There goes my Tuesday: Obama to Rule the USA.
Warning Issued by The Law Dog.
Holy Crap! Valerie Jarret, co-chair of the Obama Transition Team informs us that Obama will RULE from day one. When the flying barrel of monkeys did we beecome a Third World Country where we elect our dictators?
What can one armed man do?
I have no idea why, but and old memory found me this morning. Back in the early 90’s when I was living in certain South American country now under the firm grasp of a Socialist, massive riots and looting occurred. It was long four days of absolute collapse of the government basic services and control which I lived awake in coffee, cigarettes with a single shot shotgun and a Walther PPK on my waist. Thankfully our property was not affected by rioters since I already had a reputation for being somewhat crazy in Sheepland I was seen in more than one occasion experimenting with home made napalm) and an assiduous patrol kept miscreants pretty much away.
On the second day I was witness to a mob attacking a two story bodega about a two blocks away from my house. As typical of many bodegas in the country, it was owned and operated by one owner and his family and they had their living quarters on the upper floor. It had no side or rear doors, just the front store gated entrance and side stairs connecting the second floor to the ground level. I have no idea why the bodega was attacked but looters usually do not need one. When I noticed the attack it was already in progress and I fielded a pair of binoculars from the roof of my house to get a clearer picture. I was upset I what I saw since the looters were people that lived in the area, people that bought from that store and even got credit to purchase items from the owner when they did not have ways to pay for them, yet they thought it was OK to destroy his means of living.
The looters breached the store’s gates and proceeded inside. Seconds later they came out holding on the liquor and cigarettes while whooping their victory. After the booze and smokes were depleted, looters came back pretty much for the rest but this time I heard a firearm discharged sending everybody out running while dropping whatever items they had in their hand. The Bodega owner appeared with a big frame revolver in one hand, surveyed the damage and alongside his family recovered what little they could and proceeded for the next hour or so to secure the store entrance with whatever means they had available. Once they finished, they went inside and I returned to my patrol.
I’d say that about an hour later I checked the bodega again and I saw a large crowd in front. Their demeanor appeared angry and they were looking up at a window on the second story facing the front of the store. Through the barred window I saw a hand come out making go-away gestures but the crowd did not heed. Some in the mob once more attacked the store entrance, but I am guessing the reinforcement was much sturdier because they could not breach it this time. I kept watching the impasse silently congratulating the store owner for his stand when I saw something that chilled me: some idiot looter appeared suddenly with a Molotov cocktail and launched it towards the second story window. Thankfully it missed and hit the wall creating a fireball of little damage against a cement block structure.
It dawned on me that this was now not a bunch of idiots trying to score some freebies from the neighborhood merchant but a full fledged lynching mob intent on murder and nothing could be done to stop them. Police was nowhere to be seen and those not in the mob were like me trying to protect their households or cowering inside them praying to be spared from the wolves roaming the streets. I saw another looter with yet another Molotov cocktail but this time carefully preparing himself for a perfect pitch. He never did. The hand came through the barred second story window but this time holding the revolver and shooting it. One looter down and a Molotov cocktail rolled off his hand harmlessly.
Another looter, incensed by the shooting of his colleague picked up the firebomb and tried to toss it. The revolver went off again and another looter fell to the ground. This one I could see was dead on the spot. My binoculars allowed me to see the head exploding with perfect detail and the body just switching off to a mass of uncoordinated muscles and bones. I lost track of the Molotov cocktail but I guess it did not go off again because I did not see a fireball, but a couple more appeared in the hands of other looters. More detonations came out the second story window sending two more looters scurrying and at least one of them leaving blood behind him.
This sequence kept repeating itself for another couple of hours. Mob attacking the gate, failing, mob trying to firebomb the upstairs apartment and getting shot for their efforts. I counted at least four dead on the ground and some 8 wounded taken away when the mob finally decided that it was getting to steep a price to pay for their obstinacy and withdrew to seek easier targets. Some 45 minutes later, the store owner and his family came out, loaded their old pick up truck (amazingly left untouched by the mob) with whatever belongings they could pack and abandoned the store. That night the looters came back and set the whole place on fire destroying the only grocery shop in a mile radius forcing the neighborhood to go farther away for their supplies from now on.
I heard later that the Store owner and his family moved to another city. The store was sold for a pittance but the new owner transformed it into a bike repair shop that went bankrupt soon afterward. Last I heard was that the building was abandoned and became a den of druggies and cheap hookers. Nobody was prosecuted for the attacks to the store and thankfully neither was the store owner for defending himself and his family.
