From Twitter:

The rioters in Portland have burned American flags, destroyed statues and monuments to our founding fathers, have waved communist flags, and have attacked ordinary citizens.

These same people have cursed us on the Right.  Called us Nazis and white supremacists.  Have explained how we are the worst human beings on Earth.  How we should be imprisoned, reeducated, or killed by the government for wanted to keep our AR-15s which they want to ban.

But now, because of the lawlessness they started, they are being handled by federal law enforcement which doesn’t wear kid gloves, they want us to show up with our guns to shoot federal law enforcement to save them.

No.  Fuck no.

Under no circumstances will I put myself at risk to defend people who have been calling for my oppression, imprisonment, and death, for attacking things that I respect and love (my nation and it’s history).

I own guns to defend myself from a government run by those assholes that want to drag me out of my bed in the middle of the night because I criticized the anti-Semitism of Black Lives Matter.

I don’t own guns to defend the people who want to drag me out of my bed in the middle of the night because I criticized the anti-Semitism of Black Lives Matter from being arrested by federal law enforcement after they tried to burn down a federal courthouse.

They can get fucked with a tear gas canister.

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By J. Kb

17 thoughts on “Piss off, we’re not going to help you”
  1. So, “rev”, you’re whining that the very folks you have vilified, that you have advocated for demolishing everything we, and our forebears have valued, and now you’re pissy that we aren’t riding in, guns blazing, to save you from the predictable results of your lawless horseshit!

    Hmmm. What would a thoughtful response to that sound like?

    Oh, yes. Hahahahahaha (wheeze)
    Hahahahahaha, hohohohohi, heeheeherhee (gasp)

    Did I miss anything?

    1. “Did I miss anything?”

      Just, a solid “no” at the end of the laughter. 🙂

  2. Well, Rev’s statements are so ass-backwards and full of nonsense, it’s almost funny.

    I will say this, Rev, if you see the gun owners you vilify and hate so much coming in to defend Portland, they won’t be coming in to defend YOU! They’ll be coming in to shoot your ass and your fellow commies, too. Not everyone is a fool who can’t think his way out of a paper bag. Just the (useful) idiots you surround yourself with have that affliction.

  3. You wanted tribalism? You got it. And our tribe is more closely aligned with the traditions that support the current system of government.

  4. I own guns to defend myself and my family from criminals and a tyrannical government, I don’t own them to defend criminals from being arrested for attacking federal property or federal agents.
    If you don’t want to disappear into the federal system blame your state and city governments for not getting your lawlessness handled at the state and city level or you know don’t go around attacking people and buildings or general looting.

    1. They’re committing federal crimes and are shocked to see the feds arresting them.

      They’ve been declaring they want a “revolution” for years; they should be happy that’s not taken seriously enough to bring the military down on them.

    2. Come on, now, they’re not going to disappear.

      Be arrested, tried, hopefully convicted and put away for a good long time? Sure. But not “disappeared.”

  5. If the gun owners of America ever do decide to “Defend Portland,” the rev’rund and his communist Antifa pals would not like it.

    We are the same American Tea Party types that left our protest sites cleaner than before we arrived. We will take out the trash most thoroughly, and leave Portland cleaner and safer than it was before.

  6. Yeah,, like gun owners should go get in the way of law enforcement thats been needing to happen for a long time.. Youd bitch about a dad spanking an unruly child and pretend it was child abuse,, Youre crying out of intellectual dishonesty,, IOW
    YOU are a Liar in ways that are so abhorrent youll never grasp it.
    YOU Lie to yoursef\and You believe your own stupid bullshit..

    Spank those adult children!

    Time out obviously wasnt painful enough to teach them anything..

  7. The right thinking folks were amassing guns in the event that tyranny does break out.

    I bet it would surprise the Rev to find out exactly who the right thinking people see as the tyrannical ones. (HINT: It is not the Feds)

  8. After flying flags showing your “power fist” strangling a rattler with the motto “We Will Tread on You”, you expect the people that’s directed at to come to your rescue?

    From perfectly reasonable law enforcement activity?

  9. Why is the “Rev” and fellow scum not armed?

    Is it because YOU are a coward, and find firearms “icky” so you won’t defend yourself, or is it because you are all criminals and prohibited persons?

    Of course, you are for insurrection and rioting, so if the National Guard comes in to squelch an armed revolt by communist thugs like you, well I will watch and eat copious amounts of popcorn.

    BTW, I do hope you are all morons and escalate the violence so that you can be dealt with properly. Bye, bye!

    1. They are armed — don’t let their advocacy for disarming you think they’re not in favor of weapons for themselves, or think they’d bother with legalities. The “CHAZ/CHOP” enforcer was handing out ARs from the trunk of his car — you think he cared as much about gun control laws as he did personal loyalty?

  10. Larry Correia had this to say:

    How fucking gullible do you think we are? ? Like holy shit. Damn dude!
    Because we all know that literally 30 seconds after a gun nut blows away a government employee on your behalf, then all the national media coverage of the riots will instantly cease (sorta like the Corona Virus coverage did) and it’ll be back to the news breathlessly reporting about right wing extremist gun nuts, and all you useless fucks would go back to whining for more dumb ass gun control.

    He had a lot more to say on this.

  11. This pro 2A person is fully supporting them going down to the local gun store and becoming a gun owner. If they can fill out the paperwork correctly, aren’t prohibited (no Mary J for you) and don’t set of the FFL’s alarms…
    And I’m betting that they have a waiting period…

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