If you haven’t followed the news, there was some “anti-racism” employee training in Goodyear’s Kansas factory that was anti-cop and anti-white.  It was leaked to the internet and hell broke loose.

I’m not going to dissect it because it’s the same woke bullshit we’ve seen countless times.

Trump responded because they banned MAGA apparel from the workplace.

Trump has called for a boycott of Goodyear.

All I can say is Trump really fucked this one up.  Seriously.  Holy shit, I didn’t think he could fuck a gift horse in the mouth, but he did.

There are times where I like Trump being Trump, this is not one of them.

Many models of Goodyear tires are made in the US.  Goodyear is one of Akron’s largest employers and Ohio is a swing state.

Who the fuck wants to get elected President of the United States and calls for a boycott on an American company that hires American workers in a  swing state?

A fucking dipshit, that’s who.

But before you jump on me for “Trump needs to respond to this,” I agree.  He needs to do it with tact, something he sorely lacks.

The correct response is NOT to call for a boycott of Goodyear.

The correct response is to defend the good, honest, hardworking blue-collar, unionized workers in the factory and to say he wants to protect their jobs.

The correct response is to go after upper-level management and HR that forces this woke shit on employees.

Tell the public he’s going to have the DOJ investigate them for discrimination.  If Goodyear “go woke, go broke” then perhaps he can set precedence that corporate virtue signaling by management is a breach of fiduciary duty.

Do everything in his power to show that Goodyear workers on the factory floor are the victims of executive wokeness.

A boycott only hurts the workers, who get laid off when people stop buying tires but doesn’t hurt management who float away on golden parachutes.

That’s what Trump needs to fix.  The system needs to be that management that makes these decisions get their balls skewered and grilled like shishkabob while the line workers continue to have jobs and get paid.

If Trump could do that he would be a God-damned hero.  Finally, a policy that cuts the strings form the golden parachutes and protects the workers.

But he didn’t do that.  He risked the jobs of factory workers in a swing state.

If Ohio turns on him, it’s all his fault for being a tactless dick-head.

And of course, this doesn’t solve the problem with woke, virtue-signaling management, because they never feel the pain they cause.

Show me one politician who runs on a platform of:

“When executive management makes bad decisions that harm companies, I will make sure it’s that management that suffers and not the workers who just tried their best to do their jobs.”

Pull that off and Americans will repeal the 22nd Amendment to keep that guy in office forever.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “On the Goodyear situation”
  1. Sorry, I think you are wrong. I do think that he should have made it all about banning Blue Lives Matter, not MAGA. PDT does have a tin ear and a thin skin sometimes.

    Also, as we hear more about the Goodyear fiasco, the more racist it seems.


    When Goodyear starts launching woke HR executives, and the C-level people that approved this and then tried a cover up, then I will reconsider my boycott. I figuratively want to see heads. If they keep lying and downplaying this mistake, then I will literally want to see heads on pikes.

    This sucks, because I have already written off Firestone after their Firestone 500 fiasco, and the almost repeat with their 721 disaster. I also wrote off Bridgestone after the last set of tires literally fell apart at 23,000 miles, when the supposed exact same model tire lasted 60,000 miles for me.

  2. Goodyear never has been a good brand. Try B.F. Goodrich. As for the president’s latest message, maybe he could have worded it differently but he’s not perfect…and I have no sympathy for union workers either. Oh well.

  3. I am afraid you do not fully understand free speech and its consequences. as Goodyear is now suffering some.

    They have a right to say that, and Trump has a right to say that, and may suffer some consequences from the unionized workers at Goodyear AND the populace at large. But he may also benefit from that, and I think that was in his calculations. Many people fall for the ‘he is a hot head’ and then days or weeks later find he was right. Hydroxychlorine is my example

  4. J, I understand your point.

    Consider, though, that what you propose is – by current lights – pretty subtle. It would take time, rely on the performance of arguably questionable agencies, and whatever the outcome, by the end people may well have forgotten about it.

    Subtlety and patience really isn’t Trump’s thing. (Or at least he likes to present that image.)

    What Trump did, is the equivalent of putting a 100-mile-across magnifying lens in orbit between the Sun and Goodyear management. Not at all subtle or measured, but … Lots of heat, lots of scrutiny, right f’ing now.

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