So what can one armed man do? When the Shit Hit The Fan, a store owner saved himself and his family against a crowd and bought himself enough time to escape to safety. This was the leasson I learned that day and I hope you may save this little story in your brain’s memory bank for whenever somebody tries to convince you guns are not the solution.
Conservative Support Group?
With the elections over and The Great and Powerful Ozbama opening the Office of The President Elect (which I am guessing it is a way to say “I want the White House now but I can’t evict the darn occupants just yet), I’ve been reading how the press is finally fessing up to admit they might have been a bit biased in the coverage of the elections in favor of Obama. Well dearies, we kinda suspected that for a while now, maybe that is one reason newspapers have had such dismal sales numbers.
I read the news but yet I did not fall into despair or got mad and from what I have seen among my conservative friends, none of them are suffering from any mental malady because of the election results and sudden confessions of bias from the Mainstream Media. OK, the wallets are taking serious hits as we stock up for the possible renewal of the AWB, hoarding up ammo and raiding reloading supplies but today at the range a whole bunch of us were making jokes about The Great and Powerful Ozbama and happily sending bullets away in our monthly IDPA match. It occurred to me that besides political differences we have great lifestyles differences between the Conservatives and the Liberals. After Bush won both elections, support groups, holistic therapy, aromatherapy and whatever New Age B.S. available for those Liberals that went into catatonic state due to the pressure of having the Oval Office under the evil spell of a Republican. And let us not forget those who actually left the country for foreign Liberal pastures in Canada and Europe (Why they did not go to the Socialist paradises of Cuba and Venezuela remains a mystery to this day) only to return when they could not find a Starbucks or Birkenstocks or good quality tofu in the streets of the South of France or the corners of Montreal.
We Conservatives in South Florida, clung today to our guns with evil high capacity magazines engaged in a barbaric game of violence plus contributed to the Global Warming problem with the gases created by the discharge of our weapons. We laughed, pulled jokes on each other, gave tips where to find the best lead for bullet casting, initiated some 5 new fellows into the Gun Culture and enjoyed a nice day under the sun by the Everglades. The only aromatherapy needed was the smell of burnt propellant and the aromatic smoke of the cigar smokers, our group therapy was the Course of Fire Walk-Through with the inevitable jokes that seem to pop no matter how serious we take our shooting.
And then we left the range, tired yet refreshed with accomplishment. Satisfied we spent several hours with optimists & patriots who take the important stuff serious but not themselves. We hopped in our vehicles to our individual destinations still aware that The Great and Powerful Ozbama will try to make our lives miserable but we will not scare and we certainly will not run away to other countries because this is our country which we promised to defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
And we will do it.
Status: Out of Stock, No Backorder.
If you done any kind of browsing over the most popular gun & ammo sales websites, I am sure you are finding that firearms and ammunition stocks are disappearing as fast as the Visa Headquarters can process credit cards charges. Larry Correia cannot take a breather and his shop is just about sold out with people mobbing around the store like a bad zombie movie and phones ringing off the hook with customers begging for anything that goes bang and might be banned under the rule of The Great and Powerful Ozbama.
Since I am tapped out budget wise from getting any more firearm, I aimed my limited resources to get all the stuff required to cast my own bullets. I’ve been collecting brass like there is no tomorrow but I’ve been buying my bullets online from Midway and that has been a decent solution. But the price went up 30% in the last month alone, the demand increasing even more and the dreaded Status: Out of Stock is popping up more frequently.
And now I shall start the obligatory safari through Dade and Broward counties visiting any place that might have lead available for cheap, misplaced or just ignored. I will also continue with the brass collection (catching the darn things as they come out of the ejection port of fellow shooters if necessary) and increase my stocks of powder & primers.
Get your stuff while you can. Stay away from my brass.
Wipe off the tears and raise the Jolly Roger.
Are you done crying and slobbering? Need a hanky?
The die was cast and we lost. Obama is here for Four Years whether we like it or not. John McCain fought like a Gentleman and lost like a Loser. He imposed on himself and his followers asinine Rules of Engagement while the opposition did not bother with such niceties. It is the same stupid concept that hogties our troops in the battlefield and puts them at deadly risk. Make no mistake that McCain rules will end up costing our way of life if we don’t correct the damage inflicted during this campaign.
About The Only Good News, they did not get super majority in Congress. Still they do have the majority and they will try to ramrod as much legislation as they can down our throats without regards for the Constitution. With that in mind let’s put aside briefly what happened and concentrate what we must do for the Congressional elections in 2010.
