Foam and padding signifying nothing


That’s a set of motocross pads and a skateboard helmet.

Those are intended for falls.

They ate not intended to protect a person from deliberate violence applied with a riot baton.

They are most certainly not bullet proof.

This girl, who can’t weigh more than 125 lbs, put on this stuff and seems to think she is armored for the resistance.

I can’t wait to see her get vibe checked by some cop that is a foot taller and 100 lbs more than she is, or worse, some person with a CCW that she tries to assault.

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The Klan rides again in George Washington University.

X account Stu Stu Studios posted footage of the scene featuring a girl speaking through a megaphone, leading chants calling out GWU Provost Christopher Bracey and accusing him of assault on top of the support for Israel and Zionism accusations, chanting, “Bracey, Bracey, we see you, you assault students too.”

I do not know if they are confusing the title of “provost” within George Washington University’s faculty as the academic supervisor with a supervisor of law enforcement (like “provost marshal”), but accusing Mr. Bracey of assault just adds another element of absurdity to this “tribunal” these kids are hosting.

Right after, the girl on the megaphone proclaims, “Off to the m*****f***ing gallows with you.”

George Washington Students Hold ‘People’s Tribunal,’ Call for Faculty’s Deaths – PJ Media

And this would be Mr. Bracey:

A bunch of White Socialists wanting to lynch a black man.

Scratch a Liberal….

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Case Law doesn’t work that way…

(1600 words)
There are two cases that have been kicking around for nearly a decade now. They have been to the Supreme Court, granted certiorari, had the inferior court’s opinion vacated, and then remanded down to the inferior court “in light of the opinion in Bruen

One is Duncan v. Becerra. This is part of the games people play when they know they are losing. In short: the District court found for The People. The Ninth shit on The People. The Supreme Court said to the Ninth, “You got it wrong, morons, do it over, right.”. The Ninth sent it back to the district “in light of Bruen” with “It was done wrong, do it over.” The district found for The People again. The Ninth decided that a merits panel might find for The People, which they would not allow. So they took the case en banc and have yet to hear oral arguments.

The other is Bianchi v. Frosh which is now Bianchi v. Brown because it has been going on so long, the AG of Maryland has changed.

The United States operates under the concept of “Common Law”.

Currently, a number of societies around the world are reforming their legal systems, often upon emerging from years of oppression. Two transatlantic models, the civil law and common law, will have a great influence on these reforms. For one thing, the two basic models already cover over 70 percent of the world’s population in some 62 percent of the existing legal systems. Moreover, there will be many practical, economic advantages to westernizing a legal system, which necessarily means incorporating at least some aspects of one or both transatlantic models. The key is to extract the best features of the models and adapt them to the specific legal culture. The civil law approach to judicial design in particular has much to recommend it. A dominant feature of the civil law model is the responsibility it places on the judge in dispute resolution. True, common law judges have more authority in the sense that they can evolve the law through precedent, whereas civil law judges do not have that authority. The civil law judge, however, dominates individual litigations and hence sound dispute resolution depends on the quality of its judges and on assuring that they have the wherewithal to perform their responsibilities to the best of their abilities. Thus, the lessons from civil law judicial design are particularly worthy of consideration in reforming a legal system.
The Advantages of the Civil Law Judicial Design as the Model for Emerging Legal Systems | Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies

The dictionary definition doesn’t help much. The key in common law is the use of precedent. Under common law, judges should use the decisions of previous courts to make current decisions. This leads to everybody being treated equally under the law, theoretically.
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Appleseed works to my amazement.

A year ago, I attended my second Appleseed and even though I did not get my patch, I did improve my rifle shooting a lot.

Day 1


Day 2


Day 3

Yesterday I realized that even though I have not done a lot of rifle shooting lately, going back to the basics taught in Appleseed work righteously. I had bore sighted an AR with iron sights only and then checked it in the range at 65 yards from supported standing. Never missed a shot.

Later that day I tried a 6mm Remington rifle, also with iron sights at the same distance and to my amazement, I had no problem hitting the steel. I had never shot the rifle before, and I was truly expecting to be hitting dirt rather than ringing the target.

Both shootings had the same thing in common: I mentally set myself back to that Appleseed class and did what I was taught.

It worked.

So, once again: If you have thought about going to Appleseed, stop thinking and just do it.

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