Samuel Cutrufelli, 31, a Petaluma resident who lived in Novato until earlier this year, was convicted of all charges that include burglary, robbery and attempted murder of Jay Leone at Leone’s home on Jan. 4, Deputy District Attorney Dorothy Chou Proudfoot said.
Leone was shot in the face and Cutrufelli was shot in the back during the exchange of gunfire at 10:45 a.m. at Leone’s home in the 300 block of Via La Cumbre.
Overall winner. Category: You Damned Overachiever.
(It couldn’t be just a store or a small location, it had to be a whole state.)
Category: Aurora Shooting Part 2 my ass.
Category: OK, we get United Artist Theaters suck. Beard Rulez!
Category: Lost in the Woods.
OK Gents, please send me a Snail Mail address so I can mail your sticker. Matt gets a couple of extra goodies because damn it, he did good.
And those of you that can actually can count have noticed that there were only 4 winners. Well, that is because there were only four contestants and no women damn it! The remaining sticker will be saved for future contests.
Barron Barnett has all the reason to kick my butt for not posting his video here. My bad since i kept forgetting.
Debunking the Police Qualification Myth is a very illustrative video. I know that an IDPA Novice will clean the clock on the LAPD Qualifier. The IDPA Classifier is much harder!
Here is an IDPA Classifier…shot with revolver. In the video you will see the time in a score sheet. Comapre those to the LAPD Qualifier as mentioned by Barron.
“It was complete lawlessness,” said Ron Troyano, owner of Joann’s Discount Wine and Liquors on Mermaid Ave.
He said looters used tools to bust through his steel security gates around 11:30 a.m. Tuesday.
The thieves then shattered his storefront and helped themselves to thousands of dollars worth of top shelf liquor, he said.
“They pried open the gate, broke the glass and went straight for the Hennessy and Grey Goose,” he said. Police got a measure of control around 4 p.m. Tuesday, but two cops positioned outside Joann’s into the night failed to stop more looters from sneaking in through the roof, Troyano told The News.