Civilian Self-Defense Code of Conduct: to train & learn any techniques that will allow me a chance to survive.

Civilian Self-Defense Code of Conduct (3)

It is my responsibility to train & learn any techniques that will allow me a chance to survive.

And nobody better than the late Colonel Jeff Cooper to illustrate this point.

“Owning a handgun doesn’t make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician.”

It would seem quite obvious but it is quite amazing to see people owning a firearm that do not have a basic understanding of its use. Also, they do not go farther than the TV’s remote control to acquire training or learn basic defensive strategies and that is dangerous ’cause most 100% of the gun play we see on TV is tactically, morally and legally wrong. It is like the old Stephen Wright joke: “Put on your seat belt. I want to try something. I saw it once in a cartoon, but I think I can do it.”

What we need to do is to learn Defensive Shooting.

Defensive shooting is not regular marksmanship shooting.  You can go to the range, get you gun out of the box, shoot two hundred rounds through a one-inch hole and impress the heck out of everybody in the nearby booths and still get killed by a one legged drunkard with a knife in the parking lot. Defensive shooting is a combination of Marksmanship, Gun Handling and Mindset which is also known as the Combat Triad. I can expand into a long explanation on each of the parts of the Combat Triad, but it will be an exercise in futility since I am not the best writer out there. Instead I will recommend you search for a nearby school or instructor and please make sure you are realistic about your level of proficiency. In doubt, start with the basics and that would be NRA’s Basic Pistol Class. After that you can start searching for a local instructor in Defensive Shooting or again try the NRA’s Personal Protection Inside the Home and Outside the Home. A good source for information might be an Internet firearms forum where you can ask other shooters where to find somebody and what kind of instructor he/she is.Also and a great help would be to take up some competitive form of action shooting like IDPA, IPSC, USPSA, ICORE, etc. Any of these sports will teach you to shoot on the move and from different positions plus will add a slight shot of adrenalin to your range time. It beats being bored to death at a static range limited to one shot per second.

You can start giving yourself an idea on Mindset by reading and perhaps the best book would be Jeff Cooper’s Principles of Personal Defense. It is a short book but filled with so much no-nonsense information that it will scare you. You may want to follow it with Massad Ayoob’s In the Gravest Extreme: The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection to give you an idea of what you may face in a lethal force confrontation.

You have a gun to defend yourself and it is your responsibility to know how, when and the consequences that come with using it.

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Racist conspiracy at the Olympic Committee.

The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy rigged Diebold voting machines and with the help of the complicit Supreme Court, they stole the 2016 Olympics from the people of Chicago and gave it to that cradle of racist cauldron called Rio de Janeiro.

Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid will soon make an announcement demanding Congressional hearings to investigate the outcome of this selection process. Hillary Clinton just announced that the Members of the International Olympic Committee are barred from entering the United States until the United Nations launches a Peacekeeping force and takes over the Olympic Committee headquarters. President Obama has ordered the CIA to investigate and look for aspirin factories in Rio de Janeiro so he can order a Tomahawk Cruise Missile attack.  The Southern Poverty Law Center has just released a 21 page memo in which explains with detail the dangers of Brazilian domestic white supremacist terrorist ties to the KKK and announces that Timothy McVeigh was actually from Rio. First Lady Michelle Obama just went shopping for a Lana Marks handbag to prepare for an upcoming Feed The Homeless Brazilian Food night at the Hay-Adams Hotel but as long as she doesn’t have to touch them. And of course, it is all George Bush’s fault.

Update: The wife told me that there are actually people blaming Fox News and Conservatives for Chicago losing the bid. I am not surprised.

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New Job, New Gun Free Zone.

So I am on this new place after I and about a hundred plus other got sacked. The new place is very close to my house so I’ll be saving oodles in gas plus wear and tear on the vehicle (10 miles daily versus 50 at the old place) and I can use the saved traveling time for personal use. I am working 11 pm to 7 am in a HUGE empty place with less than stellar fellow Security Officers that fit the Hollywood profile of the Security Guard from a cheap movie. To be fair, almost everybody in all shifts look the part and it is kinda scary.

Bad news, this place has a great cash flow which is about to increase soon, it is located at the border of one of the worst Miami neighborhoods and it is a Gun Free Zone. So what else is new? During the interview I made a point in letting them know I was a firearms instructor and a competitive shooter so it wouldn’t be a surprise later. The interviewer was quick to point out that no guns were allowed on property for everybody’s safety to which I made the appropriate agreement noises and assured him I would follow the rules which I do. It was funny to see his face get tight at the announcement and then trying to be cool about it. You can always tell a Non-Gun person trying to appease you and sound professional when they are about to crap their pants at the thought of possibly having an armed redneck in front of them. The fact that I am a spic, I look like one and sound like one seems to disappear and I suddenly become whiter than Clorox and develop a heavy Southern twang after I mention guns.

Oh well. I am following Florida’s law to a tee. That is a consolation.

