The Rio Massacre and High Capacity Magazines.

Everybody in the Gun Community (and the Anti Gun community too) knows about the Rio Massacre where a deranged bastard shot and killed 12 kids. We are also well aware of the new push for introducing a ban on “high capacity” magazines which anti-gunners swear will get rid of these awful mass shootings. Of course you can trust them that there will not be any more restrictions on ammunition capacity…yeah right.

They will probably use what happen on Rio as the next logical step. What follows is a translation from Venezuela’s Union Radio website.

The murderer, Wallace Menezes de Oliveira, 23, used two revolvers he had obtained illegally and which he fired 66 times, police said, killing twelve children between 12 and 14 years old and wounding a dozen other students .

Yep, no evil Glocks with double-plus-ungood thirty round magazine, just plain old wheelguns. Soon we will hear that we only need single action Peace maker-type guns which are difficult to reload fast thus guaranteeing that massacres like Rio’s will never happen again.

UPDATE: Confirmed via O Dia On Line (Rio De Janeiro’s Newspaper) and that the attack was stopped by Police:

Distraught, the killer attacked students from two classes of 8th grade (1801 and 1802), a former seventh grade. The scenes of terror only end with the arrival of three policemen. At the moment when the two revolvers were reloaded for the third time , the killer is surprised by a sergeant before reaching the third floor of the school. A rifle shot in the stomach requires the Wellington stop. At the end of the climb, he picks one of his arms and shoots himself in the head.

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And nobody ever heard from him again…

Actual ad on Craiglist.


Date: 2011-04-08, 10:25PM EDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

I am in a position to offering a place to live for someone who is homeless or who is an ex con who is having a tough time due to the unjust laws of society. You must be able to adapt to living in the country/woods. I don’t have a mansion, not even close, but I do have a roof over my head, tv’s, ac and heat and plenty of room to flop. Age and sexual orientation doesn’t matter. I am basically just looking for companionship, and someone to help me out with housework. You must be able to accept living with cats and dogs. Being able to stir something up on the stove or grill would be nice too. You must respond very quickly if interested as I am sure this situation will be filled in a day or two. Send me an email and if you have a phone number send that too. Tell me about yourself. If you don’t have transportation I can pick you up.

You know this is going to be in an episode of America’s Most Wanted or The First 48.

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Gun Free Europe Fail…again.

A gunman opened fire with an automatic weapon at a crowded shopping mall outside Amsterdam on Saturday, leaving at least six people dead and wounding 11 others, Dutch officials said.

No way… that has to be a mistake. We yankees are the violent bastards of the world. That stuff does not happen in cultural Europe.

“You hear about this sort of thing happening at American schools and you think that’s a long way away,” said Rob Kuipers, 50, a project manager. “Now it’s happened here in the Netherlands.”

I am seriously sick of the European snobbery about violence. This is the region of the world that gave us two frigging world wars, responsible for numerous other little wars, and perfected mass murder of civilians just in the past century, but they have the genital spheres to call us violent.

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Links…. a dirty job but I have to do it.

Since I did not feel like going shooting today, I am doing some of those little pesky tasks around the house and here that need to be done but we avoid like hell. One of them is to update the links’ list of bloggers I’ve been reading regularly. Not being the most organized person in the world and one that bookmarks anything at the drop of a flip-flop, I am having a wonderful time collecting the links…Oy!

OK, here are the new additions:


Eyes Never Closed.

Where Angels Fear To Thread.

Girls Guide to Guns. (Because my wife said so)

Cranky Chicks With Guns. (Ditto above)

meinungsterror (Another German pro gun blog)

All the blogs I link have one or more of the following: Funny, informative, they make you think, they kick your mental butt, they don’t take themselves too seriously (and there are some gun bloggers that think they are too good for the uncouth masses), they are pioneers of pro gun rights where none are to exist or I just like them.

More are coming..eventually 🙂

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Senior does not mean senile.

The great equalizer: A Gun.

The Korean War veteran, who suffers from Leukemia and diabetes, took action and shot out one of their tires as the men tried to speed away. Harper then held the men at gunpoint until police arrived to arrest them.

“They had the idea they were going to rush me,” said Harper. “I told them ‘don’t even think about it. I said ‘one more step and it’ll be your last step!”

You gotta love these old tough birds. And it gets better:

“First of all we need to get a law like you got in Florida, for criminal trespassing,” said Harper. “You get you’re a** shot. You’re dead and that’s it.”

Sir, it would be an honor for us Floridians for you to come live among us. Anybody would be proud to have you as a neighbor.

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