Mark Milley is a four-star general and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Lloyd Austin is a former four-star general, Director of Central Command, and current Secretary of Defense.

They are leaving American citizens behind in hostile territory with a shit-ass useless plan.

They are getting their asses handed to them by the media, who are apparently better tacticians than two four-star generals.

The look on Milley’s face was clearly “fuck, why didn’t I think of that?”

Our military once took on two enemies on three fronts on opposite sides of the world and won.

When our people were faced with destruction in Germany, we engaged in the largest airlift in history to protect them.

Now, our people are stuck in Kabul, and the two highest-ranking men in US Military have all four of their thumbs buried knuckle deep in their assholes.

What an utter, shameful, fucking disgrace.

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By J. Kb

13 thoughts on “Our military leadership is a f**king joke. These men are empty suits covered with meaningless medals.”
  1. Been hearing interesting things.

    The 82nd is in Kabul, and has been relegated to gate-guard duty. Supposedly the CO of the 82nd isn’t some political wank but an honest to God hard charging type.

    Which might explain why there’s a four-star general out there now — probably to keep him from going rogue (‘If you step outside the wire, we’ll courtmartial you and disband the 82nd’).

    It ALWAYS seems to be this way. Leftists seem to think they can negotiate from a weak position and they’re always stunned when it never works.

    1. The tragedy is even at this point in the disaster, if the military had their hands untied, we could do what needs to be done to extract every American. But that wouldn’t play well on CNN.

  2. Just like police chiefs often aren’t real cops, it seems that these “generals” aren’t real soldiers.

    1. I heard this too….and that British command and US command on the ground there have been fighting about going after people trapped in the city. Bottom line here – if the UK have been going out on rescue missions while our top brass above have been saying we don’t have the capability, they need to be fucking fired and court martialed. What a disgrace.

      Everything I have seen from our leadership is that its up to individuals to save themselves. We ought to be doing everything to get people out, not relying on people lacking arms and tactical training to risk their lives to get past the Taliban. We ought to be clearing a route out of the city to the airport, providing transport, telling the Taliban to fuck off until everyone is safely out. If they don’t comply we go scorched earth on their asses.

      I just cannot wrap my head around the fact that our government isn’t proactively looking after our own citizens. For F’s sake…..

  3. When *OUR* media, a worse collection of woke skinsacks the world has *NEVER* seen, can out-strategy perfumed palace “officers”, well, *THAt* is saying something!

  4. Bet those generals are up to date on “diversity ” and CRT, but war fighting wasn’t a requirement when riding the coat tails of Barky the lightbringer when fighting generals and officers and senior NCO’s were forced out because they weren’t what he was looking for in the new military.

  5. People keep talking about firing and resignations. I wonder about two things:
    1) What about the Admiral Byng option? and
    2) Is there a shortage of lamp posts and rope in the DC area?

  6. The Democrat Leadership has made sure that they appointed only those Flag Officers and the up and comers that follow their liberal policy such as allowing Transvestites and “flaming” gay people. Allow the Military Leaders BE Military Leaders and NOT Social butterflies and yes men. That’s how Dictators are created.

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