I have a question for Minneapolis

” and replace the law enforcement agency with “a community-led public safety system.””

It’s Official: Minneapolis City Council Votes Unanimously to Abolish Police

So what happens when these new Community-Led Public Safety individuals get sued for violations of Civil Rights? And I mean rightfully or wrongfully, Who is gonna cover the costs?

Or are they going to be scrutinized in a different form, not just like everybody else and perhaps give them some protection above to what is given to the regular citizen?

You say it.. 🙂

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Because using a Two By Four is illegal

The Hopefully-Soon-T0-Be-Defunct Miami Herald has increased its attacks against Governor DeSantis about the increasing number of Wuhan cases detected. Out of the gate they dismiss the increasing amount of testing sites and people taking the tests saying that it is only a small part of the overall reason. Huh? If testing it is not done, how the flock of seagulls do you get  results anyway? Is this a variation of the  Chinese government statistical reports?
Carrying on.

Now, get this: They love to cite the Florida Gov provided numbers about new cases to “prove” their point, but if you asked them about the real and final accountability number, deaths, they suddenly go “Oh you can’t trust the data that DeSantis is putting out.”

Using the same source, the Florida Department of Health, the numbers a top (new cases) are true and indication DeSantis fucked up and he and the Republicans do not care for people. But the stats at the bottom (deaths by day) are totally untrustworthy because they come from the Florida Department of Health.

I need more coffee.

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Make them bleed politically.

The Minneapolis City Council unanimously voted on Friday to abolish the Police Department and replace the law enforcement agency with “a community-led public safety system.” For communities its size, Minneapolis has one of the highest crime rates in the nation.

The 13-member city council, comprised of 12 Democrats and one Green Party member, voted to begin a year-long process of engaging “with every willing community member in Minneapolis” to come up with a new public safety model, 

It’s Official: Minneapolis City Council Votes Unanimously to Abolish Police


Come  Monday, every Minneapolis cop should either put their papers for retirement or resignation and then go post at their local eatery for the duration of their shifts till they leave the job. Punch 8 hours safely and then go home to frosty one.

It is clear that neither the city governance nor the people want you, let them figure out how to deal with the criminal element.

Go full Blue Covid and let them have fun.

Hat Tip Eve’s Hubby


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Eric Swalwell is the dumbest politician alive

I cannot stand dunk culture.  That is this thing where people quip at each other on social media in order to score likes and retweets.

More often than not these people come out looking less like Laconic Spartans and more like absolute fucking morons.

In one particular instance, Eric Swalwell proved though his dunk that he is perhaps one of the dumbest people in the entirety of the US government, and that’s saying something.

It started with Senator Ted Cruz criticizing rioters who were destroying statues.

He’s not wrong.

The Taliban were notorious for destroying anything that wasn’t Islamic.  Perhaps most famously was the destruction of the Buddhas of Bamyan, but they were not alone.  The Taliban desecrated non-Islamic graves and everything else that didn’t comport to their ideology.

ISIS did this as well to ancient Greek and Roman architecture in Syria, as well a Churches and other great works that predated Islam.

This is what Cruz was referring to.

Lots of people responded with some variant of “no, the Republicans are the real terrorists” without any substantiating evidence because the baddies never think they are the baddies.

Then comes Swalwell.

This is in reference to a feud between Cruz and Trump during the 2016 primary election in which Trump insulted Heidi Cruz.

This is one of the reasons that I’m not a Trump cheerleader, it was a gross attack by a politician, especially within the same party.

Democrats love to bring this up against Cruz, accusing him of lacking testicular fortitude or being a pushover.  Cruz has made it clear that for the good of the country and the stability of the party, he’s going to let bygones be bygones (at least publicly) and work with Trump because he’s a man of principle.  Since Democrat politicians don’t have principles they continue to bring this up.

In this particular jibe it is extraordinarily stupid because the Taliban don’t defend their wives.

The Taliban murder their wives in honor killings and beat them with whips or throw acid in their faces for disobedience.

The Taliban hide behind their women and children when Special Forces come to kill them.

But Swalwell couldn’t resist the dunk.  It doesn’t matter how badly he missed this dunk people on the Left loved it.

If you want to know why it feels like America is descending into chaos, it’s because some of our most influential leaders are this stupid and ignorant to reality and they have supporters that cheer them on.


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Starbucks just needs to fold

Starbucks can do no right.

That’s the problem with getting into bed with the Left.

To make this story short:

Starbucks sent out a memo saying that baristas can’t wear any Black Lives Matter stuff at work because as a company policy, employees can’t wear clothes, buttons, stickers, etc. that advocate for a political, religious, or personal issue.

You don’t want you go to Starbucks and get prosthelytized to.  They tried that with Race Together after the Treyvon Martin shooting and it was a disaster.

So Starbucks went neutral.

Starbucks is getting attached with #BoycottStarbucks trending on Twitter.

So Starbucks has reversed course, is letting baristas display Black Lives Matter stuff at work and customers who just want a cup of coffee without a side of politics are out of luck.

Starbucks gets political and people hate it.

They become neutral and the Left attacks them and they become political again, pissing off customers.

It’s time Starbucks gives up.

The board should shut the whole company down, cash out, and walk away.

Anything else will just cause another disastrous cycle of policy flip-flops and boycotts.

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