The cruel Communist reality from inside the CHAZ

A buddy of mine sent me this:



This guy went to the CHAZ believing that he was making a difference.

He got ripped off and then he was told he should be grateful about being ripped off.


This is even worse.  They get mad at him for feeling violated.  His feeling violated about being ripped off is privilege.  Everyone else at the CHAZ deserves his stuff more than he does.

Also, I want to point out the (((help))) thing.

The triple parenthesizes are known as an “echo” and it originated on an antisemitic website to identify Jews, generally implying membership in a Jewish conspiracy.

I’m not exactly sure why this person put an echo around “help.”  Are they implying that help is Jewish?

What is striking is that the author of that response attacks the person complaining about being violated for using his “white power” while using a symbol that literally started on a white supremacist website.

Once again, I find myself posting this clip from Doctor Zhivago:

Everything about it accurate to the CHAZ.  Some communist stooge throws her weight around, to make the Doctor feel afraid and ashamed after she redistributes his property to others, then criticizes him for owning it in the first place.  The Doctor is forced to parrot the communist dogma or risk being punished.  Even the destruction of Holy Cross Hospital to be “reformed” into something that appeases the communist zealots who wanted to wipe out everything that existed before the revolution matches what is going on with the defacement of monuments.

The CHAZ is the Soviet Revoluion in a microcosm.

Comrade Kaprugina exists in the CHAZ to scold people who feel violated after they are ripped off.

I know some people who have been commenting on this blog see the CHAZ as being mostly filled with useless but mostly harmless Lefties who will get disaffected in a few days and go back to daddy’s basement.

I think the reality is that the CHAZ is filled with Comrade Kapruginas and Wannabe Ches and what is going in there is actually very dangerous.




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After the cops go down, you’re next

Activists in Chicago are demanding that the Mayor of Chicago defund and the police.

So far this year there have been 278 homicides and three people killed by Chicago PD officers, clearly, the police are the greatest threat to black lives in the Windy City.

The Mayor of Chicago announced that she will work with community activists to reform the police department and their use of force rules.

We all know where this is going.  Straight to hell.

Cops are not going to risk their lives to protect a city when the Mayor is collaborating with anti-police activists to undermine them.

I suspect a lot of cops are going to be volunteering for armory and motor pool duty, or finding a lot of back paperwork on their desks that needs to get done, or figuring out some other way to avoid situations where they could get attacked and be hamstrung in their ability to defend themselves or fear that if they do the city government will throw them under the bus.

That leaves law-abiding citizens in a situation where they know that nobody is coming to save them.

The Mayor of Chicago has already considered that and has a warning for those people.

Don’t Take Matters Into Your Own Hands, Wary Top Cop And Mayor Tell Chicagoans After Days Of Looting, Shootings

Chicago Police were overwhelmed this weekend as people called 911 by the thousands in response to looting, vandalism and shootings across the city — but city leaders urged residents to remain calm.

“The Police Department was responding to these calls as best they could with a significant amount of additional resources on the South and the West sides,” Mayor Lori Lightfoot said during a Monday press conference. “The challenge was it was everywhere. Everywhere.

“So if we had a police department three times the size it would have been difficult to keep up with the calls for service yesterday. Now, I know that’s cold comfort, but I want to be clear that we didn’t stand by and let the South and the West side burn as, unfortunately, some people are propagating. That’s just not true.”

“Obviously we’re aware of the fact that Illinois is a concealed carry state,” Lightfoot said. “Do not take matters into your own hands. Call the police.

“We’ve seen tragedy happen in this country, and recently, when people felt like they could take matters into their own hands. … Let me remind you of the killing of Mr. [Ahamud] Arbery. Do not pick up arms and try to be the police. If there’s a problem, call 911. We will respond. But I urge people to show restraint and do not take matters into your own hands.”

The police are overwhelmed.  They are not coming to save you.  But whatever you do, don’t use your legally owned and lawfully carried pistol to defend yourself.

I’ve stayed very far away from the Ahamud Arbery case, but I will say if someone breaks into your home, your apartment, our your business while you are in it, and starts attacking you, that is very different than chasing a guy down in the back of a pickup.

