Did the ATF Change Form 4473 after 2012?

It depends on what your definition of “is” is. To quote a Democrat.

The ATF has not changed the contents of form 4473. The same questions, the same information, the same warnings are there in the 2023 revision as were in the 2012 revision.

But since I’m not stupid, I can look and see that the form changed. What gives?

What gives is that the ATF rearranged the form. This is supposed to have been to make the form better for the buyer.

On the earlier forms, the first page had your personal identifying information and the questions. The back of the first page had a bit more and was where the information about the firearm was placed.

Yes, people sometimes missed that there was a second page.

This was easily corrected because the FFLs would just tell the customer to finish filling out the form and point them to the second page.

No issues.

But, as my local FFL pointed out, the ATF is not a nice agency. They lie and cheat. It used to be that he would set them up in a back room when they came to do an inspection. One day, he walked in on them taking pictures of 4473s. This is against the law.

He called them on it. Moved them to the main room where he could watch them. No more photos of 4473s.

Each 4473 required the agent to take two pictures and to be able to prove that image 1 was related to image 2. Since that was nearly impossible, the images weren’t as useful to the ATF as they wanted.

The latest changes rearranged the form so that the first page now contains your personal identifying information as well as the firearm(s) identifying information.

The questions now run over from page 1 to page 2.

These new forms can be used to create a registry buy just scanning the front of the form. Or take a picture of it.

Many people, myself included, believe the ATF made the change to make it easier for them to clandestinely create a firearms’ registry.

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Apparently, not enough internet pranksters have been shot

One might have thought that after that one idiot who harassed and threatened people to make internet videos got shot in Virginia, internet pranksters would have gotten the message to not do shit like that.

The dumb pranks continue.


Depending on the jurisdiction, this might have been a sufficient level of intimidation to justify the use of force. It is a shakedown.

This guy, or someone like him, will prank the wrong person and catch a bullet. Again.


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You don’t need an AR-15 with a 30 round mag


They’re right.

I need belt fed full auto.

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