Checking The Anti Gun Social Media for 10/12/12
Well, since the biggest mass murderers ever recorded were members of a Government, it is a solemn and holy duty to be ready to fight them. That includes those who pervert the meaning of the Constitution and want to intern U.S. Citizens in concentration camps like CSGV.
Just make sure you print your assault rifle in the right type of paper. If you are going for an AK 47, you can use Office Max Brand Copier Printer Paper. For AR rifles, you may want to upgrade to a good laser-quality paper like HP Premium Choice LaserJet Paper. And don’t forget good quality ink, no cheap refills as they affect accuracy.
She is a Lib…. and has not answered me yet. I am guessing she got her Twitter skills from Joe Biden.
Abby Sprangler from Protest Easy Guns sunbathes in front of the White House this past August…..wait, what? She was protesting with a”crowd of followers” the easy access to guns in this country? Never mind then.
Again, it is sad to see there are more signs that people to carry them. It is sort of a sad indication that pretty much nobody gives a crap about your point of view.