By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

22 thoughts on “OK, I give up.”
  1. I think you’re being too tough on them. After all, nothing says “Nothing to worry about, fearful citizen, for I am a trustworthy, law abiding gun owner” like a bayonet.

  2. I view the current OC movement as a direct hazard to the long term survival of gun rights. I think they are now nothing more than a misguided bunch of over zealous asshats attempting to force feed the general population their views.

    Give it up you bunch of Goobers and go get real jobs.

    1. Please don’t lump all open carriers in with the OCT crowd. I, along with tens of thousands of other people, have been OC’ing pistols for decades (one decade in my case) without any issues.
      No, this train wreck is specifically a Texas phenomenon that is creating havoc nationally.

      1. Starbucks was not limited to Texas.

        As Tam says, “There’s a difference between open carrying and open carrying AT people.”

      2. Travis, I do apologize. By trying not to be to direct, I admit I included those that are not moronic posers but true 2A people.
        My mistake.

        1. Miguel,
          My reply was not intended to be directed at you. I know that you appreciate the difference.

          You are partially correct. There were those in the OCDO camp that felt the ‘Starbucks appreciation days’ would somehow work out well. The difference is there were many of us opposing the fact. More importantly, the OCDO crowd learned from their mistake.

    1. ” The NRA has refused to learn for themselves how Open Carry Texas (OCT) conducts itself other than what the liberal media and Bloomberg funded gun control extremists have falsely portrayed.”

      Wait, are they saying that they haven’t been getting kicked out of restaurants that previously didn’t care about gun rights one way or another? The media loves to spin things sure, but I think it’s pretty apparent that they’re doing the most harm themselves.

      1. Those restaurants kicked OCT out not because they were OC MSRs but because bloombergs tens-of-millions-funded fake moms gun grabbers connived with the Obama-polishing-media to create “outrage” and pressured the restaurant’s corp owners to ask OCT to not come again.

        Mark my words, next step is fake-mom-gun grabbers pushing those restaurants to post 30.0, and it’s not because of OCT but because too many regular CCW owners didn’t see who they were siding with and went along with the “outrage”.

        Bloombergs moms must be crushed or you all are next.
        I lived in New York under Bloomberg and this is how he gets it done.

        1. It was going fine w/ Starbucks until nitwits started going in and posing w/ shotguns and rifles and posting the pics all over their FB page. Then SB changed their minds. OCT apparently decided that was a GOOD strategy so has continued to go to places that were neutral and piss them off, each time giving Watts et al wins. All MDA/MAIG has had to do is ride the wave and laugh.

          1. Exactly. What OCT seems to be forgetting is that these businesses don’t want to be the in the middle of the political drama, it’s not the kind of advertisement they want. If they want to exercise their rights, then they should do it with government property and not private, since private businesses don’t have to recognize your right to carry in the first place. What do they think Chili’s is going to do, pass a new law themselves? Maybe they think public perception doesn’t matter but it does, and it’s hard enough that the media tends to be slanted against us.

        2. Those restaurants kicked OCT out not because they were OC MSRs but because bloombergs tens-of-millions-funded fake moms gun grabbers connived with the Obama-polishing-media to create “outrage” and pressured the restaurant’s corp owners to ask OCT to not come again.

          First, throw a comma once in a while, OK? Second: One of the fronts we are fighting is the
          media front in case you haven’t noticed. So, if you act over and over like a dick and give ammunition to the other side so it can be played by the Media against us, that makes you really stupid or in cahoots with the Gun Control crowd. I am going for really stupid.

          Mark my words, next step is fake-mom-gun grabbers pushing those restaurants to post 30.0, and it’s not because of OCT but because too many regular CCW owners didn’t see who they were siding with and went along with the “outrage”.

          Mark mine: In Texas the 30.06 signs will go up not because CCW owners decided no to side with idiots but because of the idiots kept doing idiotic shit. Many states had OC passed by being smart and introducing OC as a normal thing, not a bunch of wannabes led by the nose by a disgruntled jackass who got his ass pumped in the court of law for being an ass. And after all the crap that gun owners went through to get CCW legislation passed in Texas, that OCT comes along and endangers decades of hard work “just because I can” is not the best way to get OC passed.