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Guns in Bars? The World is coming to an end! (Again)

Arizona is debuting today a law that will allow patrons to carry a gun in a bar with the caveat that they are not allowed to drink. Of course the whiners are screaming to the top of their lung about the sure mass killings that will happen because of this ‘stupid’ law.  The fact that 41 states have some sort of law allowing legally armed patrons to attend places that serve alcohol and we haven’t seen any incidents does not seem to compute with the nay-sayers. Not too long ago Tennessee approved a similar law and we haven’t heard of any mass killings. Florida allows people to carry concealed in restaurants that serve alcohol without any restriction about drinking and in all these years, no shootouts have occurred. Even so, many owners in Arizona, following the steps of other states’ bars and eateries were quick to post a No Guns Allowed signs (A.K.A. Gun Free Zone sign, A.K.A. Victim Ready Local)

The funny thing is that after the initial hysterical period after the law is enacted, Arizona Bar owners will probably follow their counterparts in the other states by removing the Gun Free Zone signs. Why? Because they realize they were uninformed about the level of responsibility with which the average concealed weapon carrier behaves and most important, they will see a lack of money in their cash registers. We Law Abiding Citizens who carry are very ornery about places that order us to disarm and become victims: we just do not patronize them.  The smart owners will keep their places open to all and some like Joe’s BBQ in Wikieup, Az will actually give customers carrying a gun a 10% discount (hat tip to Oleg Volk.) Now that is smart marketing and keeping you place of business safe from critters looking for an easy score….like a Gun Free Zone.

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The Left Wing Intelligentsia: I sort of understand now.

I just caught this interview with Gore Vidal linked out of the Drudge Report. For a man who is supposed to be a intellectual genius, he is one sour, misguided and pathetic individual.

Obama believes the Republican Party is a party when in fact it’s a mindset, like Hitler Youth, based on hatred — religious hatred, racial hatred. When you foreigners hear the word ‘conservative’ you think of kindly old men hunting foxes. They’re not, they’re fascists.”

Whoa! How such a supposedly enlightened individual spew so vile hate? For somebody who has lived so much, it amazes me how petty his soul can be. But it gets better. This is his opinion of us, the American people.

Obama would have been better off focusing on educating the American people. His problem is being over-educated. He doesn’t realise how dim-witted and ignorant his audience is.

Got it yet? We are dumb, not worthy of living and enjoying the gifts that him and his cohorts give away but that we foolishly reject. We are a dumb country because ‘America has “no intellectual class” and is “rotting away at a funereal pace. We’ll have a military dictatorship fairly soon, on the basis that nobody else can hold everything together’. ‘Now, if I remember my history correctly great countries as defined by having fantastic intellectual classes have had a big share of dictators since 1776. Germany, China, Russia, France to mention some of the great cultural centers of the world were racked by all types of dictators bringing upon this planet grief and death by the hundred of millions while the United States has never had one. The causes they supported or let grow while safely tucked away in their Ivory Towers, filled trenches with corpses, created tons of ashes out of human remains and engaged in waves of ethnic cleansing. Yet he seems to forget that for his own little bit of egotistical self indulgence. We Americans are dumb because we did not build him a pedestal and bowed to the infinite wisdom of him and his fellow intellectuals, wisdom that massacred people over and over. And thank the Lord we are dumb because us Dumb Americans had to go out there and save the rest of the world from their little intellectual experiments.  Ooops! I mentioned God, I must be full of religious hatred.

He is afraid of Obama being assassinated. Not a difficult thing for his mind to elaborate since he has this perfect mental image of us as crazy, bloodthirsty animals

Has he met Obama? “No,” he says quietly, “I’ve had my time with presidents.” Vidal raises his fingers to signify a gun and mutters: “Bang bang.” He is referring to the possibility of Obama being assassinated. “Just a mysterious lone gunman lurking in the shadows of the capital,” he says in a wry, dreamy way.

And yet, look who is holding tight so he does not lose it.

“My usual answer to ‘What am I proudest of?’ is my novels, but really I am most proud that, despite enormous temptation, I have never killed anybody and you don’t know how tempted I have been.”

You know? It is truly sad to see somebody at the end of his life having a soul so shriveled by hate. I feel pity for the poor guy. He is a truly sorrowful creature. May God give you soul some peace after you leave us Mr. Vidal… Oh darn.. I mentioned God. I must be full of religious hatred. Oh well!

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Sometimes there is hope and a measure of sanity.

You are a conceited Media Talking Head/Reporter Cum Laude. You go on TV with a false report based on fake documents in an effort to derail a presidential campaign and a President. Your “hard hitting” piece is taken apart by bloggers who show the world the amount of stupidity required to miss the documents are fakes. Even though the evidence of the provenance indicates a political operative working for the opposition, you dismiss it all and stand for your piece. The scandal after that grows so huge that the Media Outlet has to take the report back and asks you to withdraw your initial statements, you refuse and you get your ass canned for lying to the American Public and putting the Network in danger of showing them for the fools they really are. What do you do? SUE THE NETWORK.

Well, Dan Rather’s suit just got tossed out. He will actually have to go back and do voice overs for PBS documentaries about the plight of the native american homosexual transparent earthworm in Iowa.  It could not have happened to a nicer liar.

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