You are your ONLY responder.

A WSMV4 Investigative analysis of Metro Nashville police response times since 2018 shows it is taking officers longer each year to respond to crimes and emergencies.

Since 2018, the average response times to urgent calls, which include crimes not in progress, has nearly doubled, according to the data.

For example, in 2018, police response times to an urgent call for burglary took thirty minutes on average.

In 2023, it took 56.9 minutes.

The response times to other urgent calls, from domestic violence to rape, were similar.

For urgent calls for rape, it took MNPD 47 minutes to respond in 2018, and 78 minutes on average in 2023, according to the data.

Aaron did point out some success in the category of responding to urgent calls for vehicles involved in a crash where there was damage.

In 2022, it took Metro Nashville police, on average, 65 minutes to respond, and in 2023, that had dropped to 63 minutes.

It’s taking Metro Nashville police longer, year after year, to respond to crimes: WSMV4 Investigates reveals

I don’t believe I need to say much more about this, do I?

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Indiana representative showed the wrong thing to kids.

INDIANAPOLIS (WEHT) – The Indiana Democratic Party has released a statement criticizing state Rep. Jim Lucas over a video that appeared to show him flashing a gun to a group of high school students during a gun rights discussion.

In the video, first posted by The Statehouse File, Lucas, a Republican from Seymour, shows a holstered gun to the students in response to a question about the right to carry a firearm.

In discussing places where firearms are banned, Lucas said people aren’t “truly free” unless they can defend themselves.

A student off-camera asked Lucas if was referring to carrying a firearm. Just over six minutes into the 10-minute video, Lucas said, “I’m carrying right now,” and held open his suit jacket exposing a holstered handgun.

A student then remarked that “nothing about someone carrying a gun makes me feel safe.”

Lucas responded by saying, “Those are feelings. I’m talking facts.”

Indiana Rep. Jim Lucas shows gun to high school students in Statehouse (

I am sure if he had on make-up and showed his willy, the Indiana Democratic Party would have cheered loudly.

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NYPD should be out of cops by year’s end.

Bold M’Fers, ain’t them? But have no fear, the NYC D.A. is here:

And the conclusion?


Bragg’s office said the five suspects released without bail face up to seven years in prison. The second degree assault charge is a felony.

Seven arrested in attack on NYPD officers near migrant shelter in Times Square – CBS New York (

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Good Results in Two Cases

Rhode v. Becerra, 3:18-cv-00802, (S.D. Cal.) which is the California ammunition background check has had final judgement in. Judge Roger T. Beitez found for The People, again.

This was the ammunition background check and no import of ammunition.

The state has requested a stay pending appeal and if not stay is not granted, they are requesting a 10-day stay so they can run to mommy, err, the Ninth Circuit for a stay from them.

They requested that the court issue one of those stays by 1400 Jan 31st. They claim that they have been infringing on the rights of The People for so long that they should be allowed to continue, while awaiting the results of an appeal to the Ninth.

Hunter v. Cortland Housing Authority, 5:23-cv-01540, (N.D.N.Y.) has to do with forcing people to give up their rights as part of contract agreements.

In particular, if you accept government housing, sometimes known as Section 8 housing, the lease/rental agreement you sign prohibits you from having a firearm in your home.

Judge Gleen T. Suddaby, the same judge who has given The People other wins, found that this is unconstitutional.

Unfortunately, this is still New York state, so while they can now possess firearms in their homes, they are not allowed to display, use, or possess firearms in the common areas, grounds, or parking areas.

So they can own a gun, they can possess the gun, but they can’t carry it into or out of their home.

Update before being published.

Defendant requests a stay of this Court’s Decision and permanent injunction pending appeal, or in the alternative, a 10-day administrative stay. The Defendant says that, “[i]f the Decision is allowed to stay in effect, it would irrevocably alter the status quo by enjoining enforcement of laws that have been in effect for over four years; allowing prohibited California residents to acquire ammunition during the appeal; and jeopardizing public safety.”

“A stay is not a matter of right, even if irreparable injury might otherwise result. It is instead ‘an exercise of judicial discretion,’ and ‘the propriety of its issue is dependent upon the circumstances of the particular case.’” Nken v. Holder, 556 U.S. 418, 433 (2009). In exercising its discretion, a court is to be guided by four legal principles or factors: “(1) whether the stay applicant has made a strong showing that he is likely to succeed on the merits; (2) whether the applicant will be irreparably injured absent a stay; (3) whether issuance of the stay will substantially injure the other parties interested in the proceeding; and (4) where the public interest lies.” Id. “The first two factors … are the most critical.” Id. at 434. The Defendant here has not shown a strong likelihood of success on the merits, i.e., the first factor, or the likelihood of irreparable injury, the second factor.

As to the first factor, the Defendant’s case on the merits is weak, failing both the interest balancing test and the history and tradition test. As to the second factor, the Defendant argues irreparable injury will occur without a stay because prohibited California residents will be able to acquire ammunition during the appeal. “[S]imply showing some ‘possibility of irreparable injury,’ fails to satisfy the second factor…, the ‘possibility’ standard is too lenient.” Id. at 434-35 (citations omitted). While there is the possibility that prohibited California residents will be able to acquire ammunition without a stay, there continues to exist criminal laws against the possession of ammunition by prohibited persons under both state and federal law. This Court’s decision in no way affects those laws and the Defendant is free to continue to enforce the same. Consequently, the second factor does not weigh in favor of a stay. The third and fourth factors weigh heavily against granting a stay as the enjoined laws are infringing on the constitutional rights of citizens.

This Court has given the State plenty of opportunity and time to provide analogues or other evidence to demonstrate the validity of its ammunition background check laws. The Decision simply requires a return to the status quo ante litem as it existed prior to the effective dates of SB1235 and Proposition 63. Having considered the relevant factors, and for many of the same reasons articulated in this Court’s Order denying a stay of the preliminary injunction order (filed Apr. 24, 2020, Dkt. 62), the request for a stay pending appeal and an administrative stay is denied.
Rhode v. Becerra, No. 3:18-cv-00802 (S.D. Cal.)

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TN Gun Bills: SB 2180

SB 2180 by Hensley (R) with companion bill HB1904 by Fritts (R)

…exempts persons who are authorized to carry a firearm pursuant to an enhanced handgun carry permit or a concealed handgun carry permit from the criminal offense of possessing a firearm in a concealed manner at a meeting conducted by, or on property owned, operated, or managed or under the control of the individual, corporation, business entity, or government entity that is properly posted

As I read it, it makes locations with GFZ signs available to those with Enhanced or Regular Handgun Permits.

This would be a monumental hit to Gun Free Zones everywhere in TN, but I will predict it will not pass and not because the opposition of the Gun Control cadre but because I am already hearing the Chest Thumpers whining and bitching about being bad law because it only covers those with permits.

The concept of achieving goals by attrition and incremental progress still escapes too many on our side.

And by the way, the avalanche of gun control bills introduced in the past few days is amazing. We are up for a nasty ride.


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