I have two copies of ‘1984’: One in Spanish dated from the late 60s and beat to death, pages missing but I refuse to part with it because it was the printed version I read for the first time. The I have my first English paperback bought in 1982 in the now defunct Mills Bookstore over at 21st Avenue South in Nashville. Hell, I think I may have a Kindle version too, but I don’t really remember as I always go back to paper. I have been reading ‘1984’ religiously every year for the past 45 years, it s a reminder of the world my parents grew up in and the lies told about Socialism that killed millions.

In the year of Our Lord of Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Four, Ronald Reagan was president and every liberal at the time went ahead to make the comparison between the government under Ronnie and the book ‘1984’. CNN, NPR and even MTV all had the great “thinkers” of the time saying how we were under the heel of a Big Brother president and we were screwed which was laughable because ‘1984’ and most of the Orwell books were against the Socialism that was creeping in the nation via the same jackasses complaining on TV.

Fast Forward 33 years and once again, a new Idiotic Left discovers ‘1984’ and think it applies to a 4-day old government. We get the news that the Publisher is printing more copies after spike in demand. because it seems the Snowflakes have suddenly believe the plight of Winston Smith parallels what they feel about Trump and he is bound to be the new Big Brother and we are going to war with East Asia,….or not…. or something like that. (I am sure most of them only read the Cliff notes.)

I wonder if the Snowflakes will be able to deal with the book’s contents (I am not sure they will be able to understand it)  and the fact that Orwell would have put them against the wall and shot them as he was most definitely not fond of Socialists and Communists. He was one of the few that did not buy the Gentle Soviet Bear bullshit not the kind Uncle Joe Stalin propaganda. Possession of this book or any of the Orwell books in the old Soviet Union would have gotten the accused at least 20 years hard time in a Siberian Gulag or one ballistic dose of Makarov to the back of the head.

I hope that at least a couple of people who read the book for the first time, see the light and dump the patchouli for Hoppes 9.

And in closing, I leave you with a photo from possibly the”leftiest” city in Spain and the monumental irony within its limits.


Barcelona, Spain. George Orwell Square. The sign says: Barcelona City Council. 500 meter radius zone under surveillance.

George Orwell Square.


I think I can her him spinning right under the surface.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Orwell’s ‘1984’ is a best seller. The twisted irony.”
    1. Barcelona never lost its “Rojillo” (Reddish) quality. Cataluña always had too many socialist/communists for its own good. Fortunately, the raw capitalists are more effective.

  1. The Left has NEVER accepted that 1984 (or Animal Farm, for that matter) was about them. Has never, will never.

    Blair/Orwell started out as a Socialist, took up arms to fight for his belief, found out what Socialism was really like with the mask off… and then fought against it just as hard and with as much determination as he fought for it. Not just as an author but as a man, he is deserving of respect.

  2. For some reason, HostGator is putting up a “FORBIDDEN’ page when I request deletion of this duplicate comment. Miguel, could you please?

  3. No surprise about 1984‘s resurgence in popularity.

    The “Progressive” (read: AmSoc) faction lost. Now they’re just re-checking the instruction manual.

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