This is a declaration of war as far as I’m concerned

Seen in the CHAZ:

This isn’t a street fest or hippie commune.

This is a group that wants to create an oppressive, Leftist, communist movement.

You will not be left alone.

They want to tread on you and stamp out your existence because you disagree with them politically.

This flag makes their intent perfectly clear.

This is a declaration of war as far as I am concerned.

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More Antisemitism from deBlasio

This is what the author is referring:

— Joel Fischer (@JFNYC1) June 15, 2020

I cannot but come to the conclusion that deBlasio considers a few Jewish children playing in a park,  a bigger health risk thousands of people gathering for politics.  They are carriers of disease, apparently. Sounds historically familiar.

Poster from Nazi-Occupied Poland: “The Jews are lice; they cause typhus.”

I am just waiting for the inevitable Brooklyn Kristallnacht.

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The anti-cop experts on the Brooks shooting are terrible

From USA Today:

‘Lawful but awful’: Atlanta police had better options than using lethal force in Rayshard Brooks shooting, experts say

Surveillance video shows 27-year-old Rayshard Brooks was running away after resisting arrest in the parking lot of a Wendy’s restaurant when he was shot by officer Garrett Rolfe, who, on Sunday, was fired. The Fulton County Medical Examiner’s Office on Sunday said Brooks died of two gunshot wounds to his back and ruled the manner of death a homicide.

After being questioned for falling asleep in his car in the restaurant’s drive-thru line, Brooks had wrestled with the police when they tried to handcuff him and took officer Devin Brosnan’s Taser, firing it once at Rolfe as he gave pursuit with his own Taser in hand.

That’s this case in a nutshell.

Brooks was drunk in his car in the parking lot of a Wendy’s.  That’s an automatic arrest.  He resisted, took an officer’s weapon, ran away and pointed it at another officer.  He got shot.

Kalfani Ture, an assistant professor of criminal justice at Quinnipiac University in Connecticut, served as a police officer in the Atlanta metropolitan area for five years.

A street cop turned academic, let’s see what he says about this.

“Black people don’t want to be taken into custody,’’ said Ture, who is Black, “because there’s always the fear that they may not come out on the other side.’’

So that justifies resisting arrest?  Seems like that is the fastest way to get killed by law enforcement is to resist and take a cops weapon.

Andy Harvey, a former Dallas police officer and current police chief of Ennis, Texas, said the officers didn’t have to arrest Brooks despite him registering above the legal blood-alcohol limit for driving.

“They could have taken other alternatives before getting to that point where they felt they had to take action,’’ Harvey told USA TODAY. “How do we resolve this? Is there a cab you could call, or a family member who can come pick him up?’’

Isn’t DUI a mandatory arrest?  Is it not in Texas?  Once you are in a car drunk, you’re ending up in handcuffs.

Change the law if you want, but telling cops not to enforce the law is a bad idea.

The murder of George Floyd was clearly bad.  But the problem with the aftermath is that a justified shooting is being lumped in as a murder and the Monday quarterbacks are trying to explain how under the current zeitgeist, shpuld not enforce the law on black people and black peoples’ resisting arrest is justified.

These people are going to drive a scenario where any cops that are not abolished quit out of disgust for how cops are being treated.


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The Rayshard Brooks shooting makes liars out of people. (Update)


The latest I am hearing about why police in Atlanta is racist and killers is because they shot Rayshard Brooks because he aimed a Taser he stole from one of the cops and attempted to shoot at the other. I mean, it was just a Taser, right?  It is not like it was going to kill the officer!


But wait, we are hearing from the same people that not too long ago were screaming loudly that Tasers were a deadly weapon.  Search the web for “Taser Deaths” and you will have from the Brits to Amnesty International decrying the use of such a deadly weapon.

And if that is not all.

The Georgia Supreme Court has recognized that stun guns and Tasers may be considered offensive weapons that are likely to result in serious bodily injury, depending on how they’re used (Harwell v. State, 512 S.E.2d 892 (Ga. Sup. Ct. 1999))

Stun Gun Laws in Georgia

The officer that shot Brooks was fired and the Police Chief quit. I do believe there is a good chance the officer will be re-instated or that he will get a doozy of payment in the possible lawsuit for wrongful termination.

The Left did such a good job of demonizing the Taser that it made possible a full and legal defense of the officer while at the same time looking like idiots for speaking with a forked tongue.

Reader Old 1811 tipped us about Second City Cop’s post:

A TALE OF TWO INCIDENTS by The Atlanta DA’s Office and the Atlanta Mayor.

Incident 1) 5 Atlanta Police Officers fired last week for using a taser to remove two college students from a car. Officers were fired because the Atlanta District Attorney’s Office deemed the Officer’s use of the taser was DEADLY PHYSICAL FORCE.

