Time for some drag queen story time

Building off the earth-shaking cognitive dissonance of Miguel’s last post, I have an idea.

I saw this online:

I have figured out a purpose for the much-lauded by Progressives Drag Queen Storytime.

To read to children all the books that they should read but the Progressives want to ban.

Little House on the Prairie, Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, the list can go on.

Find me the progressive that is willing to jump into that fight to tell a man in a dress that he can’t read to the children.

The children will be exposed to great American literature and the Progressives can all stand around and fret themselves to death.

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“Islam is right about women.”

Whomever posted this sign is a damned genius. Pure master troll.

The sign is as generic as it can be. It does not say Islam is bad or good or even mild. Yest people are having conniptions about it, why exactly? I had a ball seeing people find explanations as to why the sign is insulting and validate their indignation.

Deep inside they understand that Islam’s treatment of women is atrocious and no way in hell you will see them wearing a burka and having to walk to the mall because they are not allowed to drive under Islamic ruling. On the other hand, to criticize the minority du jour is not kosher and it is downright racist to imply that looping the clitoris is barbaric.

Basically they are choking in their own “wokenes.”


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There is no Problem for the Left that a little (or big) genocide can’t fix

There is a saying “when all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.”

For the Left that should be “when all you have is government force, every problem looks like a mass execution.”

Greta Thurnberg is the David Hogg of the environmental movement, but even more well known since that movement exists on the international scale.  Everything she says ridiculous to the extreme.

She gave a speech to the United Nations, which was roundly applauded.

I don’t know who has explained science to her, but if she gets her wish on how much carbon emissions she wants to cut immediately the global deaths by famine that will occur will be measured in the billions.

Add to that death toll, the millions who will die of heat in the summer and cold in the winter as indoor climate control will become prohibitively expensive.

Overnight, much of the civilized world will be plunged into Venezuela, where the super-rich and political connected (redundant) can afford the best and the rest of us have to try and live like we’re in the 19th century.

The deaths from illness that will occur as hospitals, pharmaceutical, and medical supply manufacturers all deal with prohibitively high energy costs and a lack of supplies or raw materials.

This will trickle outward since much of the developing world depends on our exports of food and medicine in the form of foreign aid.

This will be an energy-driven Holodomor on a global scale.

But never mind all of that, an angry, autistic teenage girl from Sweden is lecturing us on how our desire to eat food and not die of typhus or dysentery is too much to ask when it comes to saving her future.

Over in DC, at the environmental protest, this sign was spotted:

Only if eough of the right people – as identified by the revolutionaries – are executed, everything will get better.

The Soviets and Chinese did that and just look at their incredible environmental records.

Starve a few billion people to death, murder a few hundred-thousand or million more for not enthusiastically agreeing with all of the plans some teenage Swedish girl and her handlers have come up with, and now we are really on our way to creating a Green Utopia with complete Environmental Justice for all.

When they talk about an extinction-level event, I guess that is their plan to fix things.  Just a little genocide here and there and everything will be great.

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I am disappointed at the Florida Legilature (re: specilaty plates)

I was doing my weekly check on bill in the legislature when I bumped into this one:

SB 322 – Specialty License Plates/Gopher Tortoise

My hear skipped a beat. Gopher? Florida? There is only one Florida gopher deserving of a specialty plate!

And my hope came crashing down like it was the donations rate to the Booker campaign.

I did not know that animal existed.

My soul is crushed with sorrow.

Need more coffee.

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Leftist Luddites, Mike Pence, and more reasons for a 2A for cars

Part of the problem with the Left’s TDS is that everything this administration does is a catastrophe.  There is no gauging of relative importance.  There is nothing so benign that the Left says “we’ll ignore this, we have bigger fish to fry.”  This makes people exhausted and diminishes the severity of the big stuff.

Enter Mike Pence over the weekend.

He visited Mackinac Island, which I have never heard of, to give a speech.  He was chauffeured in a typical VP motorcade.

Cue TDS insanity.

What the fuck is she talking about?

As it turns out, Mackinac Island banned cars in 1898 because they scare the horses.  Since then it has been both law and tradition that the island be motor vehicle free.

Except that is not entirely true.  The police and fire department have emergency vehicles, snowmobiles are allowed in the winter, and construction/service vehicles are allowed during the offseason.

