One more item for the Hurricane Kit.

Last weekend we finally refueled our cars with the last of the gas for the generator.  And discovering that your bad back is not keen about holding 5 gallons of ga with care as not to drop it over your wife’s pretty car she adores was revealing.  The cans have the vent modification and they worked like a charm, but the spout is the nn flexible that came originally and they SUCK if you are trying to pout that last gallon out.

I am getting a pump. Screw it.

And not only a pump for a gas can but battery operated.  Any unnecessary labor under the heat and humidity of Hurricane season is dumb and a waste.  I’ll do my research and will let you know about the next addition to the kit.

And I am not gonna jinx it yet. Not saying crap till November 30th.


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Why we have a Constitution we must follow.

J. Kb. sent me this:

Eleven people have been arrested in southern Mexico after the mayor of their village was dragged out of his office, tied to a pick-up truck and dragged through the streets.
Police intervened to free Mayor Jorge Luis Escandón Hernández, who reportedly suffered no major injuries.
It was the second attack by farmers demanding that he fulfil his campaign promise to repair a local road.
Extra officers have been deployed to the village in Chiapas state.

Mexico mayor tied to car and dragged along by angry locals


And this one:

Mob justice usually not only does not achieve the results you wanted, it usually brings a new load of problems with it.  Over this side of the Rio Grande, we have the right to ‘peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances” and only a major act of governmental misbehavior and absolute ignorance for the petition can excuse the use of violence (Battle of Athens as example.) But going this vigilante for not repaving a road in a country you cannot defend yourself from the local pickpocket and much less from armed government forces? Dumb move.
I went ahead and checked the local news sources and found out that this was the second attack on the Mayor’s office by the same people. About six months ago, they occupied the County building demanding free roofing material for their homes which ws denied by the dragged Mayor.

I think there is more to the story than what we are told.



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Yom Kippur 2019: Two shot dead outside a synagogue in Germany.

Two people were killed Wednesday in a shooting in the eastern German city of Halle and the suspected assailants fled, police said.

Several shots were fired and the suspected assailants then fled in a car, police said in a tweet. They urged residents to stay in their homes or indoors.

A short time later, police reported that one person had been arrested. They gave no information on that person. Pictures from the scene showed a body lying in the street behind a police cordon.

Police didn’t give any further information, but said officers were out in force in the city hunting down the suspects.

They gave no details about the target of the attack and there were varying reports. The Bild and Mitteldeutsche Zeitung newspapers reported that the shooting took place near a synagogue – Wednesday is the Jewish holy day of Yom Kippur.

Two dead in shooting ‘outside a synagogue’ in Halle, as German police urge people to stay indoors

Evil never sleeps.  I know J. Kb. is packing and hopefully there are no idiots in the area that would like to asses his performance with  firearm.

Everybody else, stay frosty.

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A dumb Liberal Comment

I caught this beautiful tidbit regarding why Dick’s stopped selling Evil Black Rifles:

The board agreed to reject blood money.

I could not let go of that load of Fake Righteousness, so I replied:.

This CEO only “destroyed” weapons that will have almost zero probability to be involved in any type of crime just to appear cool to the Woke Club.
Now, if they were really into eliminating the Blood Money, they should go into the books, find out how much they made selling guns all these decades and begin a Buyback of all the stuff they sold.
It is easier to say “Hey! I am not selling Bad Ugly Bang Stick Anymore, Love me! (But Eff You I am keeping the profits from all the ones I sold before)”

This is a SJW variation of criminals and their enablers excusing their behavior:  “I am not killing anymore so I should not be prosecuted, in fact, you ought to thank me and allow me to live my life unencumbered.”  In Catholic terms, you confessed but made a fake gesture of penance, there is no real contrition because you have failed to repair the harms you inflicted. So, if Dick’s CEO considers guns to be bad and doing damage to the community, he should actually do something that shows his commitment to his self-imposed penance such as donating every single penny they made selling weapons through the years to a children’s cancer charity.  And. of course that includes a part of what he has made through the years from the company, right?  That is true penance: It has to hurt.





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Someone explain this to me, please

Why is it that many of the same people who are pushing for marijuana decriminalization or legalization are at the same time at the forefront of banning flavored vaping?

Marijuana has been clinically proven to damage developing brains.

While Nicotine is not good for you, the negative effects of vaped nicotine are much less than that of either smoking or marijuana.

In fact, published medical research indicates that marijuana smoking has a greater risk of causing lung cancer than smoking tobacco.

And while I don’t vape, I can tell you I prefer the smell of flavored vapes which have taken the place of cigarettes in the break areas at work.

I for the life of me cannot understand why for so many politicians, they want to legalize a recreations substance that destroys your brain and deadens your emotions while increasing your risk for cancer and smelling like burning skunk’s asshole, but they want to ban a relatively harmless substance that smells like fruit punch.

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Beyond Glory, a Stephen Lang Movie. (Must see)

The trailer does not do it any justice, but you need to see this movie. The amount of amazing acting pouring out of Stephen Lang will floor you. I know it did me.  But he could not do less as he was honoring Medal of Honor recipients.

I saw it in Amazon via the IMDB app which is free but you will have to deal with a few commercials.

Do get antihistamine.

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