After the December killings in Newtown, Conn., the National Rifle Association’s chief lambasted the the evils of violent movies and video games, saying they, rather than guns, were a source of the nation’s woes.

Now, less than six months later, the NRA’s “flagship publication,” American Rifleman, is celebrating cinematic savagery with a list of the top 10 “coolest gun movies” that unabashedly praises Hollywood depictions of death and crime.

via In an appeal to its more immature members, NRA issues list of “coolest gun movies” ever – Applesauce – Rockford, IL – Rockford Register Star.

And he HATES that Red Dawn is Number One…just hates-it-hates-hates-it-hates-i! I am guessing that in his fantasy of becoming commissar, it frightens him that some young buck may take a potshot at his ass on his way to Wednesday’s Tea With Lenin’s Book Group.

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That is outrageous! First place should be shared between “Red Dawn” and “Heat”. #2 goes to another Michael Man movie “Collateral.”

Hat Tip to The Gun Wire.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Outraged Liberal gets Outraged by Gun Movie List”
  1. “Hate” is a word that leads to mass unmarked graves and furnaces for bodies; concentration camps and ‘re-education’ centers; death squads and ‘No-Knock’ raids.

    Sadly, “Hate” is exactly what they mean.

    “They mean to subdue us. Those that resist, they mean to try and kill.”

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