Maybe I didn’t make myself clear enough.

We have seen an incredible amount of damage and violence come from the riots in Portland, which as of last night, had been going on for 50 days straight.

The riots have caused $23 million in damage, at least $4 million in direct physical damage to property.

Portland police have been ineffectual, because of the mayor’s orders, and so federal law enforcement was brought in to protect federal property.

The Leftist politicians of Oregon are adamantly against this.

Yes, that is a United States Senator calling US federal LEOs “Trump’s secret police.”

The mayor made it clear his plan was to let the riots just burn themselves out.  How much damage they did in the process is irrelevant.

Even Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has gotten in on the act of calling federal law enforcement “Stormtroopers.”

She is pushing the lie that the protests were peaceful and not utterly violent and destructive.

The hashtag #PortlandKidnappings is trending, because Twitter is clearly biased.

The Oregon AG is filing suit against federal agencies for the arrests.

Clearly the Left wants the riots in Portland.  I have no idea why, but they do.

You cannot protect people from themselves.  That is a losing proposition.

It is for this reason that I believe that Trump should pull all federal law enforcement, federal judges, federal attornies, essentially all federal employees out of Portland.

Let Antifa win.  Seriously.

We all know how the Left is.  The revolution always eats its own.

So yes, I want to see Antifa death squads go on a Maoist/Stalinist/Hitlerian purge of Democrats who are not as Left as Antifa.

I want to see Antifa pull Mayor Wheeler out of his office due to some accusation of a lack of ideological purity, and shoot him in the back of the head.

I want homes of Portlanders with Priuses parked in the driveway covered in “Obama,” “I’m With Her,” and “Coexist” bumper stickers raided and the homeowners dragged out and murdered because they didn’t show enough solidarity for the revolution.

I want the Left to have to grovel and beg on bended knee to be saved from the Antifa Reign of Terror.

They sowed those seeds, they should be forced to eat the poisonous fruit.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Why we should surrender Portland and let it burn”
  1. No. Declare Oregon in rebellion, arrest the state level executive officers and the mayors involved in protecting the rebellion, eject the Congressional members, revert it to a territory, divide it into multiple sections and offer the sane parts statehood.

  2. The concept is the same as a futbol flop. Goad your opponent into an overreaction, and then play on the sympathies of the observers.
    Here, they’re damaging Federal property to force the Feds to protect it, and are trying to spin it as Trump’s Jackbooted thugs, with the usual willing participation of the media.

    Problem is, they’re not getting the sympathies of the rest of America. It’s pretty obvious that this is just the usual crowd of spoiled brats acting out their radical chic roleplay. I don’t think it’s going to fly this time.

  3. As for the why they’re letting this happen, it’s part of the unspoken bargain the Democrat party made when they threw Bernie under the bus again. They have to let the Radicals have their way in order to get their votes in November.

    It may mean throwing away the presidency, but it will secure the smaller and more local seats. Otherwise the radicals will vote for various kook fringe candidates, and the Dems will lose a lot of essential votes.

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