A story in two parts

Part 1:


Part 2:


I can imagine how rushing to a woman who fell in tight pants would be taken as less chivalrous and more rapey in today’s world.

Congratulations society, you destroyed good men.  I hope you’re happy now because it will suck when the barbarian horde arrives.

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World shocked to discover Catholic school has behavioral standards

This story…

Yes, a Karen!  You got ’em now, barstool.

That’s right, call the dad who found it a creep.  Good job.

They are devastated that they were kicked out of school and not because they found out their mom is a cam girl?

This story is the most informative so I’m going to quote from it.

A California woman who peddles sexy snaps and videos online said her three young kids have been kicked out of a Catholic school because of her activity.

Crystal Jackson – known as Tiffany Poindexter, or “Mrs. Poindexter” on the OnlyFans app – claims to rake in more than $150,000 a month selling access to naughty photos and videos taken by her hubby Chris.

A subscription is $15 a month so thats 10,000 followers.

The principal said the family is no longer welcome at the elementary school — and even barred them from picking up the children’s belongings, according to the news outlet.

Jackson said a group of moms discovered her site last summer and started a campaign to get her kids kicked out of the school.

I went to an Episcopal school.  They have morality clauses that apply to the whole family.  Don’t like it?  Go to public school.

“Your apparent quest for high profile controversy in support of your adult website is in direct conflict with what we hope to impart to our students,” according to the message cited by the outlet.

When morality is part of what you teach, enforcing it is kind of important.

“They wanted my kids removed who are innocent to this whole thing,” Jackson said. “Now it’s kind of like we got caught, here is our secret life exposed.”

Remember what I said about 10,000 followers.  She also has an Instagram, Twitter, and Reddit.  Does this woman not know what the word “secret” means?

It’s just her, her husband, and more than 10,000 strangers who pay to see her naked.

Jackson said she would continue to post on her OnlyFans page and that the couple is applying to send the kids to another Catholic school, but is worried they may be banned completely by the city’s diocese.

I guess not wanting to stop is part of the problem.  I’m not Catholic but I’m pretty sure the first part of forgiveness is to stop sinning.

The mother said her seductive venture began with a post on Reddit as a way to spice up her romance with her hubby.

So they were a little bored and monetized their fetish.

Fine, but let’s not pretend there won’t be consequences.

First, her sons.  Did she consider the impact on them to have the “MILF cam girl mom?”

How would that affect their social interactions.

How do you think they would like hearing “I rubbed one out to your mom last night” from classmates in high school?

Then there is this:

So she’s a tech executive during the day?

I bet corporate HR is shitting an entire housing development worth of bricks.

What employees if any were her subscribers or knew of her after hours job?  How will customers handle the news?

Same for her husband and his day job.

How will his business be affected when clients find out he’s the guy with the famous cam girl wife?

Did they think of any of this before embarking on this financial opportunity?

But sure, focus on the Karens and not the fact that there are real world ramifications of putting our kink on the internet and advertising it on three of the most popular social media sites in the world.

I knew the lockdowns popularizing OnlyFans as a side hustle was going to cause problems.  Here is one of them.

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Here’s your answer Mr. Swalwell

Here is your answer right here:

You tell them that the Lancet says that Asians are privileged because they are too successful and now they have to take a seat and let the less privileged have their opportunities.

Them are the rules you made up.

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Why should Cruz bother?

So the fuck what?

We were told January 6th was an armed insurrection, except nobody who stormed the building was carrying a gun and the only person shot was a protester, and she was shot by law enforcement.

We were told a Capitol Police Officer was bludgeoned to death with a fire extinguisher, except he wasn’t and now they have no idea what is causing of death was.

Guns have been flying off the shelves and manufacturers can’t keep up with the ammo demand for the last year.

If this was a premeditated insurrection to kill the federal government, overturn the election, and reinstall Trump as Imperaror for Life, you’d think the “insurrectionists” would have brought enough guns and ammo to actually do the job they came there to do and the death tool would have been much higher.

Except that never happened.

But the narrative of that Trump lead a pre-planned insurrection to do precisely that.

This hearing will change exactly zero minds.  The narrative will be bolstered.

Everyone’s minds are already made up.

So why the fuck should Ted Cruz pay attention?  I hope he’s enjoying his game of Candy Crush or whatever.


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Bored people trying to make themselves seem more interesting


I doubt it.

Notice how gay/lesbian didn’t really change all that much.

I’m absolutely positive that the vast majority of these Zoomed bisexuals have never engaged in actual homosexual sex.

But identifying as heterosexual is at best boring and at worst makes you a “cishet shit lord.”  So these kids claim to be bisexual for victim credibility.

This is what happens when your politics becomes your religion and sex becomes political.


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