A triumph for Restorative Justice and Gun Control

Federal prosecution of Jamontez Howse, 22, is being considered after Specialized Investigations Division TITANS detectives Wednesday afternoon arrested the convicted felon on gun, auto theft and drug charges. Howse was free after being given a Community Corrections sentence of four years last September for attempted carjacking and auto theft convictions. Those offenses occurred in May 2020.

Undercover TITANS detectives spotted a stolen 2022 Hyundai Sonata Wednesday at a Brick Church Pike apartment complex and began surveilling it. They saw Howse approach the car and get into the driver’s seat. He was accompanied by Deontay Staten, 19, who got into the passenger seat. The two drove away and were followed. They ultimately returned to the apartment complex where Howse got out and Staten transitioned to the driver’s seat. Detectives moved in and detained Howse. Staten put the stolen Hyundai in motion and struck two police vehicles before he got out and started running. He was apprehended after a brief chase. Staten was carrying a Glock semi-automatic pistol loaded with 27 rounds and equipped with an aftermarket switch that made the gun fully automatic. Inside the car was a second semi-automatic pistol loaded with nine rounds laying on the front passenger seat, along with two digital scales and baggies containing 30 grams of cocaine.

Convicted Felon Jamontez Howse, Age 22, Arrested on Gun, Auto Theft and Drug Charges | Nashville.gov

I had to look up Community Corrections sentence. according to BJS:

The supervision of criminal offenders in the resident population, as opposed to confining offenders in secure correctional facilities. The two main types of community corrections supervision are probation and parole. Community corrections is also referred to as community supervision.

He was free after given a legal pass on a violent crime because…. I have no idea why they arrive at stupid decisions like that. This is why Nashville is becoming the San Francisco of the Bible Belt.

Tens of thousands of law-abiding Americans are about to become Felons because of the ATF’s pistol brace switcheroo while the scum of the Earth is walking, stealing and dealing armed with pistols illegally modified by gadgets that have been illegal for almost a century, yet the ATF did not do shit about it other than fuck around online setting traps to unsuspected morons. And I doubt the local Feds will take Jamontez’s case lest they are accused of being racist.


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Enforce Bruen for justice for Moose

This is a follow-up to my post The need for Bruen vs Social Justice.

A reader provided the like for the story from the NY Post.

Crazed NYC homeless man fatally attacked dog in Prospect Park, owner says

A crazed homeless man attacked a dog that was taking a walk in Prospect Park and left the pooch with such serious injuries it later died, the animal’s owner said Wednesday.

The assailant shouted angry comments about immigrants and sprayed a bottle of urine on the 2-and-a-half-year-old golden retriever mix, Moose, and its owner, Jessica Chrustic, 41, before hitting them with a stick so hard the animal suffered a fatal intestinal injury.

“He was just trying to protect me and he was just a dog. Why would you hit a dog? You can hit me, That’s bad enough,” Jessica told the Post, crying.

The fuck us wrong with New Yorkers?

“You can hit me, That’s bad enough.”

No, you can’t hit me or my dog.

Only in New York does a person just accept being beaten by a crazy vagrant with a stick as a normal part of city life.

Jessica said she had seen the man before, as he often walks around with a stick muttering to himself.

She usually tries to avoid him, and when she saw him going through the garbage nearby, she pulled her dog to the side as far away from him as possible.

Jessica said the man reached into his garbage bag, took out a bottle of a liquid, which she later learned was urine, and starting spraying her and her dog.

Jessica tried to escape, running with the dog up some steps — but the man caught up, and jumped and beat them from behind.

The man struck her in the back and her dog in the face with a stick, leaving her with minor injuries, police said.

A nearby woman who was also walking her dog saw the incident and screamed at the man to “Get the f—k away from her,” which led two bikers to stop as well.

The victim and three bystanders and nobody was able to stop this man.

In the land of the unarmed, the vagrant with a stick is king.

I want to know how he hasn’t been caught yet. People have seen him in the parks this weekend. It’s a very specific description. He’s hard to miss,” Jessica told The Post.

The cops won’t do shit.

Progressives won’t do shit.

Nobody will do shit.

A dog murdering vagrant roams free.

That’s the New York brand.

I still can’t get over that a vagrant with a stick chased down and beat a woman and a dog a d three people tried to help and were ineffectual.

These people are utterly disarmed, both physically and mentally.

This is why it’s so important Bruen is enforced.

When a vagrant chases a woman with a stick, she should have the ability to turn around and ballistically perforate his thoracic cavity.

Do it for Moose the dog.

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A stupid line from She-Hulk

I’m watching She-Hulk.

I’ve suffered through some pretty horrible garbage to bring you analysis of the pop culture and this is no different.

In one scene, She-Hulk is explaining why she occasionally likes being She-Hulk instead of Jennifer Walters.

She says:

“Being able to walk home a night wearing headphones without being afraid.”

Her paralegal responds to that with:

“Every woman’s dream.”

Hod damn, the Leftists that write this are way out of touch.

I’m six-foot, three-inches, 270 lbs of man and I don’t walk down a city street with headphones on.

I’m a security conscious person who understands the importance of situational awareness.

Do these people honestly believe that men can just walk around oblivious to their surroundings and be safe because bro code because guys don’t attack other guys?

No fucking way.

These people live in a bubble that insulates them from reality.


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The need for Bruen vs Social Justice

I caught this online.  The important points are screen grabbed because the article is behind the NYT pay wall.



