He’s not wrong, but f**k him anyway

The head of the NYPD Police Benevolence Association gave a speech in which he attacked the Leftist mayor and local government for the way they handled the protests and stabbed the NYPD in the back during the riots.

He’s not wrong about anything he said.

On the other hand…

I spent the last two months chronicling how the Waffen NYPD was just following Mayor Bill de Blasio’s orders to on his solution to the Orthodox Jewish problem to make the streets of Brooklyn Judenfrei during COVID.

So the fact that New York City’s Fuhrer sabotaged his stormtroopers when the political winds shifted is both totally historically precedent and totally devoids me of empathy for them.

De Blasio empowers them to empty Synagogues during Sabbath prayers then lets black and Leftist rioters pelt them with bricks.

The whole thing is a shit show that furthers my desire to see it all burn to the ground.

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New York endorses glory holes to slow the spread of COVID

This is an update to a previous post, What is wrong with New York?

The New York City government published a set of guidelines on how to have safe sex during the outbreak.

It was horrible.

They updated it.

It’s worse now.

Take care during sex.
• Kissing can easily pass the virus. Avoid kissing anyone who is not part of your small circle of close contacts.
• Rimming (mouth on anus) might spread the virus. Virus in feces may enter your mouth and could lead to infection.
• Wear a face covering or mask. Maybe it’s your thing, maybe it’s not, but during COVID-19 wearing a face covering that covers your nose and mouth is a good way to add a layer of protection during sex. Heavy breathing and panting can spread the virus further, and if you or your partner have COVID-19 and don’t know it, a mask can help stop that spread.

Exactly who is the sexual sociopath who is advocating for people to have sex while wearing masks and not kissing?

I think the serial rapist at the New York City health department just outed himself.

Make it a little kinky. Be creative with sexual positions and physical barriers, like walls, that allow sexual contact while preventing close face to face contact.

That’s a glory hole.  New York City is endorsing glory holes.

I remember when Mayor Rudy Giuliani got rid of the glory holes in New York City.

The current mayor wants you to install one in your home.

I actually agreed with the Left back in the day when they said that the government should stay out of your bedroom.

Now the Left is telling me that I can’t go to Synagogue and shouldn’t kiss my wife, but having loveless sex at a glory hole after licking the assholes of a small circle of friends is preferred.

I hate New York City.  I hope the whole fucking place burns to the ground.

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From Fox News:

San Jose police fire rubber bullets at own racial bias trainer during protest, maiming his testicle


A black community activist who trained San Jose police recruits on implicit bias for three years was shot in a testicle by a rubber bullet during a recent protest, prompting the city’s mayor to say that more needs to be done to confront police brutality — but that defunding police will only undermine those efforts.

If the San Jose police racial bias training is anything like any of the racial bias training I’ve had in the past, I’m sure the cops meant to do that.

Video captured by KABC-TV’s news helicopter overhead purportedly showed the moments an officer fired a riot gun at Sanderlin, who had approached with his hands up.

“I really just couldn’t watch it anymore,” Sanderlin said. “And just kind of made like a parallel walkover, put my hands up, and just stood in the line of the fire and asked them to please not do this.”

Smart, real smart.  Put yourself in harm’s way between the cops and the protesters and see what happens.

In response to the incident, Garcia called Sanderlin personally and issued a statement, saying: “Derrick has been a real leader in our communities’ efforts to reduce bias and discrimination through dialogue. I assured him we will be investigating this incident.”

That will be easy, look for the cop who doesn’t ever have to buy a drink when he’s out with his fellow officers, he’s the one who tagged the bean bag with a bean bag.

Study after study has shown that racial bias training is pointless bullshit.  At best, it does nothing.  More frequently, it causes a backlash.

I’m sure some officer saw Sanderlin and decided that was the perfect opportunity to repay him for his hours of tortuous bias training.

All I can say is…


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I was not expecting to be this right this quick.

A couple of days ago I mashed a meme and I posted it in Facebook.

I am hoping many of you will recognize the bottom half as a scene from Black Hawk Down. And yes, it was very politically incorrect meme and whomever is offended, Kilo Mike Oscar Alpha.

Well, I failed to predict time and location. This is from Seattle:

Yes, he said that. Apparently this guy appointed himself Lord/Boss/Chief of the Seattle Autonomous Zone.

It ended up being Seattle rather than Minneapolis and only took 48 hours.

By the way, they are begging for food. It seems that the open kitchen was raided by homeless that took all the food with them.



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Just something I noticed

What happened to George Floyd was terrible.

I’m not denying any of that.

His funeral was a spectacle of immense proportions.

Attended by hundreds of people, celebrities, athletes, Texas politicians, Members of Congress, he was even eulogized by Vice President Biden by video.

The funeral was paid for by another celebrity athlete.

All because he was murdered by a bad cop protected for years by a union empowered by the political party that ran Minneapolis.

This comes on the heels of the COVID spike, where tens of thousands of elderly people in nursing homes were murdered by the nightmare policies created by politicians of the same political party.

The family members of those people couldn’t even gather to bury their loved one because of social distancing and lockdowns.

It to me seems mightily disgusting that the grandchildren of a beloved grandmother killed by Democrats with COVID could not say goodbye at a gravesite but a man killed by Democrats with a chokehold got a star studded political rally send-off.

In both cases because that was the most politically advantageous thing for the Democrats to do.

Am I the only one who noticed that?

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