Retweeted by Andy Ngo:

Here are the flyers:


According to the first page, Antifa wears masks because “it is a tactic that has been used for decades to protect against white supremacists hurting people.”

Let’s examine two pictures.

First, civil rights marchers in the south:


Next, some white supremacists:


Which group is all dressed in a uniform with masks to hide their identity as they intimidate people can cause violence?

The sentence would be accurate if it lost the preposition “against,” i.e.,  “it is a tactic that has been used for decades to protect white supremacists hurting people.”

The rest of the flyer is just as wrong.

The Black Bloc won’t hurt you unless they decide that you are a racist or own property in a way that they deem unacceptable, then they will beat your teeth in, possibly put you in a coma, and maybe kill you.

If they decide that you are a Kulak your business is too successful, then they will destroy it.

They claim that if you are not racist or even anti-racist and are the victim of collateral damage, they will crowd fund you.  Except that I’ve never seen that because their standards are wonderfully subjective, so they can always justify why you deserved the beating and destruction that you got.

But don’t worry, they are mostly non-violent.

The fear and hatred most people have of the Black Bloc aren’t driven by a corporate media narrative, the corporate media narrative defends Antifa.  The fear and hatred most people have of the Black Bloc are driven by what people actually see.  The violence, arson, looting, captured in real-time by real independent journalists on the ground like Andy Ngo, Ian Miles Cheong, Tim Pool, and others, to whom society owes a debt of gratitude.

This is flyer is a disinformation campaign backed with an implied threat.  Believe our lies or we will hurt you.

Honestly, at this point, I am waiting for some no-bullshit Sheriff to state that given their history of violence, it is justifiable to shoot the Black Bloc on sight.

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “One preposition too many”
  1. This whole set of flyers is almost 100% bullshit, except where they say “revolution is messy” and accidentally tell you their goal is to destroy society and make it a socialist paradise. Socialist paradise is the biggest oxymoron in the English language.

    As for “the vast majority of protests do not engage in property destruction”, put the shoe on the other foot. Have you ever heard anyone defend a murderer saying “he didn’t kill the vast majority of people he met??” That an arsonist “didn’t burn the vast majority of the buildings she was in?”

    This is Orwell’s doublespeak.

  2. That whole flyer is a load of fly-attractant, but one claim in particular is a new one to me: in what instance(s) ever has it been that “repairs are often crowd-funded on the spot or soon after”?

  3. I truly wish we had a functioning and honest DOJ and FBI.

    I’d like to summon the Ghost of J Edgar Hoover for Halloween for this election.

    It might work, its a Blue Full Moon on Halloween!

    1. Um, the way I see it, the FBI of today is exactly the sort of irredeemably corrupt organization that J. Edgar set out to build.
      My first preference is for them to be abolished. If there is any merit to having a Federal police force (and such a thing can be squared with the Constitution, which is a very questionable proposition) a new one can be built that’s constructed properly and accountably.
      Failing that, the least that can be done is to rename its HQ building. It could be named instead after one of the many victims of J. Edgar. For example, the “Martin Luther King FBI Headquarters building” has a much nicer ring to it.

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