Way way back then when the world was in Black & White and people wore togas, King Pyrrhus had it on against the Romans in battle and won. But the win was basically that the Romans had no soldiers left and King Pyrrhus had about 5 still standing somewhat and not in the greatest of shape. Seeing this, legend tell us that the Monarch uttered “If I win like this again, I’ll be royally screwed” or words to that effect. And he was right, at the next confrontation he got his butt kicked back home in a chariot. Ever since the term Pyrrhic victory denotes a battle won that will lead to losing the war.

Maryland enacted a whole bunch of gun control legislation and State Gun Control advocates are dancing for joy. As they jig and tap, Beretta USA announces they are leaving the State alongside 400 jobs, $31 million in taxes and investments over $73 million. Besides producing guns for the Civilian Market, Beretta is also fulfilling a contract for the U.S. Military for the M9 sidearm and if I recall correctly, it was for 500,000 units. That means a steady income from both sides of the fence that Maryland legislators just sent to another state thanks to legislation that will do zilch in curbing violence.

Of course that means that the Maryland Legislature will have to make up for loss revenue (both the one from Beretta and the indirect from the business servicing the company and employees) and be ready to take those people who were benefiting on Beretta’s work and that will now be enjoying unemployment benefits and assorted welfare. I guess taxes will be raised to make up for the difference.

Elections have consequences.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “On Pyrrhic Victories….”
  1. Good to hear Beretta is moving, though it’s sad that they have to.

    Maybe when all of these states go bankrupt, the free states that still have economies can buy them.

  2. That’s a half-million new units and the future parts and servicing of them. Given that the M9 has been the main sidearm of every branch of the armed services for decades, there are probably a metric frak ton of existing parts and service contracts… Plenty of foreign militaries use the M9 too. Then there’s all the law enforcement agencies — federal, local, and international — that use the M9. Beretta also does a brisk business in long arms for those agencies, too.

    Then there’s the civilian market.

    I’ve been saying for years that Michigan lawmakers should be doing everything short of launching a limited nuclear strike to bring the firearms industry to this state. We’re too damn dumb to do it, of course.

    1. Good points…. although we know firearms are hardy stuff, the military does put unusual stress, wear and tear on the things.
      The problem when you pamper your ego is that your butt will end up hurting.

      1. The military does put more wear and tear on firearms than the average user, but more relevant to the Maryland Legislature’s economic motivation is one simple truth. The military budget process being what it is, military buyers tend to spend like a drunken sailor that just hit the multi-state lottery jackpot and was handed a three-day pass to Bangkok.

        There’s a reason “local military base” and “local congressman investigated for graft” are so often found in the same paragraph of the newspaper.

  3. Unfortunately the loss of Beretta won’t make those scumbags lose any sleep. Their goal is total control of everything and with a bankrupt economy and the entire country on gubment dole it simply means that everyone is beholding to them for everything. Poverty and famine didn’t mean a thing to the masters of the Soviet Union, just as long as THEY weren’t affected much. Don’t look for any changes in your master’s sleep patterns either. The ONLY thing that will make them change direction is personal pain.

  4. Fine and dandy, that Beretta told Maryland to fuck itself, but they, and all gun makers, must stop selling to antigun state LE. THEN, they may get the point. That’s what Barrett did.

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