Just finished reading J.Kb’s post about NBC hiring some military Gun Control dude and I am done with the incredible smugness of those former officers that feel more akin to have the rules of Banana Republic that actual respect for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights

So, you are an expert in guns and should be the only one allowed to have them because you had military training ? Please then explain this to me about military firearms training:

In World War II, an average of 20,000 rounds were used to kill an enemy.
In Vietnam. the number jumped to 50,000 round per enemy kill.
In the War on Terror, the numbers leaped to 250,000 per enemy kill.

How fucking accurate are you guys?

OK, now we are going to have people complaining that a lot of that ammo goes for training. How much? 50%?  60%? 90%? If we settle for 99% of the ammo consumption going for training, that leaves us with 2,500 rounds fired per kill! So exactly what kind of screwed up training did you get where you spent a quarter million rounds and yet it still takes you 2,500 rounds to put an insurgent down? And that is the training you want civilians to take before exercising our rights to bear arms?

I know, next I am gonna hear the people complaining about how I am exaggerating because I am not taking in consideration covering fire and the use of full automatic weapons including crew served weapons.  For some reason, a question gets repeated:   is that the training you want civilians to take before exercising our rights to bear arms? You want civilians responding to a break in their homes or defending a neighbor by shooting magazine after magazine to cover an area rather than precise shots to take out a dangerous criminal? 

Interesting enough, Civilian use of firearms in self-defense runs with a very low count. How low? You will be hard pressed to find enough cases where a round count above 15 (standard magazine capacity) is even mentioned anywhere. We train reloads as much a response to weapon’s malfunction  as of need to continue to be in the fight.

As for usage during training? I think our country would do better sending our soldiers to places like Thunder Ranch where some of the best training is concentrated in three days and only requires 900 rounds  for a basic course and another three days and 1,000 rounds for an advanced course. And believe me, being trained by Thunder Ranch will produce better and smarter shooters than anything the military can offer in Basic Training….and cheaper too.

And if the above is not enough about killing the idea that the Military firearms instruction applies in Civilian life, here is the link to an old post of mine: Again on Instructors.

Yes, outstanding military pistol training right there!


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “Please spare me the “I’m better and know best because I got military training.””
  1. This is a byproduct of Obama’s reorganization of the military. Anybody who was going to be in favor of civilian gun ownership was also going to be in favor of a lot of other things the Left don’t like, so they got kicked out in favor of promoting communists to higher positions. Opinions trickle down the ranks, and we’re left with a military structure that opposes gun ownership and favors trans couples raising kids.

    Of course, it does still ignore the fact that the militia outnumbers every military in the world combined.

  2. He’s only right about one thing– most people outside the military would be surprised how little POGs and non-ers like him spend around firearms and doing actual combat things.

    … which is especially why we POGs/reservists/retired, still subject to recall/etc. need to have the means, material and opportunity to train on our own.

  3. Speaking as a retired enlisted squid, who qualified expert in the Navy…no big deal, with the best scores in my command…..and I’m not all that great….. Most of the military cannot shoot. Sure, infantry can shoot. MPs can shoot. Officers don’t know a thing about guns. Heck, they can barely play “assault that hill.” I had to explain what “flanking” was to 10 officers who were playing a wargame prior to deployment.

    NOBODY in the military should use his/her experience in combat to relate to civilian self defense without major consideration to the differences in context.

    So…yeah… That whole, “I know what I’m talking about because I’m a vet” is claptrap.

  4. The funny thing is, there is a lot of crossover between the high level civvie competition shooting world, high level law enforcement training, and the military SOF guys.

    Often times, it’s the techniques & equipment that are developed in civilian competitions like 3 gun, IDPA, et al that are passed on to the upper tier/ switched on SWAT and .mil operators, which then eventually trickles down to the regular cops and soldiers. And there’s a fair bit of feedback the other way- what works, and what gets one kilt in da streets.

  5. One of our local sheriff deputy told me she shoots 1 time a year-qualify time
    This guy reminds me of the “fox news gun expert” that talked about the “bullet button” on kalifornia ar s. Another blow dryed “expert”

  6. Hey, it could be worse. In countries like Holland, cops are trained to fire warning shots. And their idea of a warning shot is one aimed a bit over the head of the bad guy. In other words, a shot that’s going to hit some unsuspecting target a few hundred yards down range. In a city…

  7. Extensive training, my butt. Most Army units get 49 live rounds per soldier, PER YEAR, to conduct their training — nine rounds to zero, 40 to qualify.

    During the 1990s, even ARNG Special Forces units often got held to that limit… officially. (Go peruse the archives of the Weaponsman blog…)

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