Hot off the rumor mill. Hugo Chavez should not make plans for Christmas?

With the huge caveat that Venezuela’s second export is rumors. Apparently doctors both in Havana and Brazil have told Hugo that he should start planning on doing a power transfer ASAP and enjoy the rest of his life with family.

If this is true, I have no idea how’s gonna effect the incoming Venezuelan presidential elections but I am guessing not in favor of the other side. Will the Cuban Faction take over or will the Venezuelan military start slitting Cuban throats? One thing is for certain: there are no individuals with Chavez’s charisma and things might get less than pretty. Again, if he is really pre-boarding the express to Hell.

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I’ve been saying it all along, prosecutors hate Stand Your Ground.

It is nice at least to have concrete proof that Prosecuting Attorneys have a natural disdain for the presumption of innocence.

“It’s almost like we now have to prove a negative — that a person was not acting in self-defense, often on the basis of only one witness, the shooter,” said Steven A. Jansen, the group’s (The Association of Prosecuting Attorneys)  vice president.

I guess that Burden of Proof thing is too much to ask. Remember that it is not that anybody that shoots somebody can claim Stand Your Ground status and walk free, far from it. The law is clearly defined and if you do not meet the basic requirements for Self Defense, you are going to be arrested and interrogated while they pile the evidence against you and I am all for it. But I am not for lazy prosecutorial tactics such as “He shot somebody? Arrest him and charge him with murder, let the jury sort it out.” just like it happened to Jay Rodney Lewis and Carlos Rodriguez.

Of course, if you are a bonafide criminal,you can rest assured the same prosecutors and court system will do their best to provide you with a nice plea deal that will put you back on the street as soon as possible.

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Reactions to the New Black Panthers “call to arms.”

This phone conference apparently has not gotten a lot of traction among the mainstream media. Then again it goes against the narrative plus is so filled with cussing and racial epithets that it would be almost one long bleep. I do found interesting the following quote:

It’s in me to fight.  It’s in me to raise up soldiers.  It’s in me that every time my feet touch the ground the state of Florida- these crackers- they scared.

Among some of my friends, the reaction to that quote has been the same: A wicked smile and that look in the eyes that says “I might need to drop by WalMart on the way home.”

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Why we defend the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

Author Brad Thor got this tweet just a few minutes ago:

I really do not know what is the scariest: that idiots like this still exist, that he is unaware of the connotation or that a new generation is being taught to be equally narrow-minded. There is a quote from 19th Century German poet Heinrich Heine that goes: “Where they burn books, so too will they in the end burn human beings.”

And sadly, I wouldn’t be surprised if the idiot above would mind it at all.


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We Are Winning.

On last night’s episode of In Plain Sight, Marshall Marshall proposed to his her girlfriend. Nothing special as TV goes, but the location was interesting. Marshall had been trying to get a reservation at a fancy restaurant but could not. Mary got him an alternate location that not only was as busy as the fancy restaurant but even better for his romantic purposes: A gun range.

Yup….. and this is why We Are Winning.

PS: My eyes shed a tear or two… it was Soooooo romantic! 😉

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