HATE: a : intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury b : extreme dislike or antipathy.

With the definition up front and center, let’s see if we can figure out its proper application, shall we?

It is my opinion that 99% of the people that throw the word hate at the first indication that somebody might disagree with them, have never experienced or even witnessed hate in its true and purest of forms. Hate is soul-consuming, obsessive and downright ugly. Hate makes people nonchalantly behave in ways that shock other people to the core of their basic humanity. Hate is Arbeit Macht Frei, Year Zero, Klaverns and Pogrom. Hate is calculating, methodical and leads to death.

So the next time you feel the “need” to use that word, stop for a second and make sure it applies properly and you are not just using it because your tender sensitivities were somewhat battered by somebody’s comments or actions.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “On the (im)proper use of the word “Hate.””
  1. After all, which is easier to say:
    1) Here’s a series of facts, logically presented to contradict your arguement regarding your position, plus a reasoned defense of my own views of the situation
    2) “You’re just a hater…”

    1. 3) “you’re being a dick about it. A bigot.” And that is a direct quote.

      I think I am gonna have to call legal representation with experience in these types of cases.

  2. *snort* It’s a lot easier for a no-testicled liberal to simply throw out the “hater” moniker than try to refute or debate the facts (or opinions) that spurred the “hater” response in the first place.

    We seem to get these key “buzz” words in our society, especially on the liberal side of the coin, that paint anyone in disagreement as being a literal monster.

    Too much of that “Give peace a chance” garbage. I’m all for peace and I swore an oath twice to uphold and defend peace. But someone has to be the rough man standing ready to do violence while others sleep peacefully that George Orwell referred to.

    A person of courage and conviction recognizes that–a person of cowardice doesn’t, and thus, the word “hater” and other distasteful monikers spew forth.


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