My guess they are stoned out of their skulls and come up with stupid gun control laws. House Bill 3200 apparently classifies pretty much any modern firearm as an assault weapon and bans them. Same with those evil high-capacity ammunition clip devices magazines. orders registration, removal from the state, destruction or surrender of those eeevil weapons…so like the best hits of New York and Connecticut.
But they just don’t wanna be a cover band so they added safe storage provisions (which are yet undetermined so it mean anything goes for the Law) and this beauty:
The department (of State Police.. or Police State, not quite sure) may conduct inspections of registered owners of assault weapons and large capacity magazines to ensure compliance with the storage requirements of section 4 of this 2013 Act.
Not only we shall urinate on your Second Amendment Rights, we shall defecate on your Fourth Amendment Rights too! Sixteen Idio…legislators support this bill , no one will be present if there is a need to kick down doors to confiscate weapons.
Maybe they should go an pee in a cup?
Hat Tip to Gun Rights Examiner.
Do they realize they’re going to get exactly what’s happening in Connecticut, if not worse?
And my airhead brother in law thinks it’s such a wonderful place to live. Even though he lives in an area up there where police presence is almost zero and people call the fire department for crimes the police used to handle.
And now these (insert string of profanities) politicians think the people should be disarmed even further. My 3 nephews are so screwed.
Link to that areas trouble:
Just a quick FYI but this was from last year’s session, and got shut down so hard by gun owners we’re not likely to see it coming back anytime soon. They’ve gotta beat us a few more notches back down that slippery slope first before they try something like that again.
Greenlick has unofficially/informally said to his caucus members that he didn’t know what he was introducing when he did it. Which of course raises the question of where these things are coming from (there’s a very similar one in WA that keeps being introduced.)
The Bloomberg machine. They stamped a few of theses and sent them out to propagate.
And than you for the clarification. We can breathe better now 🙂
Still…make them pee in a cup.