Mayor Lightfoot is coming at this from the perspective of many anti-gun Leftists that all defensive shoots by civilians are vigilante murder.

What happens when police who know that the city doesn’t have their back decided that it’s easier to respond to every 911 dispatch call with “car out of service” because they don’t have a duty to protect?  You try to defend yourself and the same powers that cut the cops’ legs out from under them go after you for taking matters into your own hands.

The only people who will be given a pass are the criminals.

That’s the Chicago way.


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Setting a narrative for a lynching.

A man was shot at a protest aimed at toppling a conquistador statue in Albuquerque, New Mexico on Monday amid clashes between demonstrators and an armed militia group, reports said.

One person, who is believed to be the gunshot victim, was taken to the hospital in critical condition after the gunman opened fire on a group of demonstrators attempting to remove a statue of Spanish conquerer Juan de Oñate, according to NBC News.

The shooting took place as a group of six heavily-armed members of a militia group called the New Mexico Civil Guard began to clash with protesters, the Albuquerque Journal reported.

Man shot as protesters clash with ‘vigilantes’ in New Mexico

And then we have this.

“Although we are still learning more about the situation, I am horrified and disgusted beyond words by the reports of violence at a protest Monday night in Albuquerque,” [Governor -D] Lujan Grisham said late Monday in a statement. “The heavily armed individuals who flaunted themselves at the protest, calling themselves a ‘civil guard,’ were there for one reason: To menace protesters, to present an unsanctioned show of unregulated force. To menace the people of New Mexico with weaponry — with an implicit threat of violence — is on its face unacceptable; that violence did indeed occur is unspeakable.”

“Mayor Tim Keller [D] reacted swiftly following the shooting, tweeting that the city would be “removing the statue until the appropriate civic institutions can determine next steps” in order to contain the public safety risk.
The shooting tonight was a tragic, outrageous and unacceptable act of violence and it has no place in our city,” the mayor wrote in a statement. “Our diverse community will not be deterred by acts meant to divide or silence us. Our hearts go out the victim, his family and witnesses whose lives were needlessly threatened tonight.”

‘Horrified and disgusted beyond words’

So if you just take what the media and the politicians said, a gang of heavily armed Militia guys shot without provocation at a group of people “peacefully” demonstrating against a racist that has been dead for centuries.

And then, there are the facts captured in a video.

(IANAL warning)
He was attacked by a deadly weapon (skateboard to the head) he decided to withdraw, walk away, to retreat, as we are told so many time. But he was chased, attacked, pushed/knocked to the ground by three individuals (disparity of force) and being told he was going to be killed. Only then he used his sidearm in self-defense.

But he is the disgusting party in this event.

I imagine Andrew Branca may have something to say in his website later on the week. In my amateur opinion, this is a clear case of self-defense being twisted to be used to impose more gun control regulations buy elected Democrats.

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Local governments are screwing their police and the police are not happy about it

First from Los Angeles:

As reported by CNN:

Protests in Los Angeles, first over stay at home orders and then the death of George Floyd, have resulted in large amounts of overtime work for officers of the Los Angeles Police Department, but they will not be paid for the time, according to an internal memo.

The department will compensate the officers in time off instead, LAPD told CNN.
“During this extraordinary time, including the full mobilization of our sworn members, the Department has expended more than $40 million dollars in overtime expenses,” the memo reads. “This amount far exceeds any budgetary reserve to address unusual occurrences.”

This announcement comes nearly two weeks after Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti announced the city identified $100 million to $150 million in cuts to LAPD’s budget to “build trust and bolster accountability” with more transparent police practices.

The Mayor of LA acquiesced to the whims of the protestors and defunded the police.  Now police who worked a shit load of overtime during the lockdown and recent riots are not getting paid overtime.  They will be compensated with additional time off.

Morale is low and reports are many officers are looking to quit.

Second from Hallandale, Florida:

Hallandale Beach SWAT resigns not over chief taking a knee, but lack of support, they say

10 members of Hallandale Beach’s SWAT Team resigned Friday in a lengthy memo to HBPD Chief Sonia Quiñones.

