Pitbull mauling caught on video


I love dogs.

I will shoot an unleashed pitbull.

Remember, not everything that was ts to kill you in the city walks on two legs.

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If what you are saying is true, you missed the point by 5 miles.

Tennessee became one of 14 states that enacted total abortion bans after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022 with its Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.

Now, researchers estimate that nearly 65,000 women became pregnant as a result of rape in these states, including roughly 5,000 in Tennessee.

Estimate: 5K Tennessee pregnancies from rape since TN abortion ban (tennessean.com)

The abortion ban in Tennesse started on July 25, 2022. This means that in 191 there has been 5,000 rapes that left woman impregnated or 26 a day, a skosh over one per hour.

And that number does not include rapes that did not result in pregnancies.

No, we do not have an abortion problem, we have a humongous sexual predator problem and that is not resolved by abortion.

Unless you do a post-birth abortion of the rapists.

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CAD, CAM, CGI, oh my!

hh465: I didn’t come to FreeCAD as a novice. I jumped in because I thought my experience in AutoDesk Inventor would just transfer over. It didn’t. On the other hand, I’m very, very pleased with the results. This article is from your prompt. Thank you.

Maybe the write-up below will help you get started, then start looking for YouTube videos about the thing you want to do.

Some of it is just wrapping your mind around different ways of accomplishing the same tasks.
(1400 words, lots of images, two videos)

I have been working in computer graphics since around 1976. My first introduction to “CGI” was in the show The Man From Atlantis. In the show, they had a fancy echo locator/sonar/radar system. You heard this wonderful sound, and then they showed you the visual results.

Those visual results were a standard demo for the Apple II. My parents were amazed by the technology of the TV show. Next time I had an Apple II home, I showed them the demo. It took a bit away.

While at University, I did a little more with computer graphics, but it was mostly just line drawing stuff. We had some Tektronix 4010s. The only reason these were of interest to me was that I recognized the graphics in Battlestar Galactica were generated using Tektronix displays.

After University, I did work at BRL. I was introduced to my Mentor and to CAD. My Mentor ruined CGI for me because suddenly, I could see all the artifacts of CGI in movies and TV shows.

What is CAD? CAD stands for Computer Aided Design. In its simplest form, it is a computer acting as a drafting table.

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Sorry, our country has the priority.

I may be called callous, but I still do not give a damn about the tiff between Rusia and Ukraine. Prior to the war, Ukraine was the official criminal bad guy country in the world as anointed such by many of the people who now defend it.

The current invasion via our Southern border is a clear and present danger ignored by the intelligentsia that bemoans our lack of compassion towards the Ukraine government. We are about to get seriously shafted by foreign enemies aided by the complicity and complacency of domestic enemies and I am pretty sure nobody will come to help us and probably more than one nation will not only rejoice but aid our enemies in their fight.

Maybe shit will change with the elections, maybe it will remain the same. Sure as hell I am not trusting anything coming out D.C.

We are on our own.

Prepare accordingly.


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When things work?

Geek dump, run away, run away!

If I was a normal person, much of the software and hardware issues I run into would just go away.

Instead, I invite these disasters on myself.

In a normal business or home, you would have computers for each of your workers. You would have some virtual machines on the cloud.

The work computers would be reasonably fast, have reasonable graphics, reasonable memory, and reasonable amounts of disk space.

The idea is to give your workers the right equipment to get out of their way.

My life isn’t like that. I have multiple virtual servers in multiple states from different providers. All of which need to be monitored.

At the office, my computer has good graphics, unreasonable amounts of memory, very good CPUs, and unreasonable amounts of disk space.

There are two more machines that are powerful enough to be considered “servers”.

Nobody really needs servers in the office space. I do things that make it reasonable to have those servers.

I run multiple virtual machines for testing purposes. Occasionally, it is just easier to toss up a new virtual machine than to try to run it on my standalone servers. I have a cluster of virtual machines running as a K8S cluster. There is a ceph cluster running to provide a distributed multipoint mounting system for those virtual machines.

So I installed Zabbix on a virtual machine. That virtual machine uses a ceph file system. This means that I can migrate that machine to any of my servers that has access to that ceph cluster. Which is very neat.

I had to learn how to write Zabbix templates to add monitoring of Amanda backup sets. Just got that working a week or so ago. And it has already paid off.

As I figured some of this stuff out, I added more and more of my servers and client servers to the monitoring load.

One of the things I added was disk hardware monitoring via ‘SMART’.

S.M.A.R.T. then told me that I had a drive that was running hot. Then it gave me a warning that a drive was failing.

Yesterday that drive failed. That drive failure affected my ceph cluster. Now, I found this out when I got alarms from Zabbix.

Meanwhile, I’m trying to fix my technical drawings. I was using the latest, greatest, version of FreeCAD. I was running it from a “snap”. Turns out that snaps run in a confinement. This means that I couldn’t get it to run any outside programs that were not approved. That was two+ days chasing my tail.

This caused me to revert to the stable release of FreeCAD. Which reset all of my settings. Which added hours to redoing parts of my blueprint.

FreeCAD can record a frame for each step change in a variable. That’s cool. I’ve made a couple of short animations using it. But what I really want to do is to have it send each step to a ray tracer. Which I’ve not figured out how to do yet.

So it is now 0115, I have almost recovered from the bad drive issue. I’m just waiting a bit longer to be able to reboot that server and take the drive out. I can’t do that yet because ceph wants that server to be up for a bit longer.

If I get very very lucky, I’ll be done with this shortly.

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