Incident 2) A suspect who failed a field sobriety test and deemed Driving While Intoxicated resists arrest, fights with police, steals the officers taser (robbery) and escapes. During the pursuit, the suspect turns and fires the taser at the officer’s head and was shot and eventually dies. The Atlanta mayor calls for the Officer to be fired because he used deadly physical force against a taser.

BURNING QUESTION: Why is using a taser considered Deadly Physical Force when it’s used by a police officer but not Deadly Physical Force when used against a police officer by a suspect?


Multi Million Dollar Lawsuit…

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Brown Shirts of the CHAZ

Three years ago I first wrote about the John Brown Gun Club.

They are a wing of Antifa that owns and trains with guns.  They believe in the idea of a communist worker uprising and are arming themselves for that end.

In the CHAZ, they have put themselves to work as the Zone’s armed political enforcers.

Same situation from two angles:

This is the same group that I wrote about in my previous post, the ones that were attacked for carrying American flags into the CHAZ.

So gun-carrying Antifa has granted itself the authority to intimidate unarmed black men.  All in the name of racial justice and Black Lives Matter.

Exactly when does this get counted as an armed insurrection?

The Daily Beast, which is a hard Left-leaning news site.  This is how they covered the John Brown Gun Club at the CHAZ:

Meet the Gun Club Patrolling Seattle’s Leftist Utopia
Though everyone from Trump to local cops have expressed fear about the idea of anti-brutality activists being armed, they say it’s essential to ward off dangerous extremists.

Only to a site like the Daily Beast are armed Antifa not “dangerous extremists.”

Members of the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club (PSJBGC)—a leftist community defense and firearms education organization that gained a spate of notoriety last year when a former member, Willem van Spronsen, set fire to an ICE parking lot—have been a constant presence. The club is often asked to provide security for protests and rallies around the Seattle area, and while their involvement in CHAZ is structured more loosely, the presence of armed civilians has raised a few eyebrows.

Leftist gun clubs have been on the rise, and organizations like the Socialist Rifle Association—of which, full disclosure, I am a member—Huey P. Newton Gun Club, Trigger Warning Queer & Trans Gun Club, and other chapters of the John Brown Gun Club have successfully introduced the issue of gun rights and firearms education into the broader leftist discourse. In Seattle, John Brown members have generally been showing up on an individual basis, rather than as part of a coordinated campaign. But as Nick—the group’s towering spokesperson, who like other members requested his full name be withheld given law enforcement’s fixation on left-wing activists—told The Daily Beast, the group was also tapped to provide a security escort for “some very prominent black voices who were doing speeches here at the Autonomous Zone” following the events of last Sunday evening.

“Sure, there are occasionally people open carrying, and usually they’re people of color, but all that they’re doing is exercising the same Second Amendment rights that the 3%ers and right wingers never shut up about,” Vixen, who is also a PSJBC member, told The Daily Beast. “But because they’re afraid of the c-word, ‘communist’, [right wingers] lose their minds over it. And unlike whatever’s happening in their own personal fantasyland—all this talk of the boogaloo, without the rule of law—the threats of violence against these communities are actually credible.”

This fundamentally wrong, and insanely hypocritical from a group that openly hates the NRA (but when has the Left not been a bunch of hypocrites).

What gun owners of the Right want is to be left alone.  The whole idea of the Boogaloo is an armed casting off of the forces of oppression.

These people want to be the armed muscle of the Communist takeover.  They are not anti-oppression.  They want to be the oppressors.  Their guns are the hobnails in the boot stamping in every human face forever.

The open-carrying right did not chase off reporters or people waiving opposing flags.  They did.  They pushed out people with American flags.  They pushed out reporters.  They have backed the people shaking down others in the CHAZ.

This is the Left.  Want to own guns to defend yourself from an oppressive government and you are bad.

Own guns to help usher in an oppressive government and you are a hero.

These assholes are going to get someone killed before this is all over.


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BLM in the CHAZ had nothing to do with black lives actually mattering

The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, which is an apparent joint venture by Antifa and Black Lives Matter, doesn’t actually care about black lives.

It’s a radical Leftist, communist enclave operating freely in the city of Seattle.

Black people who do not adhere to this political ideology will quickly find out just how welcome they are in the CHAZ.

A black man decided he would carry an American flag through the CHAZ.  It did not end well for him:

From another angle:

To be black in the CHAZ has nothing to do with the color of your skin and everything to do with adherence to an anti-American, Leftist political ideology.

That’s how white people can justify attacking a black man while chanting “black lives matter.”

And why would an organization like #BLM put up with seeing white people push a black man around?

Because they are getting a cash money payday though a racial shakedown.

Black lives do not matter to these people, only radical Leftism.

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Chazians are freeloaders who should be starved out

The citizens of the CHAZ are begging for donations.

These people are totally useless.

They want to create a Leftist, communist utopia but they have to beg for resources from the outside world.

The whole area should be fenced off and embargoed.

If the want to be autonomous, let them be autonomous.

In 30 days we can go back in an haul out the emaciated bodies for disposal.

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