Update on the butt clenching

10th Mountain is not happy about the ass-grabbery posted online.

I just want to say, as to the original video, remind me again how civilians can’t take on the military with their AR-15s?

I bet I could put together a squad of USPSA, IDPA, and 3-Gun shooters who have never served in uniform and do a better job of clearing a shoothouse.  At the very least, they won’t muzzle each other as much.

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It’s only insurrection during daylight hours

We really dodged a bullet when this asshole wasn’t put on the Supreme Court.


This is how they are going to establish the narrative that Antifa sieging a Federal Courthouse for months isn’t terrorism but the storming of the Capitol is.

If it’s during daylight business hours it’s terrorism, if not it’s just a crime.

Yeah, I know, it’s a ludicrous standard that will only invite attack between 5:01 pm and 7:59 am, but this answers the question about Antifa vs Trump rioters enough to justify a partisan prosecution in a kangaroo court to anyone who might be watching.

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What’s a little Antisemitism among Leftists

This joke is factually wrong and perpetuates the lie that Israel is an Apartheid state, but why let that stand in the way of Leftists having a chuckle?

How many times do I have to say it?

Jews, the Left hates you and uses you and will dispose of you as soon as it is convenient to do so.

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