims, so leadership doesn’t give two ducks about this.

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