The Biden/Harris (or is it Harris/Biden) bus went through Texas.

Texan Trump supporters trolled them hard.

As a result, the Biden campaign canceled the event the bus was headed to in Austin, Texas.

One Democrat state representative said it was because the Trump supporters have “escalated well beyond safe limits.”

One local Texan author and professional homosexual* spotted this and decided that it was more proof that Trump was Hitler.

He called 9-1-1 to report peaceful protesters.  I thought that was racist?

Ah yes, the thin blue line. Clearly, a racist engaged in a conspiracy against Biden.

“Although nobody was hurt” this reminded him of Nazi Germany. This guy is supposed to be a historian. “Although nobody was hurt” is not something that could be said about Nazi Germany. Kristallnacht had a death toll of 91. Hitler’s Brownshirts, the Sturmabteilung or SA, were notorious for being murderers.  They led the Night of Long Knives.

When the SA intimidated people who opposed the Nazis, it was because the threat of violence and death was behind their intimidation.  The SA didn’t just drive around Berlin waving flags.

This is beyond historically illiterate, this is revisionist malfeasance.

The rise of Hitler, like the rise of Stalin, Castro, Mao, Pol Pot, and other radical Leftist leaders left countless dead in their wake.  These politicians rose to their positions by climbing a mountain of skulls.  Their opponents were viciously murdered, disappeared, and unpersoned.

Private citizens who spoke out against them were beaten, had their businesses destroyed, were tortured, and many were killed.

This has been whitewashed out of history by people who want to say “Trump is coming to power just like Hitler.”  Really.  Where are the Biden supporters businesses that are being burned to the ground for supporting Biden?  Where are the people who speak out against Trump being beaten to death?

But we can be prepared. In the next four days, we can create such a landslide that their efforts are futile, sending a message that Nazi tactics have no place in America. 8/

Waving flags in the presence of opposing politicians and standing a safe distance away and heckling with actual serious questions about corruption are not Nazi tactics.  That is freedom of speech in a polite society.

The murder of Trump supporter Aaron Danielson by Antifa thug Michael Reinoehl, because he was a Trump supporter is a Nazi tactic.

What historians like this piece of shit are doing is a crime against humanity.

*I said above that this guy is a professional Homosexual.  I want to make it clear as to why I said this.

This is his biography from his website.

Dr. Eric Cervini
Author Historian Homosexual

That tag is also in his Twitter headline.

Dr. Eric Cervini is an award-winning historian of LGBTQ+ politics and culture.

As an authority on 1960s gay activism, Cervini serves on the Board of Directors of the Harvard Gender and Sexuality Caucus and on the Board of Advisors of the Mattachine Society of Washington, D.C., a nonprofit dedicated to the preservation of gay American history.

He is a gay man who studies and writes about gay history.  A brief browse through his Twitter and Instagram pages are nearly 100% about gay topics and those that aren’t are about Trump being a fascist.

There is an old Yiddish expression: to the worm in horseradish, the world is horseradish.  This man’s horseradish is homosexual activism, it is his all-consuming identity, and he put an enormous amount of effort into generating victim status from it.

The Left is populated with these niche victim group activists.

When this guy says that he’s “a historian” he’s not.  Not in a Victor Davis Hanson classical historian sense.  I’m sure if you asked him about the Battle of the Bulge, his answer would have something to do with drag queens tucking it at Stonewall.

For him to lie about the rise of Hitler while claiming to be a historian egregious beyond my ability to put words to it.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Peaceful Trump protests puts lives in danger, Leftist with incendiary and explosive devices, not so much”
  1. The only sizable opposition the Communists had in Weimar Germany was the Nazis, so naturally communists think their opponents are all Nazis. Then there was the whole invasion of the USSR, and that cemented their delusion.

  2. The Night of the Long Knives was a Hitler ordered SS run operation to kill specific leaders of the SA who thought that the “revolution” had NOT gone far enough. Ernst Röhm felt that the SA should be the military for Germany among other things. When captured with his male lover, he refused to commit suicide and was eventually shot by SS.

  3. We don’t live in a democracy. This is a myth propagated by leftists. We live in a republic with elected representatives. This is in no way related to democracy.

    A representative republic. You’re welcome.

    1. It is still a democratic government. A democratic constitutional republic. If our representatives were given lifetime positions which passed to their offspring, or if congress voted among themselves to elect new members, or if they were appointed by the President, it would just be a republic, not a democratic republic. It could even be a “representative republic” if the elite class of leaders claimed to be the representatives of the people; that’s often who we elect already.
      It is not a “democracy” in the strict sense of the word, but modern usage usually dumbs “democratic government” down to “democracy”. The people elect the representatives, therefore it is a democratic form of government. It’s is “representative democracy”, which is a form of republic, meaning we elect representatives to go and vote on our behalf (Congress) instead of actually having all voting citizens directly vote on what new laws are passed, etc.
      So it’s not entirely correct to say that “it’s not a democracy”, not under current understanding of the word, and it’s certainly not correct to say that it “Is in now way related to democracy”. You can say that is is “by no means the SAME as a democracy”, but they are absolutely related. The first had all the citizens come together and vote directly, and whatever the mob said, that was Law. A Democratic Republic has the people instead elect a group of Representatives to assemble and vote on their behalf, and whatever that assembly votes for is Law. A Democratic Constitutional Republic is the same, except that there is a Constitution that limits what the Representatives can and can’t do, instead of just letting whatever they vote in favor of have the full force of Law. So we’re like two steps above Democracy, but it’s certainly a related form of government. We just fixed some of the dangers, like how the mob could be whipped up by a demogogue into voting to arrest and execute all NRA members, for example. In a straight Democracy, if a persuasive public speaker stepped up the day after Sandy Hook or Parkland and said “it’s the NRA’s fault, these gun owners have children’s blood on their hands! The children won’t be safe as long as they are alive, and they deserve punishment for the lives that were lost to guns! I propose we vote immediately!”, if they got the necessary majority, there you go: it’s now law, all gun owners are proscribed people, and must suffer Death.
      A dangerous, volatile, unstable and usually highly unjust system of government.

  4. One comment brought up in another forum, the poster was skeptical that Biden or Harris was even on that bus. That there was no way USSS would let a convoy like that get that close to/surround the protectee.

    Don’t know how much there is to that, but it’s certainly plausible.

    1. More than likely they were transported by other means (aerial) and just get in the bus at the last possible moment to appear “folksy” to the cameras and the few present. But the bus is the optics, the flag if you will.

      1. Yes, they probably use the bus to carry the podiums and stage props, the interns and sound techs, the flags and stage backdrops, communications guys, etc. Biden and the VIPS and the main campaign managers no doubt fly instead (it costs a lot to fly all that bulky material; the bus, like you said, allows them to present an illusion of folksy old fashioned (and of course more Green!) bus transport. The optics of flying on a private jet are problematic if you are trying to be “Joe From Scranton” and Eco-Champion. So they probably fly in, and spend a day or three in a nice hotel, incognito, until the bus catches up (after delivering the materials and techs to start setup), then they come out and get on the bus and drive back to the rally, so the camera’s can film them “arriving”, and everyone pretends they are just stepping of the bus after driving straight cross country for 1,000 miles.

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