The fuckening continues with the Francis Scott Key Bridge

Early this morning a container shit crashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, resulting in its collapse.



The Francis Scott Key Bridge is part of the I-95 beltway around Baltimore.

It is the shorter of the beltway, and us about 40% of truck traffic through I-95 around the city.

In addition, the wreckage blocks the port of Baltimore.

I’m not implying any foul play. The reports I’ve heard is a steer-by-wire ship lost power and it a support column.

The engineer in me knows that if a support column in a bridge is taken out, the bridge is gone.

This seems to be a horrific accident.

Nevertheless, this is going to be a major economic problem for the country for months to come.


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Guns are durable goods.

Which is why Gun Control is a pipe dream at best.

An NYPD officer was fatally shot during a Monday car stop in Queens, Mayor Adams said, calling the incident “a senseless act of violence.”

“We lost one of our sons today, and it is extremely painful,” Adams said at a press conference. “It’s extremely painful.”

Uniformed Officer Jonathan Diller and his partner pulled Lindy Jones, 41, and Guy Rivera, 34, over near the corner of Mott Ave. and Smith Place in Far Rockaway just before 5:50 p.m., cops and sources said.

The men were in a gray Kia SUV and were illegally parked in a bus stop, according to police.

“[Rivera] was asked to leave the car,” NYPD Chief of Detectives Joseph Kenny said at the news conference. “He was given a lawful order numerous times to step out of the car, and he refused. Instead of stepping out of the car, he shot our officer.”

Diller, 31, was shot in the torso underneath his bullet-resistant vest, but “still stayed in the fight,” Kenny said.

NYPD officer fatally shot during car stop in Far Rockaway, Queens (

The gun was recovered.

Bryco has been out of business for 20 years, but the guns are still out there. And those too young will not remember the outcry and teeth gnashing when the term Saturday Night Special was created and guns like Bryco, Jennings, and Raven were stamped with that title to make them “evil.”

They sued Bryco out of existence after typecasting it as evildoers and merchants of death, a strategy Gun Control swore would end “Gun Deaths” and violent crime in general.

It failed spectacularly and deadly.

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The Jewish perspective on “Christ is King”

If you were on Twitter yesterday, you might have seen Christ is King trending.

The controversy stems from something Andrew Klavan said on his show that is being deliberately misinterpreted.


First of all, Andrew Klavan isn’t Jewish.

He was born unto an ethnically Jewish family, but wasn’t practicing. He converted to Christianity as an adult, and us very open about his Christianity.

But this has metastasized on the internet into, “the Jews want to ban us from saying ‘Christ is King'” or “the Jews are saying Christ is King us antisemitic.”

No, it’s not.

I can assure you, we are not trying to ban Christians from having an affirmation of faith, and saying “Christ is King” as an affirmation of faith isn’t antisemitic.

The problem is the way Groypers LARPing as Christians use Christ is King.

This is a perfect example:


Or perhaps this from Candace Owens, who has been playing footsie with neo-Nazis, when lashing out at Ben Shapiro in a passive aggressive way.


This use of “Christ is King” is in the same context as a Southern woman might use “bless your heart.”

It’s not said in niceness.

It’s not an affirmation of faith, it’s “fuck you, Jew.”

It’s a blasphemy.

This is the ugliness of Groyper-Christians. They are not Christians. They claim to be, but they don’t act very Christian.

Groyper-Christians are not feeding the hungry, helping the needy, or doing good works.

They are not volunteering at church or building hospitals.

That is hard work.

Hating people is much easier.

They believe that being a good Christian is to hate Jews for rejecting Christ.

I can’t tell you how many times this is happened to me on Twitter.

Some Groyper wil fill my replies with absolute Jew-hatred. Post antisemitic memes and quotes that are supposedly from the Talmud about how Jews hate Christians which are as fake as the Protocols of Zion, then end their rant with “Christ is King.”

These people have latched onto certain aspects of Christianity for the sane reason they latched onto Palestinian rights, to give legitimacy and a veneer of righteousness to their Jew-hatred.

They were Jew-haters first, and discovered they could use the theology of Christian Supersessionism (which no major sect of Christianity adheres to anymore) to make their Jew-hatred seem virtuous.

It’s not virtuous. It’s ugly. It’s using Christ’s name in vain. They have turned an affirmation of faith into an insult to hurl at Jews.

Now that they are being called out for it, they are retreating to a defensive position of “the Jews are trying to stop us from being Christians.”

No, we’re not, and they were never really Christian to begin with.

If you’re a Christian, you are absolutely entitled to your affirmation of faith.

We have no desire to take that from you.

And of you’re a Christian, you should be equally offended at these Groypers LARPing as Christians, who will end an antisemitic rant with an affirmation of faith used an as insult.

It’s not Jews vs. Christians.

It should be Jews and Christians vs. Groyper-Christian LARPers.

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What’s a little power, between friend?

My lady has been off and on the book of face for the last 30 hours or so. She has been reporting on all the horrible, rotten things that have been happening to all of her friends and people of the town.

Did we notice that the electricity was out? Yes, we did.

What did it mean to us? Our movie night was interrupted.

That was it.

We were already running the wood stove, it kept right on running. We use heat powered fans to move the air off the wood stove. Those kept right on running.

I lit the oil lamp and there was plenty of light. She wanted more, so I lit the camp light, and she was able to continue to do her craft work.

We went to bed a little early.

The biggest issue? All the people who were stealing my bandwidth! Dirty thieves.

On a normal day, switching to a hot spot slows things down, but everything continues to function. When everybody is trying to hit the same cell tower to keep up with the book of face and Candy Crush, there is no bandwidth left for me to do actual work.

Last night we had steak, potatoes, onions, and mushrooms. No issues. This morning I had my normal Sunday meal, an omelette. The only difference was that I got home fries instead of toasted homemade bread.

Lunch was normal. Everything was normal except for streaming services being down.

Oh, that included hot showers for everybody. While we have an electric water heater, it isn’t required to take a hot shower. We have a rechargeable, battery-powered shower head. We boiled some water on the stove, added cold water from the taps into a 5 gal bucket. That gave us warm water and a “hot” shower.

Being without electric for a couple of days shouldn’t be an impossible thing.

Relax, read a book, do some hand crafts.

I hope everybody in the New England area is warm, safe and happy.

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You are on your own


A district of 61,000 people and three cops.

More than ten minutes to respond to an assault.

You are on your own.

9-1-1 will put you on hold.

Nobody is coming to help you.

You need to know how to take care of your self.

Learn to use a fire extinguisher. Lots of fire departments do training on that.

Take a Stop the Bleed course and buy or make yourself a trauma kit.

Lean to use a gun correctly in self-defense. Take a low light class.

Be prepared to self rescue.

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