Portland: Antifa using deadly weapons.

IANAL, but I do believe Hammer Guy can legally be stopped with deadly force.

And where were the cops? I think by the time this happened, Antifa/Portland Police was already beating retreat after pretending to be doing crowd control for a while.

I am waiting for the moment that Antifa realizes they can pretty much stop beating Proud Boys and start a lucrative business of “Protection” against the local business and with the full blessings of the local government.

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Artificial Intelligence is Racist!

Researchers in one study discovered that leading AI models for processing hate speech were one and a half times more likely to flag tweets as offensive or hateful when they were written by African-Americans and 2.2 times more likely to flag those written in the variation known as African-American English — commonly used by black people in the US.

The second study found racial bias against African-Americans’ speech in five academic data sets for studying hate speech. The sets included some 155,000 Twitter posts.

Some words that are considered slurs in most settings, such as the N-word, may not be in others. As of now, most machine learning systems can’t parse this type of nuance.

AI trained to detect hate speech online found to be biased against black people

While enjoying my cup of Schadenfreude, I cannot think but how beautiful the chickens look when they come home to roost. First they establish that one race in particular can use a word freely but if the rest of the world uses it, then it is the worst of insults and people who use it are racist maggots. And when the ultimate in technology is used to finally do a mind control and silence the wrongthinkers, the machine actually attacks the protected group.

Irony, Thy is Beautiful to I.

Hat Tip Robert E.

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Making you buy the rope is a Leftist tactic

The Soviet Union was known for carrying out show trials to convict political opponents of Stalin.

China under Chairman Mao had what were known as struggle sessions.  Chinese who did not show enough loyalty to the Community party were publicly tortured and humiliated until they showed absolute fealty to Communism, were executed, or committed suicide.

The American Left is fully embracing the same tactic.

They expect Conservative Americans to fully participate in their own show trials and humiliation.

Those who don’t are shamed.

If you want to know why not one Republican wanted to go on this CNN town hall, it’s because we all remember the one after Parkland.

Shall we recount what happened in that two-hour hate?

Here is a kid who is being openly hostile and insulting to a sitting United States Senator who knows he can’t do anything but be deferential to this mass shooting survivor.

Why would any Republican willingly subject themselves to such abuse?

They shouldn’t.

Rather than acknowledge that the last town hall got out of hand and that letting kids scream at people who showed up to have a good-faith discussion, and tell them that they have blood on their hands was not the best way to move forward on this topic.  Jake Tapper decides to shame Republicans for not participating in a gun control struggle session.

The gun debate in America was never a good-faith debate, but now they are not even pretending to want to debate anymore.

The next town hall in which is Republican shows up is going to look like the ending of Braveheart, breaking on the rack and all.  Which is exactly what they want.

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I’ll believe my lying eyes, thank you very much

Following the international kerfuffle where Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar were denied entry into Israel, the level of toxicity of Jew-hatred on social media has gone from drinking out of the Ganges to having a seat on the Elephant’s foot.

Apparently, half the world expects Israel to welcome into two people who openly advocate for the end of the Jewish state.

Because Jews are not just expected to provide the rope that’s used to hang them, they have to tie the noose and erect the gallows too.

But I think the worst of what I’ve seen comes from this thread by Molly Jong-Fast.  Go read it if you want to give your soul cancer.

the gist of it, backed up by her supporters, is that the Republicans who are condemning Tlaib and Omar’s antisemitism really secretly hate Jews, are actually white supremacists, and only care about Israel because they want to kick off the rapture.

And that it is the party that refuses to condemn antisemitism, that supports BDS on college campuses, that calls Israel a “Nazi Apartheid state,” and argues that “Palestinian rights” justifies terrorism, is really the party the supports the Jews.

It’s not like one the Democrat’s leading kingmakers is responsible for two pogroms in the United States.

I mean, who are Jews supposed to believe really hates them.  Those white Republicans who openly support Israel and condemn people who make accusations of dual loyalty against American Jews…


Those intersectional Democrats who keep saying the antisemitic things that the Republicans keep having to condemn?

I guess I’m going to believe my lying eyes and trust that the people who act like they hate me, hate me, and those who don’t, don’t.

All I really know is that this has put me in a foul fucking mood.

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Let’s make a trade

California colleges banned the Pledge of Allegiance because of “white nationalism.”

So has a city in Minnesota.

Halfway around the world, the people of Hong Kong are flying American flags and singing the Star-Spangled Banner in protest against the ChiComs.


There is more pro-American patriotism in the former British colony of Hong Kong than there is in the Democrat party.

Considering how much American Democrats love heavy-handed, anti-gun, totalitarian statism, I say we propose a trade.

We’ll give China our coastal Democrats and we’ll take the population of Hong Kong off their hands.

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And Facebook also kicked me out.

I am holding officially suspensions from both Twitter and Facebook. It has to be a new record. I covered the very weird Twitter suspension on a previous post and I must now explain Facebook.

I am a fan of Larry Correia’s book and moderate one of his fan pages in Facebook. The whole thing started with Larry (who is hated in SciFi literary circles for many alleged sins, but mostly for being successful) getting a suspension for, shit you not, insulting the people of an imaginary country.  Larry ws a Krasnovian Scum abusing the peaceful goats of the brave Republic of Pineland with a waffle iron. If the names sound familiar to some, it os because they are fictional creations by the US Army for training games.

As the fan club does, we didn’t get pissed but took the whole fun idea with Larry’s suspension and made it an “official” exchange of threats between the two countries because Pineland had arrested Larry and held him for war crimes. When the ban was lifted, it was played as if Krasnovian Special Forces rescued Larry and took him back to the safety of the Motherland. Basically we did what the fascist SciFi intellectual circle hates the most: having “wrongfun.”

Unfortunately, Larry caught another suspension shortly after and we were beginning to suspect if it had to do with the goats. I did some tests and WHAM! I got nailed when the term “Goat Fucker” was used by your truly. Now, I only know it was Goat Fucker because of a very brief message that appeared in my phone showing what post was against Facebook code of conduct and was erased. It never showed again and I can’t get them to repeat it for screen cap which smart on their part making it your word against them if what they ban you for is silly.

In the meantime, we decided to start a new group in MeWe and away from the stupidity and eventual collapse of Facebook. In 24 hours, over a thousand fans have migrated and obviously is taking a bit to get used to the new format.  It seems you can be Antifa and  doxx your enemies or even be ISIS and have  shitload of pages trying to attract followers, but using the term goat fucker is beyond the pale for Facebook.

Fuck ’em

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