          Bloombergs moms must be crushed or you all are next.

          What the flock of seagulls do you think happened last and this year across many state legislatures? Bills directly attacking the Second Amendment, Stand your ground and even the elimination of the Castle Doctrine were introduced across the nation and almost all of them were beaten. Florida itself had at least four bills introduced against SYG and Castle Doctrine but not only we managed to stop them in their tracks but added 5 out of 6 new Pro Gun Bills. Georgia’s new pro gun laws gave Shannon Watts conniptions and she got trashed by Idaho legislators about her hidden background when she went testifying in favor of Gun Control Bills.

          You see? We were not posing around with rifles at a Home Depot. We were calling and emailing and faxing and making sure our legislators knew who had the ultimate power to keep them in office… or remove them: Pro Gun Voters.

          1. Well said, sir. On the few occasions I have open carried,I have not made a big deal out of it. A sidearm in a good holster won’t hardly bat a eye around here. These folk would be well advised to get a black powder handgun and open carry discreetly. Since that is all they can legally carry in Texas, they should take advantage and quit being dicks with their AR’s and AK’s.

    1. It is a question of who to follow: The side that has proven itself over and over or the side that apprentice still throws hissy fits at supermarkets

      1. Lighting a fire in your house to get warm, and lighting your house on fire to get warm are similar, but do have different long term conesequences.

        1. I agree with both of you Miguel and Joel. But it doesn’t make what I said any less true. Its happening and its will be our downfall more than anything else.

          And I don’t think any of us are naieve enough to believe that one group who does open carry demonstrations is enough to cause our downfall regardless of how I’ll advised or assumptive they are.

          1. Did you see my post on Leeland Yee getting 287,000 votes even after indicted for Gun running and corruption? Do you think Texas do not have the same kind and amount that can vote our liberties out?

            1. I did, and it’s utterly disgraceful.

              But that is my point exactly. One open carry group isn’t gonna be the final nail in the coffin for the public at large to drive in. The anti side has their mind made up, is deceitful, is underhanded, and is corrupt as evidenced by the reference to your Yee post. Their goal doesn’t change and the underlying narrative doesn’t either. They are just adapting their tactics and we are at risk of playing into their hand if we aren’t careful.

              My point is that in 3 weeks this will be out of the media and we will have done more damage to ourselves if we start to excommunicate folks who anti gunners have labeled as fringe or extreme. Its may be easy/easier to agree with the anti gun side in this case but we are doing the work for them from the inside if we do. That hurts us even more than any poorly executed and planned open carry demonstration ever will.

              1. My point is that in 3 weeks this will be out of the media

                And it will be brought back when a bill for Open Carry is introduced not only in Texas, but Florida and the other states that do not have OC yet. They will be showing to the media and legislators the photos of these morons and telling everybody that this is the crap people will have to face if the Open Carry bill is approved. I know, lies, but that is the hand we will have to deal with. So, why the hell give our opponents something to grasp and use when we don’t have to? Trayvon Martin rings a bell? That was 2 years ago and they still bring it up every chance they can making things difficult for everybody.

                Its may be easy/easier to agree with the anti gun side in this case but we are doing the work for them from the inside if we do. That hurts us even more than any poorly executed and planned open carry demonstration ever will.

                Explain exactly how being responsible gun owners and eschewing idiotic posers who might be a danger is gonna do us harm? These people are the equivalent of the guys who sweep everybody at the range because they do not have the basic understanding of the Four Rule and just because they are “gun owners” does not provide them with a free pass to be unsafe. In the same manner, just because they allegedly wave the flag of the Second Amendment, it does not give them the right to make work for those who really are sweating their asses off working for better gun laws more difficult.
                And let’s get to brass tacks, shall we? Other than getting themselves banned from restaurants that previously did not ban the carrying of firearms, what has OCT achieved? Big fat zero.
                I rather go with the tried and proved if you don’t mind.

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