I know timing sucks with the Background Checks Bill in Congress, but family calls. For an initial review and the text of the bill, go over to Shall Not Be Questioned.
I do hate doctors…….
Where a Hispanic Catholic, and a Computer Geek write about Gun Rights, Self Defense and whatever else we can think about.
I know timing sucks with the Background Checks Bill in Congress, but family calls. For an initial review and the text of the bill, go over to Shall Not Be Questioned.
I do hate doctors…….
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.
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Miguel, hope it’s something good and not something bad like health related my friend. We’ll see you when we see you. In the mean time folks…click my name, come on over to my blog…one of the posts has a link to a blog post by a favorite author of myself and miguel, lovely fella by the name of Larry Corriea. Or you can just scroll down Miguels list of blogs on the right and Larry’s blog is the one called Monster Hunter Nation. fair warning though…if you click on that link to read Larry’s latest post..
1. For the love of your keyboards and monitors and anything else that might be in range of your computer desk…Keep all foods and beverages away from your mouth while reading Larry’s post. I didn’t at first and just managed to spew the milk I was drinking back into the cup I was drinking out of…twice, before I decided to leave the cup alone.
2. Set aside some time because this post is a long one. Well worth the read though. I love Larry…he’s awesome…and if I can get my ass to Tennessee in June for a fantasy/scifi convention I’ll finally get to meet him because he’s one of the guests.
Mom had surgery for basil carcinoma today. They got it out, but they had to dig deep and do a graft to cover the hole. She has a crapload of stitches and is in a bit of pain right now. Recovery will take a while since she is 81 years old.
sucks. sorry to hear it man. hope she recovers swift and sure.