Were You Asleep In Class?

During my usual daily foraging by CSVG’s Facebook page I found this post about an article by Forrest A. Travirca III.

It has the standard fare of “If you have a gun, you will become a deranged killer” fare, but what did call my attention was the following statement by Mr. Travirca:

Between the State Police Academy, Marine Patrol Academy and federal law-enforcement special agent academy, I don’t feel it was enough training to deal with shoot or don’t shoot.

So, what were you doing that day in class? Dreaming of Playboy models? Listen, we recognize that there are some situations that you should stay the hell away from, but if somebody, gun in hand announces to God and Country his intense desire to equalize your body temperature to that of the habitation you happen to be located, it does not require deep rational powers to deduct that would be a great time to unholster your sidearm and strongly disagree with the perp wishes. It also does not require the collective brain power of NASA to deduce that if an active shooter is roaming inside a classroom building collecting victims, the best way to deal with such individual is with the liberal application of firepower and not with a song and happy thoughts.

Two more questions come to my mind. First, what frigging good were you as a Law Enforcement Officer towards the civilian population if you felt unqualified to make a Shoot-No Shoot decision? That only means that if a Law Abiding Citizen was in danger of Death or Grave bodily harm, you could not bring yourself to stop his attacker because… you were not trained enough!

Second, I will assume you had partners sometime during your career.  Were these individuals aware that they could not count on you to back them up and defend their lives because you didn’t feel you had enough training to deal with a Shoot- No Shoot situation?

Harry Callahan: Well, when an adult male is chasing a female with intent to commit rape, I shoot the bastard. That’s my policy.
The Mayor: Intent? How did you establish that?
Harry Callahan: When a naked man is chasing a woman through an alley with a butcher’s knife and a hard-on, I figure he isn’t out collecting for the Red Cross

See? It is not that hard after all.

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CSGV: Logic and Basic Math Can Hurt.

Apparently, Senator Chuck Grassley’s letter decimating the Myth of the 90% and the 70% has CSGV in a uproar. Extra happy smile stickers to Andrew “The Roach” Goddard’s screams of Unimpossible! It seems that the fact that guns in Mexican Drug Lords hands are coming from many other sources other that Mom & Pop Gun Shop never ever crossed his mind.

“We’ll be doing an analysis of how Grassley reached his numbers soon.” Let me help you: It is called basic math and a bit of logic.
You are welcome.

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Falling Skies: Fallen Expectations.

One solid regurgitation of cliches and stolen ideas. Good guy is an intellectual driven to firearms because of the Aliens. Head Militia Honcho is a heartless Mike Foxtrot. Alien implants on humans (Kids to add to the “aww!” effect.) Sweet female doctor as champion of the oppressed by the Militia Civilians. Bad Human guy with a Southern Accent. Pancho Villa  belted ammo bandoleers wore but no belt fed weapon in sight. Pooch faces second cousin of Robocop’s ED-209 enforcement droid and survives as usual.

And do not get me started on weapon’s usage. The initial scene where Noah Wiley is running with an obvious plastic AK shut down any hope I had for the series.

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CSGV Loons: Law Abiding M&Ms?

One of the CSGV (Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence) fans posted this earlier today in their Facebook page:

Law Abiding M&M’s? I am willing to bet this guy has a prescription for Medicinal Cannabis and not because he has glaucoma.

And one more thing, you can ingest a gallon of Curare and all you will get is a mild case of the runs. Curare only kills if gets in the bloodstream. Also death by Curare poisoning is a slow and painful way to go since it is a paralyzing agent that mainly attacks the respiratory system so basically you die of asphyxiation.

Maybe we should license what people say in Facebook: better a little red tape now, than a lot of correction tape later.

PS: I know the M&Ms are an analogy for those legally carrying a concealed weapon but, what is with CSGV and their obsession with cannibalism?

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