Two things can be true at the same time:

One: Without effective policing cities will dissolve into chaos, like in San Francisco and New York City, where mass looting, violent street assaults, and quality of life crimes have rendered those cities into shitholes.

Two: This is an obscenity.  There was absolutely no reason for a cop to attack a dog like that on the dog’s home porch.  That was vicious and unnecessary, and the officer should be punished for that.

This is the sort of shit that turns me against cops.

It’s not just possible but reasonable and  moral imperative to say “the Left’s ‘defund the police’ is bullshit but this here cop needs to be tossed out like the piece of shit that he is.”

If we don’t, we have nobody to blame but ourselves when we lose the normies.


A buddy sent me this, I didn’t know Twitchy had covered it.

I’m not walking anything I said back because I am quite familiar with the Terre Haute Police Department and holy shit, they are some of the worst cops in Indiana.  They were a small town Police Department that absolutely hated every college kid at both ISU and RHIT and used every excuse to hassle college kids.  A truly fuck-ass awful department.


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By J. Kb

16 thoughts on “Paging John Wick”
    1. Thanks for updating it. Deleted my original comment. Watching the body cam footage the officer was pretty restrained with not shooting the dog.

    2. “I heard this dog was dangerous, so I walked up and started kicking it.”

      Yeah, not withdrawing my prior comment. He’s still dumb as shit.

  1. Forking pigs. Useless POS think they can do whatever they want. I have been having fun telling each police groups that asking for money to jump up my a**.

  2. Even if you look at the other side of the story, I am not thrilled with the officer’s response. His approach was aggressive. If you’re going after an aggressive dog on his own property, wouldn’t it be a good idea to send someone with the proper tools and training to deal with an aggressive dog? Kicking them isn’t an appropriate response. My dog is a sweetheart, but if you approached her in an aggressive manner on her turf, she would bark aggressively, and if you kicked her, she might bite.

    If the owners can’t or won’t control their dogs, they should have them taken away. In the end, it might mean the dogs are euthanized, but at least it will be done humanely as opposed to by kicking. It angers me when dogs suffer because their owners are irresponsible. Anyway you look at it, this story is anger-fuel.

  3. My little brother had a Shepard, if you came onto his property with an attitude, the dog treated you the same way. Only he didn’t go for the legs, he went for the throat, would not back up for anything, man or animal.

  4. This isn’t to cover for cops. I lived in a college town. Actually, a college and a universty. The students as a body behaved atrociously. Large amounts of property damage, rampant petty theft, drunken brawls, the always present student rapes, general nuisance were always a problem. Oh and the ever popular protests of police brutality.

    All this in a now semi-rural county. Don’t hang your hat on harrassment of college kids as an indictment of cops being out of control. I know many locals wanted to get some licks in too. The peckerheads act as if it is their first time away from ma and pa while living on the parent’s generosity. Oh, wait, it is exactly that. But the town is left to pay for that caused by the indescretion of the miscreants.

    1. I lived there for 5 years. Terre Haute had four colleges but wasn’t a college town. The city actively discouraged the kids from leaving campus.

      They built a Buffalo Wild Wings down south. THPD would hang out in the parking lot and make every kid of college age do a breathalyzer in the parking lot leaving BW3. No reason except to discourage the kids from going there.

      Bars downtown, across the street from ISU campus would put up signs “college students not welcome.”

      Trust me, it wasn’t about kids and petty crime, Terre Haute didn’t want to be a college town.

  5. Wait a minute. So there were reports of a dog being a danger to people yet the cop walks right onto the porch? Was he unaware the dog wad there? Was he that unaware that the dog mifht be right there on its porch?
    Something’s missing here. If the dog was a danger and it is one of ‘those’ breeds, how to explain he let himself get that close to the dog?

  6. It is possible to have a bad dog, a bad owner and a bad cop. This time they coincided. I have a friend who’s a retired cop, and who had to deal with aggressive dogs a few times. He used pepper spray, which was always effective. I’m sure this cop carries it, which leads me to believe he’s poorly trained, terminally stupid or just a mean bastard. Those are not mutually exclusive.

  7. The Twitchy article claims he walked through the open gate to talk to the man about his dog that had mauled an 11 year old girl when the man’s dog jumped him. If I were the parent of the girl I’d be cheering for the cop right now. The article:

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