Second Amendment activist John Snyder writes on his blog today that confidential sources have told him that the Obama administration may attempt to skirt Congress and outlaw semiautomatic firearms and multiple capacity ammunition feeding devices under Title 2 National Firearms Act items under the Gun Control Act of 1968.
via » Noted Gun Rights Activist Warns Obama May Skirt Congress and Outlaw Semiautos Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!.
Going Title II would mean that basically all semi automatic weapons and feeding devices over 10 rounds would be reclassified as machine guns, subject to immediate registration, taxed $200 per unit (Yes, a $200 tax stamp on a $30 magazine above 10 rounds), the owner had to go through a background check, submit fingerprints, photos and wait till all the paperwork is processed by the amazingly inefficient NFA branch of the ATF. Waiting times for actual NFA items such as silencers is running 6 months or more according to what I was able to see in If past behavior is any indicator, the Government would set the impossible deadline of 30 days to comply with the registration. Failure to comply would result in 10 years in prison and a fine up to $10,000 per non registered item.
If in fact there are those in the administration and congress that are examining this route as a possible way to bypass the legislative process and impose a more efficient Gun Control regulation, I can guarantee that the opposition will be literally scary enough to move to Canada.
The problem is that they are stupid enough to try it without thinking about the Unintended Consequences.
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