Beside the obvious repetition the Gun Free Zones are the perfect killing grounds fro any nutjob out there, I will reserve my comments till more REAL information comes out. Right now we only have the bombastic manure coming out of the Media that is muddying the waters way too much.
There is a meme going around some gun blogs that this episode was the Kobiyashi Maru for CCW but I think the SS Botany Bay is a much closer representation. Even with the “information” at hand, I will have to disagree but I’ll expand when the evidence is presented.
And as usual we must remember that the Media is in the News Business, not in the Truth Business.
Another Headline:
Calls for Outlawing Killing Pick Up Trucks (yea right)
13 Dead, 12 Injured In South Texas Pickup Crash! I haven’t decided to blame either the Ford Pickup Truck or the Tree that caused the sudden stop……….Either way it could not have been the 23 people stuffed into an open bed F-250 or the driver going to fast and by the way, they were all in the US illegally……
I saw this morning…. the deafening silence is interesting.
I’m pretty sure the message from all of the shootings in gun free zones is that the signs proclaiming them to be gun free zones aren’t big enough. Just think, if the shooter had seen the signs he would have realized that taking a gun into the theater was illegal, and wouldn’t have done the shooting.
Hell from some of the news articles he had enough homemade explosives he probably could have taken out a HELL of a lot more people had he wanted to.
Only incendiary devices and chemicals to produce fumes.
As I suspected, this guy is turning out to be a moron who watched way too many movies
Miguel, very well stated when you said ” And as usual we must remember that the Media is in the News Business, not in the Truth Business”.
And it turns out that the “ZOMG BULLETPROOF VEST” was nothing more than a “tactical” vest with mag pockets.
The more I think about it, the more I wonder if he really set off any smoke grenades or if it was just shitty ammo.