CSGV: The Second Amendment Legitimizes Violence
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For a while now CSGV, Ladd & Josh have been beating on the insurrectionist drum. My guess is that they want gun owners to either cower or have the ultimate goal of having us declared enemy combatants or traitors to have our rights removed under the assumption that we are a wild and violent bunch.
They also state that they hold the high moral ground because they are seeking “peace” and a resolution to “gun violence” through legal means. Of course they do not state that just because there is a law about it means that it is the right thing. They have admitted that mass imprisonment of people is right if there is a law for it, as if no laws have ever been passed that go against the basic fabric of decency and humanity. But as long as it is “legal” they are OK with it.
CSGV is also no stranger to historical revisionism or in plain English, outright lie about history. They still insist that Stand Your Ground was a recent creation of the NRA even though there are 2 SCOTUS decisions about it, one over 100 years old.
Here is the funny part: It has been our side that has eschewed violence for political gain. Not 20 years ago, you could be pulled over by police for sporting an NRA sticker on your car because it indicated you might be carrying a weapon illegally. BATF would conduct raids that left people killed, made mothers miscarriage or simply stomp pets for the fun of it and not pay for it…and I am not even bringing Ruby Ridge or Waco into the mix. Imagine having to hide your support for the Second Amendment because the media was only too obliging to place the blame on the The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building Bombing directly on gun owners.
If we were a truly violent bunch, we would have gotten tired of the persecution and start picking on anti-gun idiots from a couple of hundred yards. Instead, we went with the “peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances” and won, both in the courts and with the public. We followed the rules and played to win. We did not need to cheat or lie, we just worked harder & longer than anybody else and it paid off. They hate that. They hate us for that.
Still they will continue to have us pegged as crazy and ready for the revolution. My only hope is that they never take things (with an accomplice Government) to the point where our lives are at stake as for whatever happens next will be on their heads.
Coimhéad fearg fhear na foighde.
(Beware of the anger of a patient man)
And God Knows we are patient.