The William Tell Syndrome: Shooting His Junk

The William Tell Syndrome: The moronic need by one human being to shoot objects on or very nearby another human being or living creature. Substance abuse is not needed to engage in this practice but a natural talent for serious stupidity apparently is.

Guy shoots an ornament off his friend’s junk brought to you by Funny Jokes

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Questions and Misconceptions.

Are you the Go-To-Guy/Gal whenever friends and acquaintances have questions about anything gun related? It can be a tiresome job sometimes, but it is our duty to keep educating people in our culture. Just last night a fellow coworker came to me asking about hollow point bullets; his main concerns were if the HP ammo was forbidden and if it really exploded.

I am not the most patient of persons, but somehow I manage to don the Dutch Uncle persona and take my time explaining that no, at least in the Great State of Florida, hollow points are not forbidden to civilians and that only Security Officers with a “G” (armed) license are the ones that cannot carry any type of expanding ammo in their guns… dumb as it might be. For the exploding part, I happened to carry a bagful of gun related books with me since I am in the painful process of writing an article for a magazine (I swear Kathy, one is almost ready and I am halfway done through the other!) and pulled Massad Ayoob’s “The Gun Digest Book Of Concealed Carry” which has some excellent pictures of defensive ammo before and after. The Coworker left happy and informed and it was satisfactory for yours truly. Where I do lose a bit of cool is when I get an idiot to contradict or defend bad information that can be legally or practically dangerous. I will fight them tooth and nail plus provide whatever documentation needed to shut them up.

Some of the most common misconceptions I hear are:

-The Florida 3-Step rule (You need to make three movements to retrieve a gun from inside your gun from inside a car if you do not have a CWP.)

-You have to register your weapons in Florida.

-You cannot carry a gun anywhere in Miami Beach. (I wouldn’t go near MB without a damn gun anyways).

-Machine Guns/Silencers are illegal.

-You can shoot anybody with a knife if he is 21 feet or less from you (Tueller Distortion.)

-Make sure you finish off an attacker so you don’t have troubles in court. (Coup de Grace)

-If you shoot somebody outside the house, drag him inside to avoid troubles.

-You can kill somebody who is stealing your car/garden hose/bicycle/etc.

I chose to leave out the bad information and lies propagated by local newspapers and other media.

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Guns in restaurants: Somebody got shot!

Unfortunately for the Doom and Gloom Club, the person who got the short order of lead was one of three individuals that tried to rob a customer outside a Longhorn Restaurant in Palm Beach. last Christmas.

Roger Jamal Horne appeared in front a judge after recovering somewhat from his wounds. According to the Palm Beach Post: “He is charged with four counts of attempted robbery with a deadly weapon, five counts of robbery with a firearm, and one count each of armed robbery with a deadly weapon, assault with intent to commit a felony, and aggravated assault with a firearm.”

But the cherry on top for me was: “…a 26-year-old West Palm Beach man, was carrying a licensed handgun and opened fire on Horne, striking him at least once.
You want to tell me that a young man with a concealed gun (ZOMG!) going to a restaurant where alcohol is served (double ZOMG!) did not provoke a massacre killing innocent people but only took out the bad guy and sent the accomplices running? How the hell are we gonna tell Japete?

By the way Palm Beach Post, the young man was not carrying a licensed weapon. He had a concealed weapons permit and was carrying a gun. We do not need register our weapons in Florida.

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The “Four Suggestions” of Gun Safety: Is that a gun in your pocket or… (Graphic Content)

Via Parker County Blog. Check the whole story there.

My off duty concealed handgun, a Kahr PM9, model 9093, 9mm, loaded with Winchester SXT ammunition was in that same pocket.  The clerk then realized she had charged me too much so she reran the bill and it came to $7.03.  I told her that I have the three cents.  Immediately after reaching into my pocket the pistol discharged one round.

And that is why I don’t pocket carry. I can be a huge doofus. Hopefully the officer recovered fully.

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6079 Smith W. editing Huck Finn. Long Live Big Brother.

Dear Winston Smith and the Ministry of Truth are alive and well. The latest project has been the re-edition of Huck Finn editing out the words “Nigger” and “Injun”. According to NewSouth Books Mark Twain “expert” Alan Gribben, the idea is not to censor the book but to “update it.”

“Race matters in these books,” Gribben told PW. “It’s a matter of how you express that in the 21st century.”

“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought?… Has it ever occurred to your, Winston, that by the year 2050, at the very latest, not a single human being will be alive who could understand such a conversation as we are having now?… The whole climate of thought will be different. In fact, there will be no thought, as we understand it now. Orthodoxy means not thinking—not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness.”
Syme talking to Winston, 1984 by George Orwell.

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Florida’s New Governor: Rick Scott.

Our 45th Governor begins work today. He’ll be facing tough times in the years ahead. And a note for the Miami Herald: Now you can criticize his role a governor. That BS you had running in almost every issue about how bad of a job he was doing before even taking office was a bit stupid….but par for the Miami Herald.

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