Versacarry: The ‘zero bulk’ holster.

Versacarry: The ‘zero bulk’ holster has a very clever design – Gun News at

I can see myself using this for very short spells like going to the store and back. Nothing long term since I am the sweaty type living in the sub-tropics and I know I would corrode the plastic out of a Glock.

I think I will get me one for the Khar CW9 whenever I get around to buy it.

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Changed Sunday Mornings

Sunday Mornings have changed little thought my life. Wake up (nowadays is actually arrive home from work), sit at the breakfast table and have a family meal and then quiet time for newspaper reading. Years ago it was not so quiet since there were the usual complains of who had what section of the paper and nobody cared for sports.

I long cancelled my subscription to the Miami Herald (El Nuevo Herald is still being received for mom as her command of English is non existent…. and she ain’t too happy about the “toilet paper’ as she calls it) so I find myself on the laptop with one last cup of coffee and checking out more newspapers, wire services and blogs that I could even imagine just 10 years ago, much less 40.

I was going to wax philosophical some more, but I am just gonna enjoy the rest of my coffee and watch the rain pelt the lake.

Sunday: Rain & Read.
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New Book: Above Reproach by J.D. Kinman

This is the review I just left at and I am too lazy to write a new one for the Blog)

(Disclaimer: J.D. was kind enough to provide me with a free electronic copy of his book.)

Above Reproach is unabashedly pro Second Amendment and damned be the critics. It is not only an action packed story, it is one that examines the politics of gun control and the sheer imbecility of its supporters even in the face of mounting bloody evidence against it. When Bad People decide to attack, the First Responders are not the Police or Paramedics those civilians with the tools and the mindset to stand up against evil. They chose to be the First Responders because being the First Victims is not a palatable option to anybody with basic brain activity.

As far as I know, this is J.D. Kinman’s first attempt at fiction and although not quite up there with Stephen Hunter, his book is engaging enough I had to read it all in one sitting and made me contemplate the need of finally relenting and getting one of them newfangled Kindle apparatus.

I do hope J.D. is working on his next novel.

Blog PS: The more thought I give it, it makes perfect sense to publish via EBook/Electronic media. Those of us who follow Larry Correia’s work know the tortuous road he rode till he managed to get published by Baen. For me there is nothing that can compete with the feel of a traditional book in my hands for sheer reading pleasure, but I recognize that the pleasure is in the reading material itself and I rather much feel plastic in my hand that have nothing to read at all.

PS2: J.D. is indeed working in his next novel entitled Altar of the False Gods.

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On the (im)proper use of the word “Hate.”

HATE: a : intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury b : extreme dislike or antipathy.

With the definition up front and center, let’s see if we can figure out its proper application, shall we?

It is my opinion that 99% of the people that throw the word hate at the first indication that somebody might disagree with them, have never experienced or even witnessed hate in its true and purest of forms. Hate is soul-consuming, obsessive and downright ugly. Hate makes people nonchalantly behave in ways that shock other people to the core of their basic humanity. Hate is Arbeit Macht Frei, Year Zero, Klaverns and Pogrom. Hate is calculating, methodical and leads to death.

So the next time you feel the “need” to use that word, stop for a second and make sure it applies properly and you are not just using it because your tender sensitivities were somewhat battered by somebody’s comments or actions.


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Random Friday Stuff.

I’ve been doing some work around the house and even playing with cement so I haven’t been paying attention much to the gun wires. You get some random thoughts that crossed my mind. You have been warned.

1) I admire the craftsmanship and the originality, but you know some schmuck is gonna try and open it.
2) To go with my new nonchalant shooting and celebrate that I am not dealing with club responsibilities, I want to make this design my official shooting logo. Screw it, let others pick up the crap.
3) I thought that the Bronies thing was a joke with a long expiration date like Obama’s canine culinary preferences. Apparently I was mistaken.

4) More books incoming: “Trail Safe” by Michael Bane. “The Glorious Cause” by Robert Middlekauff and “What Hath God Wrought: The Transformation of America, 1815–1848” by Daniel Walker Howe. I owe you a couple of reviews but just go ahead and buy Horse Soldiers, amazing book about amazing people.

Q: What’s the similarity between a drummer and a philosopher?
A: They both perceive time as an abstract concept.

6) I just saw three vultures circling nearby. I am getting the shotgun just in case.

7) Contrary to what some experts say, I do believe in a warning shoot in the air….. of the lungs. Critters get the warning pretty fast then.

8) Er…. I forgot…. never mind. See you guys later.

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