I noticed that a lot of the pics posted by males showed scented/cute/artistic candles and that made me draw several conclusions.
1) We are very confident with our feminine side or:
2) We are very married/In A Serious Relationship.
3) We were in a very married/In A Serious Relationship and her stuff is still around.
4) We forgot where did we put the emergency candles.
5) There will be several wives/girlfriend complaining about using the candles.
6) TEOTWAWKI is gonna small pretty good.
This will, no doubt, give you all woodies.
You have obviously never lit gun powder… if you get too close the “smell” will burn your sinuses, that isn’t the right smell for a candle.
But… Hoppes No9. Hmmmm
Your first point is wholly accurate. OTOH there is just a ‘oh man that’s cool!” factor to candles like that.:)
Woodies? No . Coolgasms [IOW the reaction of ‘Oh Man that’s COOL!’] …oh my yes.
Everything with you Antis ends up related to sexual potency or lack thereof. Transferring much?
But if you must know, I rather go with Bacon Candle!
dude.. I love bacon but….
Oh, cool, shotgun shell candles! I need one or a dozen of those, because I have a gun and a 412 hp car and, obviously, a small…ego.
Oh come on Larry you KNOW you want em.
Actually, I do. They are pretty cool candles. 😉
Very Married myself.
And yep, all my candles were her’s 🙂
I see Rick has come back. Obviously the publicity here doubled the traffic to his site.
But he still does not want to argue on the basis of the facts. Starting with the fact that gun control has sent violent crime through the ceiling wherever it has been tried – while allowing the citizens to arm themselves against criminal aggression has lowered the violent crime rate. Each time and every time.
I think I am guilty of #1. In my home, I do the decorating, the cooking, I made the quilt in my living room and I current drive my kids to and from school. This weekend I admitted to sewing a small cover for my powder throw by hand. I’ll even admit that my dog is a Poodle!
On the other hand I drive a Jeep on 35’s, ride motorcycles, I am attending SHOT next week and I write a growing gun blog. I call that balance.
Your pic had the “japanese rock garden” motiff. Very nice!

that’s downright zen
Guilty of 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6.
I too had to borrow my wife’s candle. She was not amused. Very. Seriously. Not. Amused.
But you’re right. That candle smelled pretty nice.
Buy her another candle…. but not bacon or the shotgun shells aromas.
And flowers might be a safe bet too.
was she pissed about the candle being used? I don’t understand..candles are meant to be used. Oh well. sometimes women are just….confusing.