By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

25 thoughts on “Piers Morgan never saw it coming.”
  1. I’m still amazed that anti’s even try to make that argument, since it’s one of the easiest to crush. Really tells you something about how intelligent they are, or how stupid they think we are.

  2. If the Second Amendment only applies to muskets, then the 1st Amendment only applies to quill pens and printing presses.

  3. Posted on the third of the month? Gosh, it sure took me a long time to find the Love of My Life! :'(
    The Lady has more class than morgan’s queenie, that’s for sure! (So I know she won’t want nothin’ to do with me :'( Waaaaaa)

  4. Someone please enlighten me….why does a British citizen, living in the US, feel the need to tell us how OUR Constitution and Bill of Rights should be interpreted? Is he a US citizen and I missed it somewhere? If not….STFU and/or go home.

    1. The British never got the memo that they aren’t a world-spanning empire anymore, and that the United States aren’t those uppity colonies they can just send a force of Redcoats down to quell once in a while.

      Other nations who haven’t gotten the memo: Canada, France.

      Of course, we don’t help things any what with our governing individuals being obsessed with how the rest of the world views the one kid on the block who could literally take ALL of them in a fight should we so desire.

  5. >> why does a British citizen, living in the US, feel the need to tell us how OUR Constitution and Bill of Rights should be interpreted?

    Freedom of speech. It’s not there to protect people’s rights to say popular things.

    1. >> and it does not give you a 100% free of criticism pass.

      No one is suggesting a criticism free pass. Freedom of speech protect your right to criticize. I was simply answering someone’s question.

      “Why does a British citizen… feel the need to tell us…?”

      I obviously can’t tell you why he “feels the need”, but I can simply say that he has the right to. And I’m glad he does have that right – citizen or not.

  6. Typical Brit asshat liberal asserting his lack of knowledge about The Constitution and The Bill Of Rights…You GO Carol Roth! Sic ’em girl! 🙂

    1. I’d almost be willing to bet the typical Brit knows the Constitution better than the typical American. Not saying this asshat does.

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