On this one, we go opposite.

Many models of Goodyear tires are made in the US.  Goodyear is one of Akron’s largest employers and Ohio is a swing state.

Who the fuck wants to get elected President of the United States and calls for a boycott on an American company that hires American workers in a  swing state?

Trump did more than that: he rang a bell from the Bully Pulpit announcing that employment in a company cannot be used as to force people into political indoctrination.

Because is what was happening: A company mandate to accept a group that is at best anarchist and would not mind seeing them collapsed and at worse, a urban terror group.

Unacceptable to support Law Enforcement.
Unacceptable to value all lives regardless of color or denomination or orientation
Unacceptable to have any political position or personal unless is the one approved by the company.
You will be allowed employment only if you drink the Kool-Aid flavor of the year.

This was just an attempt from Goodyear to be Woke and join the club with a degree of subtlety. If anybody asked, they could show the HR slides from the Powerpoint as proof they have done their duty to the Party and avoid the bad press and the drop in income.

The President was right to shine a big nasty spotlight on their asses and screw with the bottom line they were worried about. And it may help other companies think twice about going Woke and indoctrinate its employees.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “The Goodyear Affair: Where I disagree with J.Kb.”
  1. I agree. I see J’s point and I suppose he could have made the point in a more subtle way. On the other hand, this sort of infamous action needs to be countered with very strong pushback.
    And yes, the worry is that other companies will do the same. I’m wondering when my employer will pull a stunt like this, and if so, what I’m going to do about it. Perhaps this response from Trump will make them think twice.

  2. Jkb has excellent points, but after some meditation on the subject I think I’m with Miguel on this one.

    Enough is enough. You wanna go woke? Get ready to get broke. Trump supporters in Ohio should know the score; in fact they should be walking into Goodyear facilities and turning in complaints.

    The burned hand teaches best.

    1. I got laid off because our executive management decided to kill the company to line their own pockets.

      I don’t want to see factory workers who are tortured by these woke managers to pay the price for management wokeness.

      Honestly, if the hourly guys went up to corporate and beat management to death with wrenches and got the union to say “they went woke, we made them broke, there’s no more of that bullshit here” I’d buy a brand new set of Duratracs today.

      1. Fair enough. But which response to Goodyear management is more likely to get the hourly workers to put their foot down and stop this madness?

  3. Management already walked it back. Because in the end they have no testicles. The guys on the floor already saw this happen and could have predicted it if only someone would stand up to them. And you know that they are just as disgusted as we and POTUS over this. Trump did the right thing calling out the woke and that’s what got him in elected in 2016 the first place. NONE of us like that HR diversity BS we are forced to watch. And then to have BLM BS rubbed in our faces on top of that?! The only people who LIKE them are Marxists and rich white college kids and none of them actually work in factories.

  4. In addition, let’s reflect upon the irony of the advocates of “the workers paradise”, berating the , uh, workers, about how they, the workers, are benighted and lacking awareness. Being berated by assholes who likely have never turned a wrench or punched a clock in their lives.

    1. Has there ever been a communist who had a real job? Years ago I saw something that asked the question of whether any Communist dictators were engineers or had similar real world practical training. I checked. Found one I think — Ceaucescu. I don’t remember what Lenin did in school, if anything. Stalin flunked out of the seminary. And so on.
      No, you can’t expect any of them to relate to actual workers, because they never were one themselves and never even came close.

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