I’m a simple man, making my way in the world.

To me, if I’m walking my dog on a leash and you spray me with a bottle of possible and then attack us with a stick, I’m going to shoot you in the liver.

I really don’t care about your race, your financial situation, your privilege or history of oppression.

Neither do my 135 grain Gold Dots.

The places where I have chosen to live don’t generally have a problem with piss and club armed vagrants who attack people and murder their dogs because we don’t trouble ourselves with the moral quandary of how to consider irrelevant details about violent people prior to defending ourselves.

But in the Progressive shit hole that is New York, self defense is non existent.

The protection of innocent people must be compromised against such considerations like injustice against a dog murdering, piss spraying vagrant because of his race and other factors.

So while the Progressives turn on each other in their desire to seem virtuous by exonerating Captain Pissbottle McMumblesToHimself, the vagrant in question is able to murder more dogs and spray more women with piss.

In my neck of the woods, the dog murdering, piss bottling vagrants is in prion or an unmarked municipal grave.

Either way, that problem is solved.

I may not be a sophisticated Progressive, but I also don’t have to worry as much about getting sprayed with piss and my dog beat to death when I take her for a walk.

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Post Bruen

I’ve been in the fight for gun rights for nearly 30 years. The first time I testified before the Maryland Senate committee on gun control laws my opening was something like “My name is, AWA. I do not own any guns. I do not belong to the NRA. I am here to testify against Bill S.xxx”

That year we went to Annapolis multiple times. We always had something written to submit. We always asked to speak.

The way the Democrat controlled house treated us vs the Republican controlled senate was night and day.

The house committee had metal detectors setup. They were in a sort of auditorium. Nobody was allowed into the auditorium unless they went through the metal detectors.

Except for all of the law enforcement people. These people were going around the detectors and flashing their firearms. Constantly. Rubbing it in our faces that only they were allowed to carry firearms.

When we got into the auditorium the chairman said “There are lots of people that wish to speak. In order to be fair we are not going to hear from any individuals. Each group that has signed up can have one witness testify.”

There were at least a dozen and closer to two dozen gun control groups there. Everything from Handgun Control, Inc to the International Order of Police Chiefs. There was one gun rights organization there, the NRA. They had maybe a dozen people lined up to testify. Each with a different thing to bring to the table.

The NRA was allowed to put one person up to testify.

For the Senate there was a couple of thousand gun rights people gathered outside. The senate committee setup loudspeakers so that the people outside could hear what was being said. When the MSP Colonel showed up to testify in his full uniform the chairman asked if he was representing the Maryland State Police.

“No, I’m here representing the International Order of Police Chiefs”

“Then get out. You are only allowed to wear your uniform when testifying if you are representing the MSP.”

The chief got out. He came back about 10 minutes later in an ill fitting suit. He still had his uniform pants on but he wasn’t in uniform any more.

Regardless, the number of anti gun organizations and people in that committee room greatly outnumbered the gun rights people.

And that was the way of it. And that has been the way of it for many many years.

We were out numbered every time we showed up. The courts were stacked against us. The balancing act of “government interest” vs. “the right of the people to keep and bear arms” always came out in favor of the government.

The number of court opinions that started with “We stipulate for the sake of argument that the 2nd amendment rights of X were infringed. We now move to balancing under intermediate scrutiny. The government has presented compelling arguments that the laws is required, thus we rule that the law is constitutional.”

It wasn’t until 2008 that I saw the first break in the damn. The Heller case did something amazing. For a short period of time there was 100% repropricity in Washington DC. It took about 6 months before they had a new permitting scheme in place. But for that period of time, if you had a CCW or were from a Constitutional Carry state, you could legally carry in DC.

We kept fighting for our rights. The McDonald case erased the “No Issue” states. At least in theory. When you have a “may issue” state like Hawaii that has counties that have no record of every having issued a CCW, it is still a “No Issue” state.

And still the fight for our rights continued. The hope was that a case would make it to the supreme court and we would get a positive ruling.

Then we saw NY pull a fast one. Attempting to moot a case and the court allowed it to happen. THomas said it was well past time for the court to address the second amendment to establish that it was a first class right. The same as every other right guaranteed by the Constitution.

That finally happened last year and the result this year was the Bruen opinion.

“The Court rejects that two-part approach as having one step to many.”

I expected to see the lawsuits. The FPC and GOA keep filing suits, and winning. Thursday a Biden (or Obama) judge in New York put a temporary stay on NY State’s new gun control law(s). It isn’t a full win, but it is a much closer to a win than it would have been 12 months ago.

In Hawaii, they HPD requested comments on the new permitting scheme. More people, not organizations, but average, everyday people showed up to protest. “Shall NOT Be Infringed”.

This is the people no longer knowing they will lose. It is hard to show up and do battle time and time again, knowing the deck is stacked against you. It is hard to call your Senator or Representative and know that they are able to say “Taking away your right to own AR-15s doesn’t infringe on your rights.” without blinking. Wondering if they are lying to themselves or if they truly believe it.

I’m a cynic. I believe that these scum know exactly what lying sacks of shit they are and they don’t care. It is the opinion they were told to have and so they do.

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Friday Feedback

There have been a number of cases filed since the Bruen decision. There have been a number of states that have decided to go off the deep end.

What cases are you watching?

What is the most surprising thing you’ve seen so far after Bruen?

What firearm have you seen and wanted just because of the ammunition?

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