So you can believe that driving is forbidden on the island if you believe that when a hotel or building is constructed, it’s all dug by hand, lifted by people pulling on a rope with a block and tackle, and horse-drawn carriages move the construction materials.

As the Detroit Free Press explains, the motorcade was mandated by the Secret Service for security reasons.

So according to Tlaib and all the other Lefties wringing their hands about this non-event, the Vice President being driven in a law enforcement motorcade (the Secret Service is a law enforcement agency) in a city that allows emergency service vehicles to drive on the road is tantamount to a violation of the Constitution is grade-A stupid bullshit.

What I will say about all of this is that in a matter of a few minutes reading about this non-event, I have gone from not knowing anything about Mackinac Island to saying “fuck that place and the people who live there, I am never visiting.”

It is a matter of principle, twice, and personal comfort, once.

Cars were banned in 1898 because the scared the horses and the law has not been changed to reflect changes in technology.  This is pure Luddism that has taken on a deep almost spiritual significance.

It’s not sacrilege, it’s a fucking car on an island under the jurisdiction of the United States.

What makes this worse is that the car ban doesn’t apply to law enforcement or emergency services.  So Mackinac Island is to cars the way the New York City tries to be with guns.  Police only, you filthy civilian.

If the people of Mackinac want to preserve their 19th century, bucolic purity, they can be evacuated off the island on a horse-drawn wagon and a rowboat when they are having a heart attack.

I don’t feel like giving my money to a bunch of Luddites who exempt their police from the target of their ban.

As a matter of practicality, I have arthritis in my spine and a bad knee.  Walking or biking across the island is more than I would be capable of doing.

Not just does the city ban cars, it bans all motor vehicles, including electric bicycles, and scooters.  If you are disabled, you can use a mobility scooter, but you better have your handicap paperwork with you.

I’m not going hurt myself biking around the 8 mile island and I’m not going to go through the indignity of proving that I’m crippled enough to get special permission to use a mobility scooter.

Fuck you, I’m going to take my money to Key West or Block Island where I can rent a scooter or a golf car or some other small, convenient transportation.

I know Trump needs Michigan to win reelection, but after learning about the Mackinac Island car ban, my natural inclination is to want the President to take a 100 car motorcade to do laps around M-185 (yes, it is a car-free state highway) like warmup at Talladega.

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I’m of mixed minds about this protest

From USA Today:

Fantastic, another protest by a bunch of idiots and brainwashed children about something that they do not understand. ( End sarcasm)

To be honest, I don’t really care about their environmental alarmist bullshit.  Shutting down DC, on the other hand, is something I could totally get behind.

The less time those assholes in the Capitol spend working, the better off we usually are.

The problem here is that the protest isn’t stopping Congress from running the Bill of Rights through a shredder or preventing the alphabet soup of Federal bureaucracies from jamming their hands into our pockets and micromanaging our lives.  It’s stopping regular people from getting to work.

If there was a protest that only inconvenienced elected officials and Federal bureaucrats, I’d be fine with that shit going on 365 days per year.

Watching some of the videos from the protest, however, gives me another thought.

It should be totally legal to drive through any illegal protest that blocks traffic.  If the protesters don’t have a permit to block the street let them play live-action Frogger.  A city shouldn’t be brought to a halt by this type of tactic.

Especially after what we saw in Portland with Antifa blocking intersections and attacking drivers.

Lastly, this video got me thinking.

A hallmark of the New Left is crybullying.  They attack then play the victim when responded to with force.

I think this is another reason the Left loves radical Islam because this has been a consistent tactic used by Hamas and Hezbollah for years against Israel.  These groups launch missiles at markets in Israel then claim to be victims when an Israeli air-strike takes out a Palestinian bomb factory.

These assholes are blocking traffic with a van, then are screaming that the police can’t tow the van because it’s too dangerous to tow it with people riding on it.

I can only see this tactic being used more and more in more extreme ways.

“It’s dangerous to shoot at Protesters who are only attacking cops with clubs.”

Screw them.

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Busy day – Low Posting

Catching up with a ton of min-craps that suddenly decided to pop.

If you are still dealing with idiots who assure you we have 12 years left before the end of the world, tell them to stop being conceited idiots and reminded them that if a friggging asteroid impact could not kill the planet, thinking that cow farts and plastic straws will destroy Earth is sheer stupidity.

And then share this:


Back as soon as I can.

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