1) We get rid of the RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) and bring out true conservatives to fill the seats in Congress. NOT ONE PENNY TO ANY POLITICIAN WHO CRAPS OVER THE CONSTITUTION. And no more “terse” letters which make us sound like beggars. We demand that our rights are to be respected and untouched or they will find themselves without jobs and under lots of scorn. We must get involved in the process! Emails and phone calls are always good, but presence always beats everything else. Drop by your local representative’s office and ask to speak to him or her to voice your opinion. Yes, more likely you will not get him or her, but an aide will meet you and believe me, it will make an impression when they get 10 or 20 personal visits about the same subject. And no “We need contributions to accept your point” but “You make the point and we MAY support you with contributions…if you behave correctly & constantly or we will only not contribute, we will actively make sure you do not get any money for your campaign.” We do not need to make big or impressive speeches, just be direct, polite and stubborn about your cause and hurt them in the pocket when needed it.
2) And then we have the Media. Newspapers are right now in a very precarious situation. Most of all the big names are hurting bad and cutting jobs to save pennies due to poor circulation. Any rag that promotes and celebrates the restrictions to our freedoms must suffer. If you have a subscription to a paper like that, cancel it. By the same token, if a paper is in favor of all constitutional rights, specially a new struggling one, get not one but two subscriptions, help them out. The Miami Herald lost a customer this morning I am proud to say. I am waiting for them to call me so they can have an idea why I am canceling and I promise you, they won’t like them.
Broadcast News Media (TV) are Right now they are where papers were 10 years ago, starting to slide down but still ignoring the danger. It seems their ratings somehow suffered during the coverage of the campaign contrary to what they expected and it is not news (pardon the pun) that they are losing viewers to the new Cable Media outlets like FoxNews. How do we get them? Ratings of course. If you are a Nielsen family, switch your TV to any other station but broadcast news when they come on. DirecTV and DISH Networks are much easier because your box keeps track of what you watch and provides ratings. Just program your set to jump to another channel (FoxNews if you really want to rub it) at the time of Broadcast news or turn the thing off. If you go to bed or out and do not turn off the box, make sure it is not tuned to a channel that carries ABC, CBS or NBC. Again leave it tuned to FoxNews, Home and Garden TV your favorite outdoor channel.
Our pal Schummer is already having orgasmic fits thinking he will be able to re instate the Fairness Doctrine and he does indeed have a good chance to do so. If he has his druthers, the Fairness Doctrine will be applied to all media possible not in control of the liberals and that includes the Internet. Here I am thinking we simply inundate all media outlets before the Fairness Doctrine gets approved, that we will demand every day equal time or that we will demand that the proper authorities take action on such blatant violation of the law. Perhaps the Big Media honchos will put enough pressure on Schummer and Co. as to drop the idea altogether. And it goes without saying that we lean heavy on our Senators and Congrespeople until they develop the backbone to stand up against it.
These are just some thing from the top of my head. Add what you think is necessary, but for the Love of God, STOP WHINING!
Good-Bye Newspapers and Good Riddance.
It is not news that lots of Americans are fed up with the newspapers. The bias we are endured to read everyday in the printed press is so blatant that readers are tired of writing letters to the editors complaining about it but they never get published unless you sound like a loony and they can use your words to make their point. If anything this election has brought out the worst in biased journalism and it was so blatant that only the most fanatical of the Obamo-Chavistas seem not to have noticed, but the regular folk has and it is making it clear by not buying newspapers.
The dear old Miami Herald seems to be doing worse than the rest with a circulation drop of 11.8% in the last six months according to and article in Editor & Publisher. The Herald seems to be caught in the maelstrom of not understanding that half its readers despise almost all their columnists because they wage a constant insult attack and moral superiority thinly covered under the pretense of Journalism. May it be Leonard Pitts verbal contortion to blame every pitfall befallen on the Black race on Whitey without sounding like Louis Farrakahn to Ana Valencia’s discourse sound more like Granma or old time Pravda editorials against the US way of life than “thoughtful and caring” pieces. The Miami Herald does carry Cal Thomas’ columns as an obvious token conservative and the occasional assorted piece by a middle-of-the-road commentator, but these only accentuate more the ultra liberal slant of the rag.
Tim Oren over at Winds of Change gives us a detailed observation on how newspapers make their money and you must read it. It reveals to you how deeply stupid newspapers are ran in the business sense and, even better, how to give them a coup de grace which is not only tempting but the humane thing to do so think of it as euthanasia for the printing media. As for myself I am of two minds: in one hand I am very tempted to call them and cancel my subscription with the added bonus of giving them a detailed reason why. In the other hand I would love to be the last subscriber and being able to send the last letter to the editors simply stating: We told you so.