When the Nanny State makes you unsafe.

Over at the New Jovian Thunderbolt, I saw this oldie about vehicular ambushes:

That was way in the times when we drove gas guzzling tanks capable of demolishing strip malls and almost resist direct RPG attacks. The video shows a Dodge Coronet and I used to own one that I fondly called “NCC-1701” on account it felt like I was driving Capt Kirk’s ship.

Back to the video. Although old, the tactics would still be more than valid if it wasn’t for the fact that now we have government mandated airbags that cannot be disabled on command. In fact and thanks to the airbag, you are pretty much screwed in a vehicular ambush situation: not only you won’t be able to use the techniques but you will probably be recuperating from a major blow to the face and chest robbing precious seconds that could be used otherwise.


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Ladd & Co. are getting their Facebook butts kicked.

Most everybody knows that the Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence’s Facebook page is a no-dissension zone. If you have post a comment contrary to their dogma, it will be deleted and you will be banned for posting ever again. It is a nice way to control the flow of information, namely only their information unchallenged.

Of course, when Ladd does not control the environment, things turn against him rather badly. Today he started a campaign to have his followers post anti gun and anti Starbucks posts at Starbucks Facebook page and the poor fella is getting his rear end waxed with a stone grinder. I don’t think I am exaggerating when I say that pro-Starbucks comments are ten times whatever drivel Ladd and his back ups from other organizations manage to post.

Strangely enough, the Bradys are nowhere to be seen. I think they learned their Starbucks lessons last year when they tried to pull their own boycott and lost miserably.

UPDATE: It is getting so bad for Ladd & Co. that they are getting desperate and deleting posts after people just trounce them with facts. The people that were helping him earlier have pretty much but disappeared and only a couple of new volunteers have shown and they are also taken to the shed.

I have been asking Ladd to apologize for slandering Dan Daley but he is ignoring me and most everybody by now.

Not a good day for CSGV.

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Will CSGV and Ladd Everitt Apologize?

In a previous post, I wrote about Ladd Everitt’s going after an Ocala man who defended himself against a possible felon who was beating him.

Linoge found a follow up on that story. Dan Daley was truly defending his life and the D.A. determined that the killing of Willy Chester was justified and in Self Defense.

Ladd is right now a bit busy trolling the Starbucks’ Facebook page after the colossal Valentone’s day boycott disaster. I do hope however that he, Andrew Goddard and Rex Stuart man up and make a public apology to Mr. Daley.

I know, fat chance.

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9-1-1 is not magical.

Contrary to what people think, 9-1-1 is not a magic series of numbers that will bring peace and perfection to the world. Nor is it an instantaneous device that will protect you and save you from evils and accidents. 9-1-1 is a phone number where you call to make a notification of a crime in progress (or finished) or to request emergency medical services. You are not guaranteed the cessation of a crime or automatic lifesaving.

A great response time for a 9-1-1 city call is now hovering at an average of nine minutes. If you are lucky and happen to live near a fire station or police precinct, you can expect response times of six minutes. If you live in a city like Detroit, you are pretty much screwed since they are averaging twenty three minutes response time. If you live in the boonies, good luck for a response time within the hour and that’s it if there are no other calls.

And you may say: “Well, six to nine minutes is not bad.” It is not, unless your life depends on it. Cardiac arrest will kill within five to six minutes. Exsanguination via a major artery (femoral, brachial, radial) will send you to the Pearly Gates in about four minutes. Most violent crimes are over within two minutes.

Does all this 9-1-1 is useless? Not at all, but is not the magical panacea it has become part of the popular psyche. Neither police nor paramedics are First Responders, you are the First Responder. That makes it your responsibility alone to prepare yourself for a case where the fecal matter impacts the cooling device. Learn the basics of CPR, learn Trauma Care and even how to apply life saving bandages or tourniquets on yourself. That also means have the tools to save your live available and learn how to use them: From a gun to hemostatic agents in a decent First Aid kit (not a WalMart $5.99 plastic box with a red cross painted) and have them near you at all times.

And I almost forgot. If you live in some sort of edification, you must have at least two fire extinguishers in areas that you either spend more time and/or might be the least aware of upcoming danger. That means one in the bedroom, one in a common area such the living room near the kitchen.

And once there is some sort of semblance of control, you have evaluated the situation and determined professional help is needed, DO CALL 9-1-1. What should you tell & report to 9-1-1? Well, that is up to you to find out. Time to take responsibility for your life.

Don’t call about McNuggets though.

PS: When you call 9-1-1, the call is being recorded and it becomes evidence for the state. Just letting you know.

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Somebody call the whambulance for CSGV.

The Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence is loudly whining about the boycott failure against Starbucks policy of respecting the specific gun laws of every state.

I can almost see Ladd ripping tufts of his hair and his mascara running down his face at the humongous backfire. The stupidest thin of all is that Stabucks has never taken either side in the gun issue but simply chose to sell coffee and pastries to customers who were following the law.

Ladd is right about that. Starbucks’ Facebook Photo Album is LOADED with guns and people carrying. AWESOME.

And I stole this from Facebook User AEdelweard AEt Wudu:

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And this is seen as a victory.

I am having a tough time writing about this. First, I truly despise rapists in all its variations and permutations. It is my opinion that they should be taken to shark infested waters and use their genitals still attached to their bodies as bait for the Carcharhinus limbatus so common in our South Florida shores.

Now thew story: A man breaks into a woman’s home and proceeds to assault her and rape her. During the events and in a moment of distraction, the woman manages to dial 9-1-1 but cannot talk to the operator. The operator manages to locate the address and sends units who eventually catch the rapist after he was done with the victim and had already left her home.

The treatment of this sad piece of news in almost every media outlet? Congratulatory.

When I first found out this case was via TV. At the beginning and by the giddy tone in the voices of the Talking Heads, I thought that the victim somehow had managed to hide from the attacker and she was unscathed. Then I realize that she was brutally raped and I was aghast that such a story could be treated as if this was some sort of triumph as if the local volleyball team had beaten a competitor.  Even the Herald article has obvious traces of joy and it made me wonder why are they so joyful about it. The answer is sadly obvious: “Hark, hark! 9-1-1 works! The Bad Guy was caught! All is well in South Florida!”

Bullshit. 9-1-1- is a notification service, not a crime stopping service. That it is still touted as the solution to all the problems and some sort of magic shield that will protect the innocent is despicable.

You are alone out there. You better be ready to depend on yourself for your defense.

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