While they cited many issues for their resignations, the last straw was when members of the Command Staff took a knee in solidarity, they said, not because of the gesture but because of whom the SWAT team believed they were supporting and what was the reason for the display.

“Lastly and most shockingly,” they said, “having members of the Command Staff taking a knee in solidarity with Vice Mayor Sabrina Javellana (who stated she wants the officers ‘fired and charged’) and a handful of political activists that chanted, “Howard Bowe, re-open the case…” showed a lack of support,” they stated.

Bowe was shot and killed during a drug raid.  The officers were not indicted by a grand jury and the city settled with the family.  The Vice Mayor wants to reopen the Bowe case in the current anti-police zeitgeist.

I saw the video and I was floored:

If you were shocked that the Vice Mayor looks and sounds like a stupid millennial, it’s because she is.  She’s 22 and was elected while a college student.

Hallandale literally elected a shitty campus activist to be Number Two of their city and are reaping the whirlwind for it.

On both coasts, local governments have been caught up in the anti-cop social movement and are screwing over their police departments, and now officers are quitting or cutting back.

The results will be disastrous.  Brace for the coming shit storm.

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If you are armed with a knife, you will not be shot in Dallas under a new proposal.

And the stupid keeps permeating to the top.

DALLAS – Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins said this is the time for change, and introduced new directives he wants to see implemented for local cities and law enforcement.

During a video tweeted Sunday, he encouraged conversations about race and discrimination in our community.

Along with the video, Jenkins tweeted 10 new directives that were developed during a meeting with government leaders, faith groups, and activists

Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins introduces 10 ‘Directions for Public Safety and Positive Community Change’

Click to enlarge

But wait…OK, you know know rest.

Not even going to waste time repeating SCOTUS and No Duty to Protect

Jimmy is off his meds and the Lizard People is telling him to slash the shit out the kids of the local elementary. But the cops cannot intervene because it is not a gun and the attacker is a crazy bastard? Yes, that is going to fly well. People are expecting the SWAT team and they are gonna get a pair of social workers? And taking over a situation from the cops?  Somebody has been watching too much TV.

And as usual, here is the document so you can read it.

I did a quick search for Judge Jenkins and it seems the guy has issues, mostly on the power-hungry side of tings.

he went even further than Abbott’s orders, going so far as to ban in-person worship and at one point even threatening to send the Texas National Guard door to door to see who was infected and who wasn’t—despite the fact that the National Guard reports to the governor, not him.

On April 7, Jenkins threatened to extend the county’s mandatory stay-at-home policy into May, triggering an outcry from the Dallas grassroots that mobilized citizens and pressured the county’s commissioners to take action.

On April 15, Jenkins issued an order mandating all people within the county to wear masks or face a maximum fine of $1,000 and/or 180 days in jail. Again, furious citizens spoke out. Commissioners John Wiley Price and J.J. Koch called for an emergency meeting during which they slapped down Jenkins’ order again, voting 3-2 to remove all penalties for not wearing a mask.

So we have an elected idiot who behaves like a mini banana dictator and has no idea of the danger that a blade or an impact weapon can have in the hands of a dedicated attacker.  I don’t think his proposals are gonna go far.

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We are going to need a lot of paint

More news from New York City:

I was unaware that the Mayor of New York had that authority, but I guess he does.

So here is my plan.

We need to paint “Black Lives Matter” on every street in NYC.

Force de Blasio into a corner.  Either he makes every one of those streets pedestrian-only and stops all vehicular traffic in the city OR he faces the ensuing protests and accusations of racism for letting people drive over “Black Lives Matter.”

I’m sure a bunch of enterprising individuals in the dead of night could bring New York City to a standstill with nothing more than yellow paint and some rollers.

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The New York ghetto uprising

A followup to Miguel’s story from yesterday.

The Jews of Brooklyn who were welded out of a park have revolted.

In the finest of Jewish traditions: *snip* “Mazel Tov!”

They didn’t loo tor burn private business or destroy public monuments so they will not be praised by the media for standing up to government oppression.

Still, this sort of civil disobedience was entirely warranted.

Perhaps next, they should take that giant Mogen Clamp and apply it to the Mayor, so that he might see things from the Jewish perspective.


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