So mom complained this morning that her almost 40+-year-old sewing machine was running slow. We bought that thing way back in Venezuela and she was so attached to it that we brought it when she moved in with us.

I checked it and it was indeed running slow as crap, sluggish take off and you could hear the motor working too hard. So I brought the thing to my bench and after an inspection, it was determined that years of oil and crap needed to be removed. So, what is a Gun Aficionado to do?

Shooter’s Choice! TA-DA!

And now, and without any lubrication yet, the RPMs have increased five fold. Some nasty crud came out, let me tell ya. The only negative was mom doing her best impersonation of a helicopter making sure I did not screw up her baby.

Next: Lubrication. I am gonna use what’s left of my dwindling supply of Slipstream because it is Mom’s baby after all and I don’t want her pissed at me.

PS: According to mom, the machine was bough in the mid 1970s so it is past the 40 year mark. I am not arguing with the woman.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Gun Solutions to everyday issues.”
  1. One of the rare items I have in my collection is a bottle of Sewing Machine Whale Oil that I inherited from a great grandmother along with the sewing machine itself.

    A little bacon grease o’ the sea.

  2. Whale oil-also known as squaline, you can get some in an emergency from the skin on your nose too. Armed with a dangerous mind we are, yes..

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