Di-Fi finally retires

Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein of California dies at 90 (newschannel5.com)


“If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them, ‘Mr. and Mrs. America, turn ‘em all in,’ I would have done it,” Feinstein told Stahl. “I could not do that. The votes weren’t here.”

Feb. 5, 1995

She can go to her grave knowing she made the AR and all similar weapons the most popular rifles in the Country, contrary to her wishes.

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Friday Feedback

It has been an exciting week out on the West Coast. In California, they got a win in the magazine ban. There are some really crazy things happening at the Ninth Circuit, which I’ll cover tomorrow.

Up in Washington state, a different judge decided that she just didn’t know if magazines were arms protected by the Second Amendment and will have to wait until briefed on the merits.

The Rahimi case is at the Supreme Court. Final briefings by the defendant are due early next week. There are no “good guys” in this case. There is only the “state” and the defendant.

J.Kb. is on a pilgrimage to mecca. He’ll have to pass through enemy held territory before he reaches his destination. I think we are all hoping that he will bring back great stories of his time there.

Please let us know what’s on your mind. Ask questions. Suggest articles.

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Inside the Darién Gap

Reader Merlin sent this video:

Besides the organizations shown helping the illegals, you know there are other economic interests, both political and criminal in our country, helping the insertion of the invasion.

Some people are stupid enough to believe they are able to control the flow of lava. They are in for a big surprise.

I do believe Texas and Florida should start dropping illegals in front of the White House and Congress.

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Brumback v. Ferguson (E.D. Wash., 22-cv-03093)

The Judge Said What?
A gag inducing opinion from a rogue court.
(2900 words)

Who is Dimke

Dimke graduated from Pepperdine University in 1999 before entering Vanderbilt University School of Law, where she graduated with a J.D. in 2002. From there she went to clerk for Alan B. Johnson, a Reagan appointee. Likely because he did his undergraduate work at Vanderbilt. From there, she moved on to clerk for Richard C. Tallman on the Ninth Circuit.

Tallman is a Bill Clinton appointee. His professional career starts in the government. He was a DoJ lawyer and then Assistant United States Attorney in Seattle. From there, he went into private practice, focusing on white-collar criminal defense.

According to Wikipedia, his notable opinion was:

Bull v. City and County of San Francisco, August 22, 2008. Tallman dissented on the issue of whether San Francisco jails could strip search those detained for minor, non-violent offenses, contending that they should be able to do so due to security needs: “When people are dying as a result of our errant jurisprudence, it is time to correct the course of our law.”

After clerking for Tallman, Dimke became a DoJ Trial Attorney, then an Assistant U.S. Attorney. From 2012 through 2016 she was the Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Washington.

In 2021, Biden nominated her as a Judge for the Eastern District of Washington.

This is a person who has spent her entire career working for the government. As a government lawyer, she gets to choose what cases she prosecutes. If she doesn’t think she can win in court, she can plead the charges down or get some other “win” without having to go to trial.

Her job for all those years was to get wins for the state.

Steps To a Win

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