Doing my round thru the Facebooks and checking my favorite “Likes,” I had to bump on one promising post by the Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence.
The Yosemite Sam hologram caught my attention and I thought this was going to be a good post to poke fun at. And then I read the following comment:
I copied it and pasted it here for easier reading:
Morena Hockley To me it means those of us who live in safe neighborhoods can’t turn our backs on our fellow Americans in dangerous areas who live in fear of being shot by stray bullets. No parent should have to bury a child who is shot while watching TV in bed, or killed while walking to school. It’s easy to turn our backs and say, oh the NRA is too strong and too many people are in love with guns. But knowing the fear that exists in some neighborhoods, and realizing that more children are falling victim to our gun culture everyday should push us to work together to make it so EVERY neighborhood in America is safe. We are better than this, and we can’t let ourselves be bullied into letting up our efforts. We aren’t trying to take guns away, we are working to create an environment where it is harder for guns to fall into the wrong hands.
Don’t you just love Soft Liberal Racism? “those of us who live in safe neighborhoods”? As opposed to those of you who live in them ghettos?
Ms. Hockley’s Facebook entries read like the typical Liberal Mom well encased in a “safe” Home Owners Association with private security, worried about school bus access and recycling year old tofu for a “better” planet. That is, she has more in common with “The Real Wives of BrainDead Country” than a working mom. Her attitude reminds me of a quote from the movie Swordfish:
Thousands die every day for no reason at all, where’s your bleeding heart for them? You give your twenty dollars to Greenpeace every year thinking you’re changing the world?
These are Lounge Activists who need to “feel” they are doing something worthwhile but it should not involve sweating or thinking or getting close to them people who make her feel icky. I bet if she accidentally drives the periphery of a downtrodden neighborhood, she’d wet her little La Perla undies and will force hubby to take her Prius for a full wash and service to get rid of any mephitic vibes. She will probably comment her experience during her regular Oprah book club meeting asking why the Government is not doing more to save that people from themselves. And, of course she will make public via Facebook her faux activism in order to calm her soul and feel she is changing the world. Don’t ask her to understand the complexities of decades of failed liberal politics rotting away family principles or how the unchecked drug trade & gang activity has those neighborhoods under siege or how liberal sentencing puts the same violent criminals back in circulation over and over to reap on new victims. It is easier for her to send her $20 to Ladd who will have some willing Accomplice of the Cloth and his minions stand in front of a gun store protesting guns because it is safer there that protesting in front of the local drug house that will have their asses would be shot three minutes after the banners go up and they start singing “We Shall Overcome.” For Ms. Hockley, Ghettos are bad because they are not properly color coordinated and may bring down the property values. And oh yes! They are smelly and full of ugly people; perhaps a shower and a seaweed facial may improve their lives.
And, of course blame the NRA because there must be a villain in every Fairy Tale.
Activism is easy when your don’t have to work at it and thinking is not required.
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